
sú yǔ
  • colloquialism;common saying;folk adage;byword;flok adage
俗语 [sú yǔ]
  • [flok adage;common saying] 民间流传的通俗语句。包括俚语、谚语及口头常用的成语

  • 故俗语曰:画地为狱议不入,刻本为吏期不对。--《汉书.路温郐传》

俗语[sú yǔ]
  1. 你知道一句关于米饭的中国俗语吗?

    Do you know a Chinese common saying about cooked rice ?

  2. 其中的“金钱”俗语更是内容丰富,形象生动。

    Common saying about money have abundant contents , and is very lively .

  3. 因此民俗语汇的品类中有俗语成分,民俗语汇与俗语有交叉,二者不是截然分开的

    The vocabulary of folklore and the folk adages have intersections . We can 't disjoin them completely .

  4. 它在这里表示的意思跟英语俗语“虚有其表”和汉语中的“绣花枕头”的意思一样,“绣花枕头”外表很漂亮,可里面却只是填满了干草而已。

    It ’ s similar to the English saying “ Many a fine dish has nothing on it ” or the Chinese idiom “ embroidered pillow , ” which boasts a beautiful cover , but with only worthless dried straw stuffed inside . For example :

  5. 甜柠檬一词来源于一句俗语:“生活给你柠檬,就榨柠檬汁吧。”意思是在最坏的情况下尽力做到最好,就算要往柠檬汁里倒进许多糖直到它味道变甜。

    The term sweet lemon comes from the saying , " When life hands you lemons , make lemonade . " It means making the best of a bad situation , even if it involves mixing lemons with cuploads of sugar until they actually taste sweet .

  6. “WrongWay—GoBack”(走错路--请返回)或“PedXing”(斑马线)在英国人看来都过于俗语化了。

    Wrong Way ─ Go Back ' or ' Ped Xing ' are too idiomatic for the British .

  7. 这个短语源自于英文俗语tokickthebucket,意即去世(翘辫子),这个表达早在1785年就已经在使用了。

    This phrase comes from the idiom to kick the bucket , meaning to die , which has been in the language since at least 1785 .

  8. Harold,你最应该清楚,剥掉猫皮的法子多着呢。(英文俗语,指做成一件事有许多种方法)

    Harold , you of all people should know there 's more than one way to skin a cat .

  9. 有趣的是,我的一位土耳其朋友最近跟我说起来这句俗语在土耳其语中的意思不一样,makesyourbloodboil意思是让你感到兴奋、激动。

    Interestingly , a friend of mine from Turkey recently told me that the expression has a different meaning in Turkish , where if something ' makes your blood boil ' , it makes you excited . And thats it for now join us again for some more Language Snacks .

  10. 阿米尔的竞争对手,勒耶出版社(LejenPress)推出过迄今最畅销的书籍之一——《穿查克·泰勒的阿维克》(AwekChuckTaylor)。它结合了街头俗语和手机信息语言,卖出了四万册,成为独立出版界的超级巨星。

    A rival publisher , Lejen Press , has had one of the biggest hits so far , a novel called " Awek Chuck Taylor . " Written in a combination of street slang and text messages , it has sold about 40000 copies , making it a superstar of independent publishing here .

  11. 很难正确的说俗语的起源。

    It is difficult to tell exactly where the saying began .

  12. 因此有句俗语说,扫罗也列在先知中吗。

    Wherefore they say , is Saul also among the prophets ?

  13. 《西游记》中的俗语研究

    Research on Common Sayings in " Journey to the West "

  14. 惯用语是俗语的一种,也是一个民族文化的产物。

    Idiom is a saying , but also a product of culture .

  15. 《西游记》俗语中的人物性格和时代特色

    Personality and Time Characteristics in Slang of A Journey to the West

  16. 明清白话小说俗语词选释

    The Explanation Of Words In Ming And Qing Popular Novels

  17. 雁、燕国俗语义比较

    A Comparison Between Goose and Swallow in Terms of National Cultural Semantics

  18. 我正如俗语所说的一般能够洞察石磨。

    I can see into a millstone , as the saying is .

  19. 红色(英文)38℃的红色《红楼梦》中俗语的翻译初探

    On the Translation of Common Sayings in A Dream of Red Mansions

  20. 俗语有云,你一无所有来到这俗世。

    YOU come into the world with nothing , the saying goes .

  21. 你又掌握了多少俗语和隐含的语言习惯?

    How many idioms and hidden rules have you mastered ?

  22. 这是我所收集的人生的第一句俗语。

    This is the life I have collected the first one goes .

  23. 浅谈俄罗斯谚语和俗语中的文化

    The Culture of the Russian 's Proverb and Common Saying

  24. 据说原来是小乐队所使用的俗语。

    And what is a word , a single unit of language .

  25. 从明清小说中俗语词的大量事实来考查,《汉语大词典》中释义有误或不确切的词目,至少在11例以上。

    The Great Chinese Dictionary has at least 11 mistakes .

  26. 这些关于时间的俗语在写作和会话中经常会用到。

    These idioms about time are used frequently in writing and conversation .

  27. 视点转换:俗语翻译过程中忠实的叛逆

    Transformation of Perspective : Loyal Rebellion in the Course of Idiom Translation

  28. 俗语说未经思考省察的人生

    They say the unexamined life is not worth living .

  29. 正如俗语所说,事物都有两面性。

    As a popular saying goes , every coin has two sides .

  30. 标题是一个俗语:“坚持你”。

    The title is a colloquialism for " stick with you " .