
sú yǔ cí
  • popular word
  1. 明清白话小说俗语词选释

    The Explanation Of Words In Ming And Qing Popular Novels

  2. 从明清小说中俗语词的大量事实来考查,《汉语大词典》中释义有误或不确切的词目,至少在11例以上。

    The Great Chinese Dictionary has at least 11 mistakes .

  3. 西北方言词语在近代俗语词考释中的价值略论&以《金瓶梅词话》、《醒世姻缘传》和《聊斋俚曲集》为例

    The Value of Northwestern Dialect for the Explanation of the Vernacular Words in Modern Times

  4. 这无论对《俗言》本身研究,还是对汉语俗语词研究都是不利的。

    Regardless of this itself studies to " su yan ", or to Chinese vulgar words research is disadvantageous .

  5. 元明清小说俗语词方言证诂

    Critical Interpretation of the Vernacular Words and Terms Arising in the Novels of Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties

  6. 本文是对明代笔记小说俗语词进行的全面系统的整理研究。

    This thesis is an overall and systematic study of the colloquial words in the Ming dynasty 's literary sketches .

  7. 第四章对《水浒传》两个英译本中汉语俗语词的翻译进行了详尽的对比。

    Chapter Four makes a thorough study on the translation of the common sayings in the two English versions of Shui Hu Chuan .

  8. 但贵州方言存活着的一些近代俗语词,却可资佐证,而得出其确诂。

    But in Guizhou dialect there are still some words in modern vernacular which can be used as evidence to give definite explanation .

  9. 清代笔记小说记录并解释了大量的俗语词,为汉语词汇研究提供了十分珍贵的语言材料。

    Literary sketches of the Qing Dynasty record and explain lots of colloquialism and provide quite precious materials for the study of Chinese vocabulary .

  10. 这些俗语词或选自不同时代的作品,或源于不同地域的作者,因而作品也就包含有不同时代、不同地域的语言成分,其来源与成分相当复杂。

    They were either selected from works of different times or employed by authors living in different regions , hence the complicated origins and components .

  11. 汉语俗语词是汉语词汇史上各个时期流行于社会各阶层口语中的新产生的词语和虽早已有之但意义已有变化的词语。

    Chinese Colloquial words , those newly-born words or fully-grown ones with their meanings having changed , once prevailed among spoken languages of different social strata in history .

  12. 《元典章》中保留了非常丰富的元代语言资料,它的语言是元代白话文和文言文的混合体,其中包含有大量的俗语词和公文用语。

    And the language of this book is a combination of classic Chinese and spoken Chinese of Yuan Dynasty , so it contains lots of common sayings and official usage .

  13. 首先是从来源上对词汇类型进行了概述,然后从外来音译词、自造词、词语变义词、宋元时期的俗语词四种类型进行解释分析。

    First from the source of vocabulary types were summarized , and then from the foreign words , coined words , change the word , song and Yuan period of the colloquial words in interpreting analysis four types .

  14. 近代白话文献中的一些俗语词,现代字典、辞书往往由于无古训可据或不明其作为方言俗语的确切含义,或失收,或释义难以到位。

    Some of the documents of modern vernacular can not be found or be given definite explanation in modern dictionaries and word books because there were no ancient writings as evidence or their meanings are not quite clear as dialect and vernacular .

  15. 在进行文化翻译时,译者可能碰到的最大问题之一就是有关国俗语义词的翻译。

    While doing translation concerning words with cultural backgrounds , one of the biggest problems the translator might encounter is the translation of national cultural words .

  16. 先前对国俗语义词的研究大都以个例为主,很少对同一类别的国俗语义词进行分类汇总研究。

    Previous researches into words with cultural connotations were mostly based on the case study , and seldom categorized the national cultural words for a systematical study .

  17. 第二部分主要介绍目的论的发展、特征和研究现状,以及国俗语义词的定义。

    The second part mainly introduces the development , features and research status of Skopos Theory , as well as the definition and features of national cultural words .

  18. 本文意在使成语、俗语及古诗词中的物理教学资源得到有效的利用,能将其有机的融入到不同的教学情境中,对物理课程教学发展起到积极的推进作用。

    The aim of the article is to make effective use of Physics teaching resources in idioms , common sayings and ancient poetry words ; to apply it to different teaching environments ; to play an important role in promoting the development of Physics Teaching .

  19. 同时,一方面,本文扩展了词族研究的范围,引入分词单位的概念,把俗语也列入了词族的研究范畴。

    Meanwhile , on the one hand , this thesis extends the scope of " word family " study . The introduction of " word unit " concept brings the folk adage into this study area .