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sú yuè
  • Vulgar music;popular music/song
俗乐 [sú yuè]
  • [folk music] 世俗的音乐。与雅乐相对

  1. 论先秦俗乐、雅乐的音声特征

    Sound Features of Vulgar Music and Refined Music in Pre-qin Dynasty

  2. 雅乐与俗乐是两种不同风格的音乐,有着不同的阶级性。

    Refined music and popular music fall on two different styles and take on different class characters .

  3. 自中国古代阶级社会形成以来,宫廷雅乐与民间俗乐就形成了相互对立的特征。

    Since the formation of class society in ancient China , there were opposing features between the court music and the pop music .

  4. 隋唐时期的宫廷音乐是以胡俗乐为核心的音乐,其中,印度系音乐影响颇盛。

    Husu Yue was the kernel of the court music in Sui and Tang dynasties , among which the impact of Indian music can be obviously seen .

  5. 第五章为结论部分,揭示了汉晋宫廷俗乐制度化对民间俗乐带来的影响,及对以后古代音乐发展造成的影响,并且为俗乐究竟如何影响宫廷音乐的发展提供了一种解释。

    It reveals the influence of the folk music institutionalization in courts of the Han and Jin dynasties on folk music and later development of Chinese ancient music .

  6. 乐府机构通过采集民间俗乐进而加以改制、加工以供帝王之需,加工后的乐曲多为相和曲。

    Conservatory Folk Music institutions through acquisition and then to reform , the need of processing for the emperor , after processing more than music and song for the phase .

  7. 雅乐和民间俗乐体现着不同阶级的艺术审美需求,但两者却有着千丝万缕的联系。

    The court music and folk music reflect the different aesthetic choices made by different classes for art and music , but this two have small connections in few ways .

  8. 自古以来,从乡民俗乐到贵族雅乐,从宫廷礼仪到百姓祭奠,它都发挥着特有的功能。

    Since ancient times , from the rural folk music to the nobility gagaku , from court etiquette to the people to hold a memorial ceremony , it plays an unique function .

  9. 雅依从于这种规范后的礼,最早在音乐领域诞生,借以和未经规范的、不能体现礼的精神的“俗乐”相区分。

    The refined obeys in this kind of " Li ", the most as early as music realm bear , and distinct with the vulgar music which have not yet the norm of Labor can 't reflect the Li 's spirit .

  10. 本文以汉晋时期进入宫廷的俗乐为研究对象,通过阅读和分析文献资料,从音乐制度的层面入手考察俗乐在宫廷内的发展。

    This paper takes the folk music in the Han and Jin courts as research object . By reading and analyzing documents and literature , this paper , beginning from the aspect of music system , reviews development of the folk music .

  11. 指出在唐代中外文化大交流的背景下,雅、胡、俗乐逐渐融汇,相互交流吸收,加速了乐器组合的发展变化。

    Point out it under the background of fact that Chinese and foreign culture was exchanged greatly in Tang Dynasty , Ya , Hu , Su music are merged gradually , exchange and absorb each other , has accelerated development and change that the musical instrument makes up .

  12. 第二节唐代散乐之乐队组合,主要探讨演奏百戏、歌舞戏、俳优戏等俗乐为主的教坊乐队组合形式。

    Section two The form of composition of the orchestra of the palace of Tang Dynasty , Probe into , play acrobatics , song and dance play with , Pai excellent folk music of playing with etc. for to teach workshop composition of the orchestra form main fact mainly .