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sú yàn
  • gaudy
俗艳 [sú yàn]
  • [noisy] 色彩艳丽俗气

  • 芟除俗艳,小泛真珠色。--清. 陈维崧《念奴娇》

  1. 英国旅游者经常穿着俗艳的短裤和t恤衫。

    British tourists often wear gaudy shorts and t-shirts .

  2. 她穿着两件套的夏装,我注意到其颜色正是时髦的俗艳。

    She wore a two-piece summer suit of gaudy color that I had noticed was in vogue .

  3. 他们登上铺着俗艳的紫色地毯的楼梯。

    They climbed the garish purple-carpeted stairs .

  4. 她的房间刷着俗艳的颜色。

    Her room was painted in meretricious technicolour .

  5. 她的嘴唇涂得很俗艳

    She painted her lips gaudily .

  6. 与此同时,MySpace依然坚持俗艳的设计,只要点击打开主页,音乐便会自动播放。

    MySpace , meantime , insisted on sticking with a garish design and music that autostarted when a profile was opened .

  7. 然而,公司开设连锁店的速度过快,尤其是门店——本以为这会带来极大成功,结果却一败涂地。随着各大店铺的开张,Juicy很快变得满大街都是,再加上商标俗艳不堪,消费者逐渐丧失了兴趣。

    But the brand built out its own chain of stores too quickly , including the kiss of death , outlets , and flamed out , with customers turned off by its ubiquity , its use of garish logos .

  8. 他对于俗艳领带的喜爱是办公室里的笑柄。

    His preference for loud ties was the joke of the office .

  9. 雷切尔穿得太俗艳,我不喜欢。

    Rachel is too showy for my liking .

  10. 这个有点太俗艳。

    It 's a bit too loud .

  11. 华丽或俗艳地装饰打扮。

    Dress or decorate showily or gaudily .

  12. 那条裙子太俗艳了。

    That dress is just tawdry .

  13. 总的说来就是不要穿颜色过于俗艳的衣服,那会分散面试官的注意力。

    In general avoid dressing in loud , garish clothes that would prove distracting to the interviewer .

  14. 他以往认识的女性几乎都属于同一类型:自私、无知、俗艳。

    Such women as he had known were of nearly one type , selfish , ignorant , flashy .

  15. 他们互相交谈着,并和边上坐着的那些衣着俗艳的姑娘分食着桔子。

    They talked to each other and shared their oranges with the tawdry girls who sat beside them .

  16. 大约八点半的时候,我从一家可笑的小剧场前走过,那儿有点光亮的煤气灯和俗艳的海报。

    About half past eight I passed by an absurd little theatre , with great flaring gas-jets and gaudy play bills .

  17. 一排枫树后面有一个平房,房子的一面墙上贴满了色彩俗艳的广告,由于层层覆盖而鼓了起来。

    There was a low house Behind a row of maples , with one wall Blistered all over with gaudy advertisements .

  18. 认为在美人形象上寄寓理想人格、理想情操是美人题材文学一致的追求,其中宫体诗和唐宋艳词使其偏向俗艳;

    Conclusions was made that the image of beauty represents the ideal personality and sentiment , and was the common woo of beauty-themed literature .

  19. 根据娱乐体育节目电视网的调查,在那个时候,足球队的经纪人就开始倾向于找比较俗艳的啦啦队长了,但是这些职位仍然是志愿者岗位。

    According to ESPN , football team managers started to opt for flashier cheerleaders at this time , but they were still volunteer positions .