
píng yǔ
  • comment;remark;expository notes
评语 [píng yǔ]
  • (1) [comment]∶评论的话

  • (2) [expository notes]∶含有说明、解释或评论的话;作说明或讲解用的话

  • 偶尔有对正文的讲解和带解释性的注,但无评语

评语[píng yǔ]
  1. 他听到这消息时下的评语不宜刊登。

    His comment when he heard the news was not printable .

  2. 我看到论文封面顶部那个红色的C,旁边没有任何解释和评语,这才明白他那离奇的举动。

    I understood this odd presentation when I looked and saw , without any explanation or comment , the red letter " C " on the top of the cover page of my paper .

  3. 用铅笔写的评语没有复印清楚。

    The comments in pencil haven 't photocopied very well .

  4. 她因反对公司政策而得到考绩不良评语。

    She earned a black mark for opposing company policy .

  5. 主管的评语让我大吃一惊。

    I am astounded at the comments made by the Chief Superintendent .

  6. 她在页边的空白处写下了评语。

    She added her comments in the margin .

  7. 学生们遵照这一评语修改了他们的论文,并交上去进行最后的评审。

    Following this critique , students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation

  8. 与人为善是我最大的特点。我在给饭店写评语时很少用到激烈的言辞。

    Geniality is my middle name . I rarely write a fierce word about any restaurant .

  9. 我明白你评语的意义。

    I saw the force of your remarks .

  10. 我希望从你的忠告[批评,评语]中得益。

    I hope to profit by [ from ] your advice [ criticism , comments ] .

  11. 这一评语并不针对任何人。

    This remark is not directed at any one .

  12. 括号内的评语是作者的。

    The comments in brackets are the author 's.

  13. 这一评语十分的当。

    This appraisal is highly appropriate .

  14. 即使对好消息,他们也往往要加上几句诋毁的评语

    Even with favorable items they would usually add some disparaging comments .

  15. 建立评语集V;

    Creating remark collective V ;

  16. 所以,创建一个“info”元素,其中只包含产品ID和评语。

    Instead , create an Info element with just the product ID and message .

  17. 评论ID、客户ID和评语存储在“comments”列中的XML文档中。

    The comment IDs , customer IDs , and messages are stored in XML documents in the " comments " column .

  18. 本论文探讨了EFL写作课堂中教师评语对学生写作动机的影响。

    This thesis explores how teacher comments influence students ' motivation for writing in EFL composition classes .

  19. 龚校长评语:如果我当年有像Peter这样的天赋和悟性,那我至少会比现在成功4倍以上!

    Gongjiaochang reviews : If I was like Peter the talent and savvy , I would at least successful than it is now more than four times !

  20. 这些评语对克赖恩来说却不太吉利。2012年潘伟迪(VikramPandit)意外辞去花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官一职时,当时对他的评语与此如出一辙。

    Ominously for Mr Cryan , these comments echoed those made about Vikram Pandit when he unexpectedly stepped down as Citigroup 's CEO in 2012 .

  21. 就这位瑞士大宗商品公司嘉能可(glencore)新任主席上周接受的采访而言,这是我能给出的最好的评语。

    That is the best that can be said for the interview given by the new chairman of the Switzerland-based Commodities Company Glencore this week .

  22. 评语中指出:iPod跳脱大家对于高科技产品冰冷的印象,透过伟大的创新与出色的设计,带来产品新的亲切感与热情。

    Reviews that : iPod escape from all high-tech products for the cold impression , through the great innovation and excellent design , bringing a new sense of intimacy and passion products .

  23. 在评价过程中,指标权重和隶属度的确定是重点也是难点,本文选用德尔菲法(Delphi)和层次分析法(AHP)确定了各指标的权重和指标对评语集的隶属度;

    During the course of evaluation , how to determine indicator weight arid subordinate degree is the emphases as well as difficulties , this paper uses Delphi expert questionaire and AHP in obtaining weight and quantifying value of each indicator with intent to ensure the objectivity of the model .

  24. 反唇相稽的话、评语等.用批评增加讲话锋芒

    Recriminatory remarks , comments , etc needle a speech By criticism

  25. 对于长毛型的玩具动物,我们听到有些家长们评语不佳。

    We 've heard parents comment unfavorably about long-haired toy animals .

  26. 她在这页的上方写了一些评语。

    She pencilled some comments on the top of the page .

  27. 这位教授的许多评语对他们产生不了作用。

    Many of the professor 's comments are lost upon them .

  28. 教师评语对英语专业学生写作动机的影响

    Research on How Teacher Comments Influence Students ' Motivation for Writing

  29. 初中学生发展综合评语研究

    Research on Comprehensive Developing Comments of Student in Junior Middle School

  30. 你也不太可能会有受伤或者挨饿的风险,最多不过是得到一个有点严厉的评语而已。

    You probably won 't even risk injury or go hungry .