
  • 网络assessment;evaluation item;Assessment Items;Analytes
  1. 第四部分阐述了电子学档评价项目的设计以及在实施过程中的具体操作。

    In the fourth chapter , it states the design of electronic learning portfolio assessment items and its concrete operation during the implementation .

  2. 由经济合作及发展组织(OECD)策划实施的国际学生评价项目PISA,是目前世界上最有影响力的国际学生学习评价项目之一。

    The Programme for International Student Assessment PISA planed and implemented by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) is one of the most influential international student learning assessment items in the world .

  3. 因此,有了RationalQualityManager,基于模型的测试指定了在软件开发的早期阶段可以使用的工具,以帮助您评价项目的质量。

    Thus , with Rational Quality Manager , model-based tests specified early can be used throughout the software development lifecycle to help assess the project 's quality .

  4. D·H·艾伦博士提出等效最大投资周期指标用以评价项目投资的效果,以期对投资回收期指标予以改进。

    Aiming at improving the indexes on payback period , Dr. D · H · Ellen put forth the index of equivalent maximum investment period to evaluate the project investment .

  5. PWB用户要求的可靠性评价项目

    Reliability Evaluation Item that PWB User Require

  6. 结合现阶段我国的经济技术条件选择了适用于河流水质月报的评价项目即pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、五日生化需氧量、氨氮、石油类、挥发酚、汞和铅等9项。

    According to the actual economic and technological conditions of China , the assessing indicators for river water quality monthly report are pH , dissolving oxygen , permanganate value , BOD_5 , NH_3-N , oils , volatile phenol , mercury and lead have been selected .

  7. 除C7(约束力)和C10(情绪稳定性)外,其余9项胜任特征评价项目均与部队工作表现呈显著性相关(P<0.05);

    Except for discipline and emotional stability , nine items of the competency model were correlated with the job performance ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. MEOR用菌种筛选:原则,要求,一种简单筛选程序,性能评价项目和方法,营养液组成和选择;

    The topics covered are : ① screening and selection of species of microorganisms for MEOR ( principles , requirements , a convenient screening procedure , items and methods of performance evaluation , nutrients and their selection );

  9. 模糊理论在评价项目不确定性中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Theory in the Assessment of Projects ' Uncertainty

  10. 作者参加了陕西省旅游资源调查与评价项目,深切体会到旅游资源调查与评价任务的繁重和旅游资源信息管理的艰难。

    The investigation and evaluation of tourism resources is a complex task .

  11. 作为新兴的投资决策方法,实物期权方法在评价项目的不确定性问题上具有突出的优势。

    The real option theory is new-emerging decision-making method .

  12. 六红厂银多金属矿床系2002年国土资源大调查评价项目。

    The Liuhongchang Ag multimetallic deposit was a large resource investigation project in2002 .

  13. 评价项目投资风险的一种方法

    A Method for Risk Evaluation of Investment Project

  14. 从国际性学生评价项目引发的几点思考

    Some Reflections on Program of International Student Assessment

  15. 您必须注册在评价项目。

    You must register before rating items .

  16. 评价项目“真实”的状态已经变得越来越困难了。

    It has become increasingly difficult to assess the " real " status of projects .

  17. 国际北极海评价项目

    International Arctic Seas Assessment Project

  18. 层次评估理论指导评估者抓住项目关键环节,客观评价项目效果;

    The theory empower evaluator to focus on critical point and make a objective assessment on project effect ;

  19. 探讨了相应的主观评价项目、计分方法和综合评价指标的评定。

    Besides , we investigated the corresponding subjective evaluation items , scoring approaches and calculation of comprehensive evaluation index .

  20. 农村公路的社会经济效益是评价项目实施效果的重要依据。

    The evaluation of the social and economic benefits of rural highways is an important basis for effective implementation of the project .

  21. 网络语言是近年来随着计算机网络的发展新兴的一种语言,它具有一般语言所不具有的特点。作为新兴的投资决策方法,实物期权方法在评价项目的不确定性问题上具有突出的优势。

    Internet language is a newly emerging language different from general languages in many ways . The real option theory is new-emerging decision-making method .

  22. 该文结合奥林匹克森林公园交通影响评价项目,对公园类项目交通生成量预测进行了初步探讨。

    The article preliminarily discusses the forecast of the traffic generative capacity of the park projects combined with the traffic influence assessment project of Olympic Forest Park .

  23. 实物期权理论方法在评价项目的不确定性问题上具有突出优势,在这方面弥补了传统方法的不足。

    The real options method has background advantage in evaluation of uncertain project , so we can use this method to remedy the limitation of traditional methods .

  24. 矿产资源调查评价项目是以金属、非金属矿产为主要勘查对象的战略性矿产勘查评价工作,是一项公益性地质工作。

    The mineral resources investigation and appraisal project is a job of strategic mineral exploration and appraisal with metallic and nonmetallic minerals as the chief exploration and appraisal targets .

  25. 目的通过分析电子加速器辐射加工建设项目职业病危害,探讨放射建设项目职业病危害预评价项目和内容。

    Objective Occupational disease hazard in the construction project for radiation processing of electron accelerator was analyzed , in order to explore the items and its contents in radiation construction project .

  26. 评价项目包括肿瘤的增强形式及其与病理特征的关系、肿瘤周围的楔形增强区、肝内胆管的扩张、血管受累及肿瘤的肝外浸润征象。

    Enhancement pattern of the tumor , the wedge-like enhancement area peripheral to the tumor , dilatation of the intrahepatic biliary ducts , vascular involvement , and extrahepatic tumor invasion were evaluated .

  27. 它更像是一种艺术,而不是一门科学,与常识和经验一起应用这些推荐,可与帮助您作出更有效的努力,并评价项目早期的成本。

    While this is more an art than a science , applying these recommendations along with common sense and experience can help you make more accurate effort and costs estimates earlier in a project .

  28. 为了缓解项目投入使用后对交通环境带来的负面影响和交通压力,必须分析和评价项目对其周边路网交通负荷的影响,提出缓解对策。

    To alleviate the negative traffic impact and pressure after the project put into use , engineers must analyze and evaluate the impact on the road network around the project , and give mitigation measures .

  29. 用模拟碱/聚合物二元复合驱采出液,以脱出水色为主要评价项目,对新开发的若干系列的破乳剂+净水剂复配物的破乳性能进行了室内评价。

    Several series of newly developed demulsifiers and water clarifying agents in combination are evaluated for demulsifying simulated produced fluids from alkaline / polymer flooded reservoirs according mainly to the appearance of the water separated .

  30. 城市活断层探测与地震危险性评价项目是中国地震局为贯彻《防震减灾法》,减轻城市地震灾害而开展的重大建设项目。

    Exploration and seismic risk assessment of active faults in urban areas is a major construction project of China Seismological Bureau for putting Law of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Mitigation into effect and mitigating urban disaster .