
  • 网络prepayment;Voluntary Prepayment
  1. 在定价过程中用到的理论模型主要包括利率动态模型、提前偿还模型和二叉树模型与蒙特卡洛模拟。

    These model including , dynamic interest rates model , prepayment model , the binomial model and the Monte Carlo simulation .

  2. 发行人优选二次抵押贷款,而非夹层融资(mezzanine),是因为后者更贵(12%的现金利率加3%的应付非货币利率),而且通常提前偿还的罚金更高。

    Issuers prefer second-lien to mezzanine , which is more expensive ( 12 % cash plus 3 % Pik ) , and typically carries higher prepayment penalties .

  3. 此外,本文还针对模型参数的敏感性进行了分析,探讨了不同的市场环境对于利率变化、提前偿还行为的变化及MBS定价的影响。

    Furthermore , this paper discuss how the prepayments and the price of MBS changes when the market conditions and the macroeconomics environments are different by sensitivity analysis .

  4. 这个过程在一定程度上将是内生性的,因为随着避险情绪消退,欧元区商业银行对央行资金的需求将会减弱,或者提前偿还当前的贷款,这是3年期LTRO所允许的。

    The process will be partly endogenous , as commercial banks in the eurozone will request less central bank money as risk aversion subsides , or will reimburse existing loans in advance , as the three-year LTROs allow .

  5. 固定利率抵押贷款提前偿还风险估计

    Estimating Prepayments Risk on Fixed - rate on Mortgage Loan

  6. 通过计算期权调整利差来理解提前偿还风险。

    The second risk is to be understood by computing option-adjusted spreads .

  7. 指提前偿还未到期的债务。

    The paying of a bill or debt obligation before it is due .

  8. 实行浮动贷款利率和提前偿还罚息制度。

    Accrue loan interest at floating-rate and collect punishment interest upon principal repayment ahead of due .

  9. 在还清当月的本息后,可提前偿还部分或全部贷款。

    After paying off the principal and interest that month , can repay ahead of schedule part or full loan .

  10. 该章在对正常偿还样本、提前偿还样本和样本总体各变量进行统计描述后,通过比较初步了解提前偿还样本各变量的特点。

    The variables characteristics of the prepaid sample was understood by comparing statistical features of the normal samples , prepaid samples and the overall samples .

  11. 由于主权信用评级下调之后将是企业信用评级下调,其中一些债务将不得不支付更高的利息或者提前偿还。

    As the sovereign downgrade will be followed by corporate downgrades , some of this debt will bear higher interest or will have to be repaid early .

  12. 由于贷款仍然供应不足且成本高昂,私人股本集团将被迫寻找新方法来提前偿还债务。

    With debt still in short supply and expensive , private equity groups are being forced to find new ways to pay down this debt ahead of schedule .

  13. 可提前偿还的债券提供给借款人以指定的赎回价格还清债券的权利,或者企业可以在公开市场购买这种债券。

    Callable bonds give the borrower the right to pay off the bonds at a specified call price , or the company may purchase the bonds in the open market .

  14. 有些成功显而易见,比如银行业巨头提前偿还公有资本,这让人很容易就忘却了复苏依然要依靠政府的支持。

    Apparent signs of success , such as American megabanks repaying public capital early ( see article ), make it easy to forget that the recovery still depends on government support .

  15. 住房抵押贷款证券化发行的住房抵押贷款支持证券包含提前偿还风险和违约风险两个期权,这使得其定价要比一般债券的定价复杂得多。

    As one of the important forms of securitization , mortgage-backed securitization issues the mortgage-backed securities including two options of prepayment and default risks which make it complex to price the securities .

  16. 但前提是各个债权银行不要逼债,不要逼它们提前偿还贷款,你逼急了,它就只好破产。

    But the precondition is that the creditor banks should not press too hard for debt repayment beforehand or in advance . If you press too hard , they would have no choice but to apply for bankruptcy .

  17. 据2004年至2007年间随着基准贷款利率的上升我国住房抵押贷款迎来了空前炽热的提前偿还高潮的经验,最近紧缩的货币政策在防通胀的同时也可能让银行再次面临提前偿还高峰。

    According to the exercise between 2004 to 2007 , as benchmark lending rates rising , the mortgage prepayment appeared in large Numbers . The recent tightening monetary policy in preventing inflation also may lead the banks facing peak prepayments again .

  18. 同样,如果一家公司需要银行代表自己向投资者发行一笔5年期的美元票据(附有提前偿还的选择权),与该公司从银行的借款同期进行,这种做法也是行不通的。

    The same is the case where a company wants the bank to issue to investors , on its behalf , a five-year US dollar note with an option to repay earlier , to run alongside its borrowings from the bank .

  19. 通用汽车表示,他们将会提前五年偿还美国国内和加拿大政府贷款的数十亿款项。

    GM says it will repay billions of dollars in U.S. and Canadian government loans five years ahead of schedule .

  20. 如果你提前完成自己偿还计划,也可以帮朋友改善他们自己经济状况。

    You can help your friends with their financial situations while clearing off your debt by getting ahead of your repayment schedule .

  21. 另外,通过建立偿债基金、将出口创汇与外债偿还相结合、提前或延迟偿还债务,也可以达到防范外债汇率风险的目的。

    Besides , we can achieve the same goal through establishing the repaying fund , combining the export with the foreign debt repayment and repaying the debt in advance or deferring dong it .