
tí huò dān
  • Bill of Lading;bill of loading
  1. 买方必须接受按照A8规定提供的适当的提货单或运输单据。

    The buyer must accept the appropriate delivery order or transport document in accordance with A8 .

  2. 对船舶代理人代签进口提货单问题的探讨中国已加入WTO,国际贸易的繁荣、外资引进的增加、西部开发都将刺激空运货物的增加,从而为快递业的发展提供契机。

    On the Issuing of Delivery Order by Ship Agent With the China 's entrance of WTO , the prosperity of foreign trade , the increasing of foreign investment and the development of West will surely stimulate the air transportation , which will benefit for express service .

  3. 您把损坏情况注明在提货单上了没有?

    Did you note the damage on the bill of lading ?

  4. 提货单是国际贸易和船运中一种很重要的单据。

    BL is an essential document in international trade and shipment .

  5. 请看附件中的海运提货单副本。

    Please see attached a copy of the Ocean bl for you .

  6. 你们收到前一批货的提货单了没有?

    Did you get the bill of lading for you last shipment ?

  7. 你没有在提货单上注明损坏情况。

    You didn 't note the damage on the bill of lading .

  8. 走之前,他交给我那张提货单。

    He gave me the bill of lading before leaving .

  9. 提货单和汇票属于同一范畴了?

    BL and draft belong to the same category ?

  10. 您有提货单吗?

    Have you got a copy of the lading ?

  11. 对船舶代理人代签进口提货单问题的探讨

    On the Issuing of Delivery Order by Ship Agent

  12. 装箱单(提货单、材料清单)在那里?

    Where is the packing list ( bill of lading , bill of materials )?

  13. 你们可以代我们准备提货单和进口报关单。

    You can prepare the Bills of Lading and Customs Entry Forms on our behalf .

  14. 提货单日期应为实际交货日期。

    The date of bill of landing shall be the actual date of delivery of the goods .

  15. 提货单上应该是运费到付而不是运费预付。

    The Bill of Lading should be marked " Freight Collect " instead of " Freight Prepaid " .

  16. 请问货品是否已经寄船了?有提货单给我们吗?

    Please advise if shipment has already been dispatched , and when can we have the bills of lading ?

  17. 收货后必须立即根据提货单检查装货是否有损坏以及是否完整。

    The shipment must be checked immediately on receipt for damage and for completeness based on the delivery notes .

  18. 我认为我的财富代表着社会上的很多的提货单。

    The way I see it is that my money represents an enormous number of claim checks on society .

  19. 哪个描述载体没有合理的手段和不作为提货单的部分。

    Which description the carrier has no reasonable means of and is not part of the bill of lading .

  20. 提货单的日期应根据技术文件的实际交付日期而定。

    The Date of Bill of Lading shall be taken as the actual date of the delivery of the TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION .

  21. 当我的妻子和我离世时,我会把所有的这些提货单捐献给慈善事业。

    And I 'm going to give virtually all of those claim checks to charity when my wife and I die .

  22. 条款一:用集装箱装载且由铁路货车免税运输的,支付时不依照联合运输的提货单。

    CIP loaded in container and free on railway wagon at * station . Payment against SINOTRANS combined transport bill of lading .

  23. 付运:提货单的日期须被承认为付运日期的确实证据。

    SHIPMENT : The Date of the Bill of Lading shall be accepted as a conclusive evidence of the date of shipment .

  24. 进口商可以在提货单背面签字,在货物到岸之前就可以把货物卖出去。到岸轮船舱底交货价

    An importer can endorse the BL and sell the goods even before they arrive . cost , insurance , freight ex ship 's hold

  25. 我们必须向保险公司提供全套的正本提货单、基于风险最小化的期货套期保值比率的确定

    We have to file with the underwriters the full original set of ocean bills of lading , The Ascertainment of Future Hedge Ratio for Minimum Risk

  26. 根据大宗商品的特殊性,其数字化交易的实质可以进一步归纳到交换买卖双方对电子提货单和电子支票的签名。

    Considering the characteristics of commodity market , we can go further to treat such a deal an exchange of electronic check and electronic bill of lading .

  27. 汇票必需附有结果套版印刷有“货物收清”字样的正本海运提货单,凭指示、空缺违书,并写明“运脚已经付”。

    Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading made out to order , endorsed in blank , marked freight prepaid .

  28. 烟农们还得到了有关登记方法、如何填写提货单、根据烟草类型放置标签等等其他方面的建议。

    The farmers were also advised on booking methods , how to fill delivery notes , and placement of labels according to type of tobacco , among other things .

  29. 提货单是由承运人或其代理签发给收货人或其代理,使后者能够从船上提货。

    A delivery order is issued by the carrier or his agent to enable the consignee or his forwarding agent to take delivery of the cargo ( import cargo ) from the vessel .

  30. 他的女儿是个例外:甚至就在他说这话的时候,至少八批伊万卡·特朗普牌的鞋子、袋子、衣服——超过53.5吨——在源源不断地从中国运往美国港口,据法新社查看的美国海关提货单显示。

    His daughter is the exception : even as he spoke at least eight shipments of Ivanka Trump-branded shoes bags and clothes -- more than 53.5 tons -- were steaming towards American ports from China according to US Customs bills of lading examined by AFP .