
tí qián shì fànɡ
  • be released before one's sentence expires;release sb. before the sentence expires
  1. 受害者的家长抗议她的提前释放,Facebook上发起的反对她假释的活动引起了强烈支持。

    Parents of the victims have protested against her release , and a Facebook campaign opposed to her parole has attracted huge support .

  2. 你可以因表现好提前释放。

    You can be released from prison early for good behavior .

  3. 向布什扔鞋的男子因狱中表现良好将获提前释放。

    Iraqi who threw shoes at Bush to be released early .

  4. 就是那个帮我叔叔提前释放的人。

    The one who helped my uncle get his early release .

  5. 她是那个让我提前释放的组织的成员。

    She 's part of the group that got me early release .

  6. 州长当真要将他作为榜样提前释放

    The governor really wants to make him the poster boy for early release ?

  7. 她被判处4年徒刑,但因表现好,被提前释放。

    She was sentenced to four years in prison , but released early for good behaviour .

  8. 琼斯被判三年徒刑,但由于表现得好,可能被提前释放。

    Jones got a three-year sentence , but he may come out early for good conduct .

  9. 为了平抑气氛,他提出愿意提前释放二十名战俘。

    To calm the atmosphere , he offered to release twenty prisoners of war ahead of schedule .

  10. 假释是指监禁刑的服刑人在刑期届满之前,有条件地被提前释放出狱。

    Parole refers to a prisoners is conditionally released from prison prior to the expiration of the sentence .

  11. 分布式动态算法创新点在于引入提前释放机制和超时释放机制能更有效地释放波长资源。

    By introducing pre-releasing scheme and overtime-releasing scheme , novel distributed dynamic algorithm could effectively release wavelength resource .

  12. 由于在狱中表现良好,他被提前释放了。

    Because of his good conduct in prison , he was set free before the end of his term of imprisonment .

  13. 2011年,加利福利亚的监狱拥挤不堪,于是出现了一个决定:提前释放一些对社会危害性比较低的囚犯。

    In 2011 , California 's prisons were getting overcrowded , so a decision was made to release some low-risk prisoners .

  14. 该结构内筒的重量不直接作用在销钉上,而是作用在钢球上。钢球的承载能力大,可以避免提前释放内筒组合,防止取心作业失败。

    The carry capacity of ball is well and can avoid release inner barrel in advance , enhanced success rat of coring .

  15. 业绩预告制度有利于提高上市公司的信息透明度,提前释放业绩风险,保障中小投资者的利益。

    Performance projection system contributes to enhance information transparency , releases performance risk ahead of schedule and protects middle-small investors ' interest .

  16. 1984年,国会给予联邦监狱管理局可提前释放进行强制医疗或存在家庭因素的犯人的权利。

    Congress gave the Federal Bureau of Prisons the authority to offer inmates early release for compelling medical or family reasons back in 1984 .

  17. 根据能量统计,蓄水并没有改变库区的集能水平,只是促使应变能提前释放。

    Reservoir impoundment do not change collecting energy level of reservoir , while make the strain energy release ahead of time according to the calculation .

  18. 但伦诺克斯主张,因为包括同情在内的一些原因提前释放吴植辉,不会违反协议。

    But Mr. Lennox had argued that an early release for Mr. Ng on certain grounds , including compassion , would not violate the accord .

  19. 法院任命了一名合规官,如果加州未在限期内减少犯人数量,这名官员有权提前释放在押人员。

    The court appointed a compliance officer will held the power to release prisoners early if the state does not meet a timetable for reducing its inmate population .

  20. 更严重的是,提前释放的程序在“不可撤销的假释”的条目下将罪犯释放,这意味着他们根本不用向假释官员报告。

    What 's more , the early-release program released the prisoners under " non-revocable parole , " which meant that they didn 't have to report to a parole officer .

  21. 一个三岁的女孩遭受性侵犯,是提前释放的犯人们连续犯案的顶点,尤为令人感到悲哀和污秽。该案本月已移交法院审理。

    A string of crimes by convicts on early release culminated in a particularly sad and nasty sexual assault on a three-year-old girl , which came before the courts this month .

  22. 上月,苏格兰行政院基于人道立场,同意提前释放身患癌症的迈格拉希,遭到美国强烈批评。

    The us strongly criticised the decision last month by the Scottish Executive to agree to the early release of Mr Megrahi , who is suffering from cancer , on compassionate grounds .

  23. 如果延长期限得到法院的允许,加州会花费3亿多美元将牢房和私营监狱的犯人转移至县监狱,以避免提前释放在押人员。

    If extension is granted by the courts the state could spend more than 300 million dollars to lead cells and private prisons in county jails to avoid the earlier release of prisoners .

  24. 即使影响提前释放内存范围的代码已本地化,内存的使用仍然可能取决于应用程序甚至(在极端情况下)不同进程中的其他执行位置。

    Even if the code affecting the prematurely-freed memory range is localized , use of the memory might depend on execution elsewhere in the application or , in extreme cases , even in a different process .

  25. 假释就是指国家有关机关对于符合法定条件的被剥夺自由刑的犯罪分子,按照一定的程序附条件的将其提前释放的刑罚执行制度。

    Parole refers to relevant state organs for application complies with legal conditions were deprived of liberty , according to the criminal procedure must be attached to the conditions of the early release of penal execution system .

  26. 地震促使累积在浅生结构中的应力应变在短时间内集中释放,即将谷地貌演化过程中的应力应变提前释放,造成地表严重破坏。

    The strss and strain in the shallow structure are released in the short period of time because of the earthquake . The release of the stress and strain before the evolution of the vally landforms induces the serious damages of the surface .

  27. 减刑假释制度是我国一项重要的行刑制度,它通过缩减罪犯的刑期或将其附条件地提前释放激励罪犯认罪服法,改过迁善,重归社会。

    The commutation and parole system is an important penalty execution system in our country . It can curtail the criminals ' prison term or release criminals subject to conditions , so criminals will be encouraged to plead guilty and abide by the law .

  28. 假释是一种附条件地提前释放的刑罚执行制度,源于十八世纪的欧洲,在人身危险性理论、刑罚目的综合理论、行刑人道化、社会化和个别化原则的基础上产生的。

    Parole is a conditional early release of system , which originated from Europe in 18th Century , and generated on the basis of the theory on personal danger , the theory on comprehensive purpose of penalty , the principle of penalty executing humanitarianism , socialization and individualization .

  29. 他企图逃狱,致使他提前被释放的希望受到很大影响。

    His attempted escape seriously prejudiced any hopes for parole .

  30. 生物质与不同变质程度的煤混烧时,生物质的加入使得NO释放提前,释放所用时间缩短,且随着生物质比例的增大,NO排放时间越来越短。

    In combustion of coal blended with biomass , the biomass made NO release earlier , and release time decrease , and with the increase of the biomass ratio , NO emission time reduced .