
tí qǔ
  • extract;draw;collect;abstract;pick up;recover;cream off
提取 [tí qǔ]
  • (1) [recover;adstract;extract]∶通过溶剂(如乙醇)处理、蒸馏、脱水、经受压力或离心力作用,或通过其他化学或机械工艺过程从物质中制取(如组成成分或汁液)

  • 提取精华

  • (2) [draw]∶从存款处提出[钱]

  • 从银行里提取了数百元

  • (3) [pick up]∶从负责保管的单位或机构中取出财物

  • 提取行李

提取[tí qǔ]
  1. 我可以从我的账户上提取80元钱吗?

    Can I draw $ 80 out of my account ?

  2. 公司不能从银行账户中提取现金。

    Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash .

  3. 你一天可以从银行账户中提取最多不超过250元。

    You can make withdrawals of up to $ 250 a day .

  4. 劳驾,我想提取250英镑。

    I 'd like to withdraw £ 250 please .

  5. 任何时候,一家银行的总存款只有少量会被提取。

    Only a small fraction of a bank 's total deposits will be withdrawn at any one time .

  6. 只要账户存款足够,每天可提取不超过100英镑。

    Provided that you have the money in your account , you can withdraw up to £ 100 a day .

  7. 他们被拍了照,还被提取了指纹。

    They were photographed and had their fingerprints taken .

  8. 这种威士忌是在1926年通过蒸馏提取的,尔后静置到1987年才酿熟。

    The whisky had been distilled in 1926 and sat quietly maturing until 1987

  9. 他把她带到监狱,在那里对她提取了指纹并进行了登记。

    He took her to jail , where she was fingerprinted and booked .

  10. 让我们提取一下独木舟上的指纹,看看能不能有什么发现。

    Let 's fingerprint the canoe , see if we come up with anything .

  11. 该建议是在汇集提取了心脏专家小组的意见后作出的。

    The advice is based on the distilled wisdom of a panel of heart specialists .

  12. 我只是提取了一些数据。

    I 've simply extracted a few figures

  13. 英国的贸易数据现在不能再从各港口的进出口单证中提取了。

    Britain 's trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports .

  14. 如果所有的储户同时要求提取存款,没有哪家银行能办得到。

    No bank could ever pay off its creditors if they all demanded their money at once

  15. 用于提取这种油的树脂取自于一种矮小坚韧的树。

    The resin from which the oil is extracted comes from a small , tough tree .

  16. 销售人员只根据销售量提取佣金。

    The salesmen work on commission only

  17. 他们从最好的东西中提取一些精华的部分,然后新瓶装旧酒。

    They 've taken some of the best bits out of the best things and rehashed them

  18. 柠檬酸可以从橙汁、柠檬汁、酸橙汁或者柚子汁中提取。

    Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges , lemons , limes or grapefruit .

  19. 从这种根部提取的护肤液是治疗皮疹和丘疹的极好药物。

    A skin lotion distilled from the root is a marvellous cure for sore rashes and spots .

  20. 警方找到了确凿的证据。他们甚至在那个玻璃橱柜上提取到了他的指纹。

    The police had a watertight case . They even got his fingerprints from that glass cabinet .

  21. 他无法抵挡赌牌的诱惑,便提取了他们的存款前往拉斯韦加斯。

    Unable to resist the siren call of the cards , he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas

  22. 他从销售的货物中提取5%的佣金。

    He took 5 % commission on the goods he had sold .

  23. 他们主要从神话传说中提取剧本的素材。

    They drew the material of their plays chiefly from myths and legends .

  24. 从他的讨论中提取一些要点是有可能的。

    It is possible to abstract several good points from his discussion .

  25. 槭糖浆是用糖槭树中提取的树液制成的。

    Maple syrup is made from SAP extracted from the sugar maple tree .

  26. 诗中的意象都是从现实生活中提取的。

    The imagery is drawn from the actual life .

  27. 我们用的盐有些是从海水中提取的。

    Some of the salt that we use is obtained from the sea .

  28. 我们可以从页岩中提取石油。

    We can extract oil from shale .

  29. 最大的好处将不仅在于承载这么庞大且迅速增长的数据上,还在于有能力运行实时数据分析,以提取可操作和和不断发展的知识。

    The big benefit will not only be in the housing of this enormous and rapidly growing amount of data , but will also be in the ability to run real time data analytics to extract actionable and ongoing knowledge .

  30. 从2012年3月起,我已经进行了89次这样的旅行,其中51次是出国旅行。我只有42个小时来用小盒子携带干细胞,因为我的两个冰袋只能维持这么长时间。从干细胞从捐赠者身上提取出来到植入病人的时间最多有72个小时,所以我总是很注意时间。

    Since March 2012 , I 've done 89 trips of those , 51 have been abroad , I have 42 hours to carry stem cells in my little box because I 've got two ice packs and that 's how long they last , in all , from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor to the time they can be implanted in the patient , we 've got 72 hours at most , So I am always conscious of time .