
  • 网络Weiler;Wheeler;Vhailor;Wohler;Friedrich Wohler
  1. 维勒在店里种了很多花草,有薰衣草、罗勒、迷迭香和薄荷,这些都会成为巧克力中的配料。

    Wheeler grows herbs there , which show up in the chocolates : lavender , basil , rosemary , and mint .

  2. 这种方法是建立在维勒帽方法之上,分别在自由空间和维勒帽进行测量。

    The method is based on the Wheeler Cap method with two steps under two controlled environments : free space and Wheeler Cap .

  3. 当维勒开始研制一台全电式机器,它使用了不同的PLC制造商从驱动器制造商,造成整合成为一个大问题。

    When Weiler began developing an all-electric machine , it used a different PLC manufacturer from the drive manufacturer , causing the integration to become a major problem .

  4. 维勒:有一些,比如说我们为职场人士提供的社交新闻服务今日Linkedin(LinkedinToday)就开局良好。

    Weiner : there were a few : LinkedIn today , our social news effort for professionals is off to a good start .

  5. 维勒工程公司,OEM的无菌吹瓶-灌装-封口机,是一间公司,面对严重的PLC的兼容性问题时,其原有的管制供应商改变其提供的产品。

    Weiler Engineering , Inc. , an OEM of aseptic blow-fill-seal machines , is one company that confronted serious PLC compatibility issues when its original controls supplier changed its product offering .

  6. 这家在线职业社交网站首度发布其季度财报后不久,首席执行官杰夫•维勒即接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)独家专访,畅谈他对该公司未来的计划。

    Shortly after the online professional networking service announced its first quarterly earnings , CEO Jeff Weiner talked with fortune in an exclusive interview about his plans for the future of the business .

  7. 在古兹维勒(Gutzwiller)迹方程的基础上,混沌系统的半经典理论得到很大发展。

    On the basis of the Gutzwiller trace formula , the semiclassical theory of the chaotic system is developed successfully .

  8. 半公升本地产维勒比特斯科啤酒卖12.5库纳;

    Half a liter of local Velebitsko beer is 12.50 kunas ;

  9. 维勒贝克不认为文学可以改变现实生活中的事件。

    Mr. Houellebecq rejected the idea that literature could alter events .

  10. 潘瑟或帕加穆斯现在还坐在维勒斯的陵墓之侧吗?

    Does Panthea or Pergamus now sit by the tomb of Verus ?

  11. 冬季戴维斯海冰年代际变化与大气环流关系德斯尔维勒诉坎戴尔案

    Relationship between Interdecadal Variations of Davis Strait Winter Sea-ice Extent and Atmospheric Circulation

  12. 我是维勒。我是一个屠悯者。我就是正义。

    I am vhailor . I am a mercykiller . I am justice .

  13. 法国总理多米尼柯?德?维勒平说法国文学失去了她的一位最伟大的作家。

    Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said French literature had lost one of its greatest authors .

  14. 西门子提供更多选择,图形,其触控式萤幕,比什么维勒一直在使用。

    Siemens offers more options for graphics on its touch screens than what Weiler had been using .

  15. 自1999年起,每年最后一天的午夜时分,都会有一个宽5英尺,高7英尺金银相间的铝制松果从有着112年历史的维勒夫特酒店楼顶降落,庆祝新年的到来。

    The 5ft-by-7ft gold and silver aluminium pinecone has dropped from the 112-year-old Weatherford Hotel since 1999 .

  16. 维勒:当不公平的事情发生时,正义会赐我足够的力量去纠正它。

    Vhailor : When the injustice is great enough , justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it .

  17. 维勒比小姐,别以为你升职后,我们就会对你客气。

    And don 't think we 're going to take you any more seriously once you 're promoted , miss willoughby .

  18. 很多手工巧克力作坊的创始人,包括米米•维勒在内,最初的动力都是出于对巧克力,而不是对商业的热爱。

    Many of those who launch artisanal chocolate shops , including Mimi Wheeler , are inspired by a love for chocolate , not business .

  19. 维勒斯坦指出,长期以来,金融、法律和医疗保健等行业一直在使用传真机,而且目前仍在这样做。

    Industries like finance , law , and health care have long used the fax machine and continue to do so today , says weilerstein .

  20. 改进了传统维勒帽方法中天线模型,将天线等效为一个线性二端网络,自由空间和维勒帽则看成是天线的负载。

    In the improved model , the antenna is seen as a linear two-port network , and the free space and Wheeler Cap as its terminals .

  21. 维勒在《连线》杂志上说,他的提案将确保互联网成为创意和自由见解的公开平台。

    In an opinion piece for Wired magazine , Wheeler said his proposal would preserve the Internet as an open platform for innovation and free expression .

  22. 航空航天局现任首席天文学家埃德·维勒,曾经追随罗曼工作。他称呼罗曼为“哈勃太空望远镜之母”。维勒说:

    NASA 's current chief astronomer , who worked with Roman at the agency , calls her " the mother of the Hubble Space Telescope . "

  23. 而维勒贝克“方向正相反,他认为伊斯兰的崛起不会导致内战,而会带来国内的和平,”巴尔比埃尔补充。

    Mr. Houellebecq " takes the opposite tack : the rise of Islam is not civil war , it 's civil peace , " Mr. Barbier added .

  24. 当维勒最终学会相互平等的对话,或者关于他未来的梦想,这提醒他的妈妈重新燃起信念:任何事情都是可能的。

    When Will finally learns the give and take of conversation , or dreams about his future , it rekindles his mother 's belief that anything is possible .

  25. 维勒的恐惧、焦虑和挥之不去的思想困扰支配着每天的生活,使得去菜场的这样一个外出看起来都像要穿越一个雷区。

    Will 's fears , anxieties , and obsessions can dominate daily life , making a trip to the grocery store seem like a walk across a minefield .

  26. “你叫什么,汉子?”纳普金斯先生怒吼道。“维勒,”山姆答道。“这个名字倒很合适上新门监狱的囚犯名册,”纳普金先生说。

    What 's your name , fellow ? Thundered Mr nupkins . " veller ," replied sam. " a very good name for the Newgate calendar ," said Mr nupkins .

  27. 我要让我的眼睛饱享维勒内兹那炽烈的色彩,研究埃尔·格列科的神秘,从科罗那里领略大自然的新视觉。

    I should want to feast my eyes upon the warm colors of Veronese , study the mysteries of E1 Greco , catch a new vision of Nature from Corot .

  28. 维勒教授说:“尽管人们对流言怨声很多,但我们找到了证据证明它在维持社会秩序方面也发挥着重要的作用。”

    Prof Willer said : " Gossip gets a bad rap , but we 're finding evidence that it plays a critical role in the maintenance of social order . "

  29. 维勒教授补充说,研究还显示,散播流言能帮助人们监督那些行为不端的人,并防止大家受到恶人的利用。

    The study also showed that passing on rumours could help us monitor people who behave badly and prevent each other from being exploited by malicious individuals , Prof Willer added .

  30. 今年,特里尔维勒女士(左)结束了她的“第一女友”身份;而罗耀尔女士则失去了她的男人,她要为她的议员席位奋斗。

    MS trierweiler ( pictured left ) ended up as " first girlfriend " ; Ms Royal lost her man and , this year , her bid for a parliamentary seat .