
  • 网络Wikinews
  1. 维基新闻的资料室,这里提供了许多知名的新闻源。

    Wikinews reference desk , providing links to many reputable news sources .

  2. 维基新闻所容纳的新闻就如同您在报纸和电视上所看的新闻。

    Wikinews is for writing news stories , like those you read in the newspaper , or see on the television news .

  3. 然而,2010年该网站摒弃了维基新闻处理方式,采用了一种新的社论风格。

    But in 2010 it abandoned the wiki-style approach and adopted a new , editorialising tone .

  4. 由于新闻作品的时效性,维基新闻中每一条信息都必须引证并且可以核实。

    Due to the time-limited nature of news articles , every piece of information in a Wikinews article must be referenced and verifiable .

  5. 并分别例举了博客、播客、视频网站、维基新闻以及公民新闻平台等五个公民新闻的实践形式,分析其各自的内涵和特点。

    Including blog , podcast , screen site , Wiki news and citizen journalism platform in the form of five practice , discusses the different connotations and characteristics .

  6. 再次声明,法律规定、礼仪、良好的关系要求我们这个有秩序的维基新闻网站不进行侵犯版权许可、法律等的写作。

    Again , legal requirements as well as politeness and good relations demand that we police Wikinews and write without infringing licenses , copyrights , laws of secrecy and so on .

  7. developerWorks中国网站Ajax资源中心:查阅关于Ajax编程模型的一站式信息库,其中包括文章和教程、论坛、博客、维基、事件和新闻。

    DeveloperWorks Ajax Resource Center : Check out your one-stop shop for information on the Ajax programming model , including articles and tutorials , discussion forums , blogs , wikis , events , and news .