
qǐ fā
  • inspire;enlighten;illuminate;explain;arouse;appeal;open wide
启发 [qǐ fā]
  • (1) [arouse;inspire;enlighten]∶开导其心,使之领悟

  • 启发人们的心灵

  • (2) [explain]∶阐明;发挥

  • 启发篇章,校理秘文。--汉. 班固《西都赋》

  • (3) [open wide]∶掀开覆盖物;暴露

  • 手足全启发。--宋. 王元之《金吾》

启发[qǐ fā]
  1. 感恩可以打开我们的心结,并且启发我们的悲心。

    Gratitude Can open up our hearts & arouse our compassion .

  2. 启发学生的批判意识;

    To arouse the students ' critical consciousness ;

  3. 是他最初启发我起疑心的。

    He planted the first seeds of doubt in my mind .

  4. 他们用木偶来启发小观众的想象力。

    They use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audiences .

  5. 我们觉得他采用的那些例证启发性不是特别大。

    We didn 't find the examples he used particularly illuminating .

  6. 这种想法是从我在阁楼里发现的一幅画得到启发的。

    The idea evolved from a drawing I discovered in the attic .

  7. 选用这种装饰格调是从一次印度之行中得到的启发。

    The choice of decor was inspired by a trip to India .

  8. 了解别的国家如何处理这个问题是具有启发性的。

    It is instructive to see how other countries are tackling the problem .

  9. 父母应给孩子能启发他们的书。

    Parents should give children books that stimulate them .

  10. 阅读这篇短文很有启发。

    Reading this essay was an elevating experience .

  11. 学习拓展了我的思路,启发我去思考问题。

    Studying stretched my mind and got me thinking about things .

  12. 别人的婚礼是寻找启发的绝佳场合。

    Other people 's weddings are the perfect hunting ground for ideas

  13. 把他的手法与艾伦·贝内特进行比较很富启发意义。

    It 's instructive to compare his technique with Alan Bennett 's.

  14. 我深受启发,开始审视自己内心深处的想法。

    I was stimulated to examine my deepest thoughts .

  15. 吉米·亨德里克斯启发了整整一代吉他演奏者。

    Jimi Hendrix inspired a generation of guitarists .

  16. 这次的研讨会不仅会有趣,而且有可能会颇具启发意义。

    While it will be fun , the seminar also promises to be most instructive .

  17. 埃莉运用自己的机智风趣启发人们,努力使他们看清眼前的东西。

    Ellie uses wit as a goad to try to force people to see what is in front of them .

  18. 我从他的话中得到很大的启发。

    I found great illumination in his remark .

  19. 对这个问题你能启发启发她吗?

    Can you enlighten her on this subject ?

  20. 这个孩子需要启发。

    This child needs enlightenment .

  21. 我从他那里获得许多启发。

    I gained a good deal of Enlightenment from him .

  22. 要用启发的方式讲课。

    You should teach with the elicitation method .

  23. 梅里安的画作启发了艺术家和生态学家的灵感。

    Merian 's paintings inspired artists and ecologists .

  24. 不管真正的作者是谁,似乎这首诗是受真实事件的启发而创作完成的。

    Regardless of the author , it seems that the poem was inspired by a real event .

  25. 这个例子应该会对所有城市起到启发作用。

    This example should act as an inspiration for all cities .

  26. 这本书会启发你读更多的书吗?

    Does the book inspire you , and make you want to read more ?

  27. 该中心提供的计划旨在利用实践任务和大量的乐趣进行挑战和启发。

    The Center offers programs designed to challenge and inspire with hands-on tasks and lots of fun .

  28. 将儿童发展视为一项科学调查有助于研究儿童如何学习,同时也能为科学和科学家提供了一个启发性的视角。

    Viewing childhood development as a scientific investigation throws on how children learn , but it also offers an inspiring look at science and scientists .

  29. 这本书会启发你读更多的书吗?读完这些书,你可能会产生共鸣。

    Does the book inspire you , and make you want to read more ? With some books , you may feel a connection right away .

  30. 韦斯特说:"我是在看一个电视节目时受到启发的,这个节目展示了雪橇是如何帮助金字塔建设的。我想,他们为什么不试着把东西滚起来呢?’"

    West said , " I was inspired while watching a television program showing how sleds might have helped with pyramid construction . I thought , ‘ Why don 't they just try rolling the things ? ' "