
  • 网络Initiating processes;Initiating;boot process;starting process
  1. 对于多阶段的项目,在每一阶段开始时对启动过程进行审查;

    Reviewing the initiating processes at the start of each phase for multi-phases project ;

  2. 商务需求是在启动过程进行文档描述,但是项目目标是在计划过程确定的。

    Business needs are documented in the initiating processes but project project objectives are determined in the planning processes . D.

  3. 基于PC/104平台Linux内核启动过程分析

    The Linux Kernel 's Startup Procedure for PC / 104 Platform

  4. Windows启动过程安全机制分析

    Analysis of Windows Start-up Process

  5. Linux操作系统启动过程的分析

    Startup Process Analysis of Linux Operating System

  6. 然后对Linux的启动过程进行了详细的分析,并对内核移植过程中使用的主要结构对象进行相应的介绍。

    Then the process of Linux start up and main objects of kernel porting are analyzed .

  7. Eclipse平台的启动过程包括一个配置的步骤。

    Eclipse Platform startup includes a configuration step .

  8. SBR反应器启动过程中污泥吸附作用的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of sludge adsorption character by starting up the SBR reactor

  9. PLC在交流电机软起动中的应用直流电动机启动过程的过渡现象

    PLC in alternating current machine s of t start application The Transition in Process of Start of Direct Current Electric Motor

  10. 对于zone来说,要创建它,您需要使用几个命令,并且作为启动过程的一部分,您还必须完成进一步配置迭代。

    With zones , you need several commands to create a zone , and you must also go through further configuration iterations as part of the boot process .

  11. 利用Visualc++、Fortran和Matlab的混合语言编程技术,设计开发了亚临界锅炉启动过程模拟计算软件。

    Using mixed-language programming of Visual C + + , Fortran and Matlab , a boiler start-up process simulation software is developed .

  12. 结果表明,电动机&发电机系统的启动过程大约为5s。

    The result indicated that its starting time was about 5 s.

  13. 转子启动过程HMM故障诊断方法研究

    Study on Hidden Markov Models for faults diagnosis of rotor machine in the whole run-up process

  14. 这里的技术难点是在虚拟Linux系统启动过程中,如何实现与Windows主机系统的数据共享功能。

    How to implement the data sharing function with the Windows host during the booting procedure of Linux system is the main difficult point in the module .

  15. 在进行LINUX内核嵌入式开发时,经常使用内核启动过程中读取静态配置文件内容的方式对内核某些变量进行初始化,当静态配置文件改动时,只有重启内核,新配置才能生效。

    When doing embedded development in LINUX kernel , programmers often use the method that reads static config file to initialize kernel variables during kernel booting .

  16. UASB处理高浓度硫酸盐废水启动过程污泥特性变化

    Changes of Sludge Characteristic in Start-up Process of UASB Treatment for Highly Sulfate-containing Wastewater

  17. 开放启动过程&Widget容器会随着系统自动启动,并运行所有上一次关闭时还在工作的widget。

    Open on Startup-Widget containers both startup automatically on boot and also start any widgets that were open on close .

  18. 这些扩展在bean定义文件和名称空间处理程序中启用了定制XML名称空间,在Spring容器的启动过程中对这些标记进行操作。

    These extensions enable the use of custom XML namespaces in the bean definition file and namespace handlers that operate on those tags during the Spring container startup process .

  19. 研究了ABR在启动过程中pH值、COD去除率、VFA及碱度的变化。

    The changes of pH , COD removal rate , VFA and alkalinity were investigated during the ABR start-up period .

  20. 阐述厌氧折板流反应器(ABR)处理抗生素废水的启动过程。

    This paper describes the start-up of anaerobic baffled reactor in the treatment of antibiotic production wastewater .

  21. 嵌入式uCLinux内核启动过程分析与设计

    Analysis and design of Embedded uCLinux startup process

  22. 推导出了短TCP数据流传输时间的一个完整新模型,该模型是在考虑传输通道丢失率和超时后的慢启动过程的条件下,利用随机点过程理论推导出的。

    This paper proposes a simple model of TCP data flow latency by considering the loss property of transformation channel and the slow start period after timeout .

  23. 输入gdb命令cont以继续启动过程。

    Enter the gdb command cont to continue the boot process .

  24. 对于客户端,基于常规的exe文件的EclipseRCP应用通过客户端切入点来完成启动过程。

    For the client a normal exe based Eclipse RCP startup process is performed using a client entry point .

  25. 在IC反应器的启动过程中投加麸皮纤维,可以明显地加快污泥颗粒化进程,缩短反应器的启动时间。

    Casting wheat bran fiber in the startup of IC reactor , can quicken up the curse of sludge granulating obviously and shorten the time wasting at the startup of reactor .

  26. 300MW机组锅炉启动过程的优化研究

    Study on Optimization of the Starting Process of 300 MW Sets ' Boilers

  27. 启动过程中启用DMMP。

    Enable DMMP startup during boot .

  28. 与大鼠肝切除后诱导肝再生的机制相似,TNF-α、IL-6等细胞因子在移植后肝脏再生的早期启动过程中也非常重要。

    Similar to that in the rat partial hepatectomy model , TNF - α and IL-6 are important factors in early initiating liver graft regeneration in the recovery of cold ischemia injury .

  29. 加载了BLV后,内核将接管启动过程。

    After the BLV is loaded , the kernel takes over the boot process .

  30. 在启动过程中,GStreamer对所有已安装的插件进行查询,以获取可用于应用程序的一组元素。

    At startup , GStreamer queries all installed plug-ins to derive the set of elements available for applications .