
qǐ méng
  • enlighten;initiate;instruct very young;impart rudimentary knowledge to beginners;free sb. from prejudice or superstition
启蒙 [qǐ méng]
  • (1) [impart rudimentary knowledge to beginners;initiate]∶传授基础知识或入门知识

  • 启蒙工作

  • (2) [instruct very young]∶教小孩(如幼儿园和初级小学)

  • 启蒙教育

  • (3) [enlighten]∶开导蒙昧,使之明白事理

启蒙[qǐ méng]
  1. 一个启蒙知识分子的失败与孤独&重读鲁迅小说《祝福》

    An Initiate Intellectual s Failure and Loneliness & Rereading the Novel Blessing by Lu Xun ;

  2. 一般情况下,我们喜欢把它简化为两种,即启蒙/社会现代性和审美/文化现代性,这实际是对现代性概念多元性、复杂性的掩盖。

    Usually we reduce it to two kinds : " initiate / social modernity " and " aesthetic / cultural modernity " .

  3. 倾听关于启蒙的对话:康德与福柯

    Listening Attentively to the Dialogue about Enlightenment : Kant and Foucault

  4. 中国建筑文化的新启蒙:更待何时?

    New Enlightenment of Chinese Architectural Culture : When do treat ?

  5. 足球启蒙训练应从运控球技术开始学习

    The Initiation Training of Football Should Begin with Ball Playing Skills

  6. 论鲁迅立人启蒙思想的发展

    The Development of Lu Xun 's Enlightenment Thought of Erecting People

  7. 一个启蒙战士的生前事与身后名

    The Living Matter and Fame after Death of An Enlighten Warrior

  8. 对《启蒙辩证法》中工具理性批判思想的批判

    Critique of the Critique of Instrumental Reason in Dialectics of Enlightenment

  9. 鲁迅与中国近代启蒙思潮的嬗变

    Lu Xun and the Development of Chinese Enlightenment in Modern Times

  10. 教育即启蒙,教育即背叛,教育即转变。

    Education is enlightenment , education is betrayal , education is transform .

  11. 知识启蒙作用是知识所具有的一种重要伦理精神。

    Enlightenment is an important spirit of knowledge in ethics .

  12. 鼓吹思想启蒙,重视文化教育;

    Advocated the illuminative ideology , paid attention to culture and education ;

  13. 在此推动下,启蒙文学创作迅速崛起,呈潮涌之势。

    With this , the creation of enlightening literature prospered .

  14. 论30年代夭折的新启蒙运动

    On the Premature Death of the New Enlightenment Movement in the Thirties

  15. 启蒙阶段时装模特的组织形式为团队式。

    The organizational form of fashion models was teamwork during enlightenment stage .

  16. 论古代诗歌启蒙教育方式

    On the Mode of Elementary Education of the Ancient Poetry

  17. 启蒙的主体性是现代性的哲学奠基;

    Enlightened Subjectivity is the philosophy foundation stone of modernity ;

  18. 而古代历史启蒙教材的编撰对普及历史教育和传播历史知识产生了重要影响;

    The compiling of enlightened history books also helped spread the knowledge .

  19. 论1980年代启蒙文学之浮沉

    Study on the Climax and Retreat of Enlightenment Literature in 1980 's

  20. 科学被认为是现代化的一个最为重要的组成部分,它与国家的发展、社会的启蒙和文明程度密切联系在一起。

    Science is regarded as social enlightenment and civilization level .

  21. 新启蒙运动的爆发主要基于三方面原因:一是民族危机日益严重;

    New Enlightenment broke out for three reasons : increasing national crisis ;

  22. 这样解读康德,康德启蒙思想也就永远能够为思想史提供动力。

    So the thought of Kant will give power to every time .

  23. 男性自由爱情启蒙话语的终结

    The Topic about Male 's Enlightenment on Free Love Ended

  24. 康有为与中国近代启蒙思潮

    Kang Youwei and The Enlightenment Thought of Temporary China

  25. 美国物流的发展大体经历了四个主要阶段:20世纪初是物流的启蒙期,第二次世界大战加深了人们对物流价值的认识;

    The development of American logistics has four main stages on the whole .

  26. 欧洲启蒙思潮中的两大派别之比较&以自由平等观为例

    Comparison between two sects of European Enlightenment & Case study of Liberty-Equality sense

  27. 西欧启蒙思想家的中国文化观探略

    Western European Enlightened Thinkers ' Views on Chinese Culture

  28. 启蒙运动与浪漫主义是西方近代史上相继发生的两大思想文化运动。

    The Enlightenment and Romanticism are two major movements in western modern history .

  29. 论启蒙时期法国的宗教思想

    On the French Religious Thought of the Enlightenment Era

  30. 唐甄启蒙思想探析分析化学计量学

    An Analytical Study of TANG Zhen 's Enlightening Thought