
  • 网络Enlightenment Rationalism
  1. 正是在视觉催促下的启蒙理性以真理的名义完成了对世界的祛魅。

    It is in visual urging enlightenment rationalism in the name of truth has completed the disenchantment of the world "" .

  2. 主要是因为他对抽象的启蒙理性不遗余力地进行了批判,且他倡导一个多样性、多元化的时代,并认为真正的统一性只有在差异性中才能体现出来。

    This could be mainly due to his introspection on enlightenment rationalism so as the purpose to open up an era of diversity . He insisted that real unity possessed diversity .

  3. 历史的视角:启蒙理性及其批判

    A Historic Perspective : Reason of the Enlightenment and Its Critiques

  4. 启蒙理性叙事中的酒神精神取向

    On the Orientation of Dionysian Spirit in the Narrative of Enlightenment Reason

  5. 合理性与实践:启蒙理性批判和马克思主义哲学的当代价值

    Rationality and Practice : Critique of Enlightenment Reason & Contemporary Value of Marxist Philosophy

  6. 思想与权力共谋的解构&现代启蒙理性与后现代建构所面对的一个共同问题

    The Deconstruction of Thought and Power Collusion

  7. 论18世纪启蒙理性

    On the Reason of the Enlightenment

  8. 但语境的变异,让其启蒙理性出现了无法应对的尴尬。

    However , the mutation of the context exerted an unsolvable embarrassment to his enlightenment ration .

  9. 在理论话语方面,法国妖妇派颇有建树,将焦点集中在对女性身体与语言及写作关系的探讨,体现了反叛启蒙理性的战斗精神和浓厚的乌托邦色彩。

    In theory speaking , goblin of French women concentrates focus on the body-writing with dense Utopia color .

  10. 文化合理化源于资本主义的启蒙理性精神,它促进了西方文化的蓬勃发展,破除了宗教世界观,使资本主义文化从幕后走向了台前。

    Cultural rationalization rooted in enlightenment rational spirit of capitalism . It accelerated the boom of Occident culture .

  11. 另一方面,它又继承了启蒙理性的普遍性、主体性和排他性特征。

    On the other hand , it carried on the universality , subjectivity and exclusivity of reason of the Enlightenment .

  12. 青年时期,马克思深受德国古典哲学的影响,是现代启蒙理性的信奉者。

    The young Marx was the believer of modernity , because of the strong influence of the German 's classic philosophy .

  13. 论辩便是“公开地运用自己的理性”,现代法制是启蒙理性的成果。

    Argument is ' using one 's reason publicly ' , and modern legal institution is the achievement of reason from the Enlightenment .

  14. 启蒙理性的审美置换&论《哦,香雪》、《没有纽扣的红衬衫》的现代性及其文学史地位

    An Aesthetic Replacement of Enlightenment Reason : Views on the Modernity of Xiang Xue and The Red Shirt Without Button and Their Position in Literary History

  15. 克服启蒙理性致命的自负,期待一个绿色澄明的公共领域,人类就需要另一场启蒙:生态启蒙。

    Thus , to overcome the fatal conceit of human reason and to expect a green and clear public sphere , humankind needs another enlightenment : ecological enlightenment .

  16. 阿多诺认为现代性的困境主要源于启蒙理性对自然和人性的工具性控制,以及同一性思维对偶然的、特殊的东西的压制。

    Adorno believes that the dilemmas of modernity essentially originate in the instrumental control of enlightenment rationality over nature and humanity and the repression of identity thinking upon what is contingent and particular .

  17. 启蒙理性所主导的现代性运动在带来巨大成就与进步的同时也面临着自身的困境,现代性的风险实际上也是现代性的后果。

    The modernity dominated by Enlightenment reason resulted in difficulties as well as the great progress , that is to say , the risks of modernity in fact are the consequences of modernity .

  18. 但正当启蒙理性全面展开之际,后现代主义和市场经济开始介入启蒙话语的生产,造成了文化源的互相拆解。

    It is that the back modernism and market economy start to involve in the produce of enlighten words which breaks reciprocally the different cultural source when the enlightenment of sense just begin to work .

  19. 一方面,它批判了启蒙理性的功利主义,要求恢复理性自身的尊严,并且为人类的道德进步寻找新的基础;

    On the one hand , this practical reason criticized the utilitarianism of reason of the Enlightenment , attempted to rehabilitate the dignity of reason , and tried to seek new foundation for the moral improvement of mankind ;

  20. 工具理性批判是现代性批判的重要组成部分,在某种意义上现代性批判就是对启蒙理性的批判。

    Critique of instrumental reason is a main component of critique of modernity . The critique of modernity , in some sense , is the critique of Enlightenment reason , to which many creative thinkers pay special attention .

  21. 古典学术自由理念是西方启蒙理性的产物,它建基在三大理论支点之上,即意见自由市场、价值中立及学者是真理的代言人。

    The idea of classical academic freedom is the result of the western enlightened reason , which is based on three theoretical pivot points : " marketplace of idea "," value neutrality " and " scholars be the agents of truth " .

  22. 梁漱溟从文化比较的角度,以不同于启蒙理性的新思路,分析了现代性中的传统、现代化的多元倾向和从民族传统中挖掘现代性资源的重要性。

    With a new departure different from the enlightening reason , Liang Shuming analyses the importance of the tradition in modernity , of the multi-trend of modernization , and of the exploration of modernity from Chinese national tradition in terms of cultural comparison .

  23. 从18世纪启蒙理性分裂到19世纪人文科学正式问世,近现代人文主义自身经历了深刻转变,从怂恿现代化的世俗主义意识形态中分裂出批判现代化一翼。

    From the 18th century age of enlightenment and reason to the formal coming out of the humanities in the 19th century , modern humanism itself has undergone deep transformation , arising from modernization 's secularism-consciousness and resulting in the critical judgement of modernization .

  24. 由于各种原因,在学界占据主流地位的始终是20世纪后半期在西方兴起的以反思启蒙理性为着力点的、以哈耶克、波普和伯林等为主要代表的自由主义思潮。

    For various causes , what holds the dominant position in academic field has always been the thoughts of liberalism that originated in the West in late 20th century and exerted itself on reflecting enlightened reason and was represented by Hayek , Popper and Berlin .

  25. 众所周知,从马克思·韦伯阐释的现代性的启蒙理性到消费社会的工具理性与技术理性,现代性走入了它的反面,从一种解放人的力量转化为一种束缚人的桎梏。

    From the enlightenment rationality of modernity expounded by Max Weber to the instrumental rationality and technical rationality of consumption society , it is well known that modernity has gone to the other side of itself , changing from a liberalization power to shackles restricting people .

  26. 然而,现代西方哲学生活世界理论绝非是真正科学、合理的理论,这些理论既不能根除启蒙理性的弊端,也不能为人类在现实生活中创造理想生活世界提供理论指导。

    However , the theories of life-world in modern western philosophy are by no means really scientific and rational ones , which neither eradicate the malpractice of rationality of Enlightenment nor provide a theoretical guide for human to create the ideal life-world in the realistic life .

  27. 启蒙:理性与理性主义

    Enlightenment : Reason and Rationalism

  28. 启蒙个人理性,培育公共理性精神是教化的使命。

    The mission of cultivation and education is to enlighten personal rationality and nurture the public reason .

  29. 但是,由于古典意识具有审美现代性意义,它对当代启蒙的理性危机具有一定的纠正作用,所以在20世纪审美文化中古典意识并未消亡,它的核心元素仍然存在并发挥着作用。

    However , because classical consciousness has the aesthetic modernity meaning . It has certain corrective action On contemporary enlightenment rational crisis , So in the 20th century classical aesthetic culture consciousness did not disappear and the core element still exist and play a role .

  30. 还有一些人文主义、启蒙的、理性的非宗教的现代因素的影响。

    Some rational humanism , enlightenment , secular , modern factors .