
  1. 作为一种教学方法,启发诱导,发挥学生的主动性。

    As a teaching method , inspiration is induced .

  2. 一个教师应是一个善于通过启发诱导,而不是粗暴地使用权威的管理者。

    A teacher must be able to manage by implied rather than explicit authority .

  3. 启发诱导小孩学习新词。

    The child to learn new words .

  4. 浅谈语文课启发诱导教学

    On Enlightening and Guiding Chinese Teaching

  5. 其中化归思想方法的教学原则包含:化隐为显原则、螺旋上升原则、系统教学原则、启发诱导原则。

    Its teaching principles include : shift implicit to plain principle , the spiral rising principle , the system teaching principle , the inspiration and guiding principle .

  6. 教师要善于启发诱导学生的主动性和积极性,促使学生独立思考、积极思维,在融会贯通中掌握知识的同时,充分发展自己的思维能力和创造能力。

    Teachers should be good at enlightening and inducing students ' enthusiasm and positivity , stimulating students ' independent thinking , positive considering and mastering knowledge , sufficiently developing their thinking ability and creative ability .

  7. 这次整风要避免过去的缺点,着重启发诱导,通过检查半年来的工作,认真开展批评与自我批评。

    In this rectification movement we should avoid the shortcomings of the past , emphasize enlightenment and guidance , and make criticisms and self-criticisms in earnest through checking on the work done over the past six months .

  8. 通过启发诱导、直进分段等教学方法,对健美操教学作了实验,结果表明,在健美操课中采用上述方法教学,能够显著地提高女大学生的编操能力,取得了良好的教学效果。

    In this article , the author shows us with her experimental results that , in calisthenics classes , these teaching methods such as instruction , illumination and the way of " snowball " can effectively improve female college students ' ability in arranging their own calisthenics .

  9. 启发诱导教学要求教师充分调动学生学习的主动性,引导他们生动活泼地学习,启迪他们独立思考,融会贯通地掌握知识,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。

    Enlightening and guiding teaching requires teachers to fire the students ' with enthusiasm sufficiently , lead them to study actively , inspire them to think for themselves , master the knowledge that they learn through comprehensive research , and improve their abilities to analyze and solve some problems .

  10. 合理地制作和运用多媒体课件,并充分发挥它的优势,与现代医学教育的启发、诱导式教学相结合。

    Reasonably make and apply multimedia courseware , and fully exert its advantage , combining enlightenment and inducement teaching in modern medical education .

  11. 而提问是教师启发、诱导学生最为有效的工具。教师提问能激发学生的学习动机和兴趣。使他们有了学习的原动力。

    Questioning is most useful to illuminate students , by means of which teacher could motivate students interests and offer them the original motive force for study .

  12. 结合当前的素质教育,提出动作技能学习策略的提高途径是:教师指导、分析与纠正、启发与诱导、自我体验。

    With the present quality education , it also makes a suggestion to develop the motor skill study strategy : teacher direction , analysis and redress , illumination and motivation , experience oneself .

  13. 在运用过程中可能出现一些难以避免的缺陷,教师应根据实际情况灵活运用,不可机械叠加,并可注重从心理学的角度去启发和诱导学生。

    In use process may appear some unavoidable defect , teachers should use it flexibly according to actual condition , do not mechanical stack , inspire and induce students from the psychology angle .

  14. 高职院校应注重发挥语文教学的独特功能与作用,启发、诱导、刺激高职生的智力发展与能力培养,以适应社会对高职生的人才需求。

    The higher vocational colleges should pay attention to Chinese unique function of teaching , inspiring the students ' intelligence and capacity development so as to meet the demand for talent of the society .

  15. 通过几个案例的展示,展示了教师是如何沿着学生的思维轨道,合乎情理地启发和诱导,努力挖掘有价值的生成性教学资源,来帮助学生实现个体知识的生成。

    Through several cases , we demonstrate the teachers how to inspire and reasonably induced the students by the track thinking of the students , and how to mine the valuable teaching resources to help students achieve the generation of individual knowledge .

  16. 少年儿童网球参与者正处于身心发展的初级阶段,少年儿童网球运动的启蒙训练是对刚加入网球训练的少年儿童进行启发、诱导和传授网球运动基本知识的过程。

    The youth tennis athlete is being in the body and mind development the crucial stage , the youth tennis movement initiation training is to the youth who just joined the tennis training carries on the inspiration , the induction and the instruction tennis movement elementary knowledge process .

  17. 与中小学教学口语的生动性、形象性、启发性、诱导性等特征相比,大学教学口语更强调言语的严谨性、哲理性、创新性、探索性、引导性和实践性。

    Compared with the spoken language for instruction in primary and middle schools clearly marked by vigour , vividness , heuristics and inductiveness , college spoken language for instruction shows more preciseness , philosophy , creativeness , exploration , guidance and practicality .