
jiàn jiē jīnɡ yàn
  • indirect experience
  1. 从一个讲腐败或灾难的故事中,一个懂得思考的读者不仅可以获得间接经验的直接回报,还可以得到信息和未雨绸缪的延迟回报。

    In any given story of corruption or disaster , a thoughtful reader may receive not only the immediate reward of indirect experience , but also the delayed reward of information and preparedness .

  2. 参加直接实践递增,接受间接经验递减;

    Participating direct practice is increasing and accepting indirect experience is decreasing .

  3. 职业学校的学生的直接经验积累多于间接经验积累。

    Students in vocational schools accumulate more direct experience than indirect experience .

  4. 独重直接经验并与间接经验对立;

    Emphasis on direct experience against indirect experience ;

  5. 而且在我为间接经验者,在人则仍为直接经验。

    Moreover , what is indirect experience for me is direct experience for other people .

  6. 平衡直接经验与间接经验之间的位置,是学校和教师的工作。

    Management the relationship between direct experience and indirect experience is the job of vocational schools .

  7. 现实教学活动中,教师强调间接经验而忽视直接经验。

    In the present teaching activity , teachers place emphasis on indirect experience but ignore direct experience .

  8. 高炉铁水硅含量预测中的直接经验和间接经验

    First-hand Experience and Second-hand Knowledge in Prediction of Silicon Content in Hot Metal Tapped from Blast Furnace

  9. 论述了产品包装设计创意中间接经验的概念、特点和来源。

    The conception , characteristic , source of the indirect experience in product packaging design originality were introduced .

  10. 通过用电脑辅助设计设备绘画建筑平面图,学生可以获得间接经验。

    The student also receives hands-on experience with computer-aided design ( CAD ) equipment in drawing architectural plans .

  11. 如果想学到更多的知识,他们应该更多地求助于其他的资源,例如:图书馆和国际互联网,去获取更多的信息和间接经验。

    If they want to learn more , they will turn to other sources , such as libraries and the Internet to gain additional information and second-hand experience .

  12. 经验主义仅仅强调了人的直接经验对语言使用的影响,但是未能解释人的间接经验和宗教因素对语言使用的影响。

    Experientialism only emphasizes the function of direct experience of human beings on language use , but fails to account for the function of indirect experience and religious factors .

  13. 在这个模型中,信任被定义成信任评估主体对客体的一个多角度的动态的评价,同时模型提供了一个合理的方法用于综合直接经验和间接经验。

    In this model trust is defined as a multiple dynamic evaluation on the object , and a reasonable method is provided to combine the direct experience and the indirect experience .

  14. 翻译理论家是在别人实践经验(间接经验)的基础上进行理论的总结,概括,归纳,综合,使之成为系统的,科学的,有创造性的理论。

    Translation theorists ' researches can be carried out based on translators ' practical experience ( that is , on indirect experience ), and in this way , translation theorists can find some systematic , scientific and creative theories .

  15. 依据课程是经验的观点,语文阅读课程要提供给学生阅读的间接经验和直接经验,间接经验主要表现为阅读知识,直接经验主要通过具体的阅读活动获得。

    Based on the opinion of " curriculum is experience ", reading curriculum should provide students with the indirect and direct experience of reading . Indirect experience is mainly about reading knowledge and direct experience is mainly obtained by specific activities .

  16. 其回归主要表现在两个方面,其一是向学生提供关于现实世界的、复杂且开放的问题,其二是由重间接经验转向实现间接经验与直接经验的动态平衡。

    This returning on one side provides students with complex and open problems of the real life world , on the other side , no longer only emphasizes indirect experience but begins to emphasize the dynamic balance between indirect and direct experiences .

  17. 高炉铁水硅含量的自组织经验进化预测模型主要由动态数据特征提取、动态模式量化以及预测经验的记忆、存储、积累和进化三部分组成,其预测经验可分为直接经验和间接经验。

    Self-organization experience evolution prediction model of prediction of silicon content in hot metal consists of extracting dynamic feature from data , classifying dynamic pattern and treating and improving prediction experience , which is composed of first hand experience and second hand experience .

  18. 首先在与相关概念的辨析中,我们确定了课程知识即指课程内容知识,它包括表现为间接经验的学科课程知识和表现为直接经验的研究型课程知识。

    First of all , through a series of definition comparisons , we define curriculum knowledge as the knowledge of curriculum content , which consists of disciplinary curriculum knowledge and researching curriculum knowledge . Disciplinary curriculum knowledge and researching curriculum knowledge are demonstrated as indirect experience and direct experience respectively .

  19. 环境中的所有直接和间接的经验、活动和事件都是儿童学习的途径。

    These are the Learning experience for children , including the experience both indirect and direct at circumstances , activities and incidents .

  20. 利用影像媒体的外语教育能够提供有效的沟通环境和真实性较强的语言资料,使学习者通过这些间接的经验取得更好的学习效果。

    Teaching foreign language using video media provides effective environment for communication and substantial language contents so that learners can get more effectiveness in learning through such indirect experiences .

  21. 诉讼中的当事人和司法鉴定的专家,虽然他们对经验法则的适用没有直接的决定权,但是他们间接参与经验法则的适用,对法官正确适用经验法则起着重要的保障和限制作用。

    Litigants and forensic experts indirectly involved in the application of the experience rule , and play an important role of protection and restriction when judge apply the experience rule .

  22. 同时,这一研究结果还为我国上市公司存在会计稳健性提供了间接的经验证据,为我国上市公司存在会计稳健性的原因提供了管理层薪酬契约方面的解释。

    At the same time the results of the paper not only provided indirect empirical evidence for the existence of accounting conservatism in our country but also explained its reason standing in the management compensation contracts angle .

  23. 然而,并非所有直接或间接的现实经验都可以被“记”住,而且,被记住的经验也并非随时随地都能被“忆”起。

    However , not both " direct " and " indirect " reality experiences could be memorized , meanwhile , memorized experiences can not always be " remembered " .

  24. 通过种种观察我间接地获得了经验。

    By observation of one type and another I gathered experience vicariously .