
  • 网络indirect measurement;Indirect measurement method;indirect method of measurement
  1. 采用间接测量法对平面3-RPR机构进行运动学标定的仿真

    Simulation on the Kinematic Calibration of Planar 3-RPR Mechanism Through Indirect Measurement

  2. 采用间接测量法对VAMT1Y型虚拟轴机床运动学标定的仿真研究

    Simulation on the Kinematic Calibration of Virtual Axis Machine Tool through Indirect Measurement

  3. 在本文中,根据国际海事组织(IMO)制定的MARPOL公约附则Ⅵ中规定的排放间接测量法和测试标准,首先完成了一组用于船用柴油机NOX排放试验的计算程序;

    In this paper , a calculating program is developed to calculate the NOx content of engine exhaust , which is according to the Annex VI of MARPOL convention established by International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) that prescribes the indirect measure method of the emission and its testing criterion .

  4. 单相接地电容电流简便间接测量法

    Simple Indirect Measurement Concerning the Single-phase Grounded Capacitance Current

  5. 用间接测量法测量平行度的误差

    Measurement of Error of Parallelism by Indirect Method

  6. 锥齿轮轮坯的间接测量法

    Indirect measurement of bevel gear billets

  7. 辽宁籍319名汉族大学生足形的间接测量法

    Indirect measurement of the foot shape of 319 college students of Han nationality in Liaoning province

  8. [方法]对261例医学生采用汞柱式血压计间接测量法,测量两上肢的变音与消失的汞柱值。

    [ Method ] Indirect blood pressure of 261 medical students were measured by mercury column type sphygmomanometer .

  9. 该测量方法的提出彻底解决了传统绝缘参数间接测量法只能测量电网对地阻抗近似代替对地电容的缺陷。

    This presented method thoroughly gets over a gap that foregone indirect methods can only measure insulation impedance to substitute distributing capacitance .

  10. 空气折射率测量方法分两类:直接测量法和间接测量法。各种方法都有自己的特点和不足,一般直接测量法测量精度较高,但结构复杂测量系统体积庞大,或者工作条件要求非常严格;

    There are two kinds of methods to measure the air refractive index : direct method of measurement , indirect method of measurement .

  11. 主要的研究内容和创新如下:①从位移的两种数学描述出发,阐述了位移测量的两种基本方法:空间直接测量法和时间间接测量法。

    The main contents and innovation are as follows : ① Two essential methods of displacement measurement are discussed based on two mathematics description of displacement .

  12. 针对电压互感器二次回路压降间接测量法误差大的问题,提出了一种新的无线测量方法。

    In order to solve the problem of low accuracy in the voltage transformer secondary circuit voltage drop indirect measurement , a new wireless measuring method was introduced .

  13. 指出了采用简便、可行和可靠的间接测量法和在线测量非织造布的纤维取向是今后研究的主要方向。

    It denotes that the simple , feasible and reliable indirect measuring methods and on - line measuring fiber orientation in nonwovens are the main research demands in future .

  14. 已有的检测方法大多采用间接测量法,致使测量精度低,测试过程复杂,抗干扰能力差,而且对电力器件的频繁操作会严重影响电网的安全性。

    However , the existing detection methods , which mainly adopt indirect approaches , have the characteristics of low detective precision , complex detection processes and weak anti-disturbances ability .

  15. 本文采用改进的实时功角测量方法实现对发电机功角的直接测量,并由稳态时的间接测量法进行准确性检验。

    In order to realize direct measuring of generator 's power angle , the paper adopts improving real-time power angle measuring system , and verifies the inspection by the indirect measuring method at the time of the steady state .

  16. 应用推力间接测量法,对模型两相脉冲爆震发动机的瞬时推力进行了详尽的测试,并依此计算了相应的平均推力。

    The instantaneous thrusts of a two phase ( gasoline / air ) pulse detonation engine ( PDE ) model under various operational conditions were obtained from indirect measurement with a piezoelectrical accelerometer , and then the corresponding average thrusts were derived .

  17. 针对脉冲爆震发动机瞬时推力、平均推力测量问题,介绍了直接测量法和间接测量法(包括推力壁压力曲线积分法和抛物摆法)的测量原理及系统构成。

    Transient and average thrust are two important performance parameters of pulse detonation engine . The principle and system structure of direct measurement method and indirect measurement methods ( including thrust wall pressure integral method and ballistic pendulum method ) are introduced .

  18. 本文根据误差理论,阐述了内锥间接测量法中,各个直接测量量与间接测量量测量误差的传递关系.并指出影响函数误差的主要因素。

    According to " the law of Errors ", this paper expounds the transmission of the surveying error between each direct surveying measure and the indirect measure in indirect measurement for conic bodies . This paper also proposed main factors affecting function errors .

  19. 叙述了几种大平面平面度的测量方法,分析了间接测量法、激光双光束扫描法、激光准直扫射法、衍射平面基准法、液面法等几种方法的特点及其测量误差。

    Describes several measuring methods of flatness of large plane . Analyzes the characteristics and error of these methods including indirect measuring method , dual laser beams scanning method , laser criterion line scanning method , diffraction plane criterion method and level surface method .

  20. 通过间接和直接测量法测量弹簧的等效质量,结果发现二者差值小于仪器误差,这说明了二者是一致的以及文中的处理方法是合理的。

    It is found that difference between values obtained by indirect method of measurement and direct method of measurement is smaller than the intrinsic error of a measuring instrument , this shows that both values are identical and the method in the paper is reasonable .