
  • 网络spy novel;espionage fiction;Spy Fiction;espionage novel
  1. 我觉得以中国为严肃主题的间谍小说还有很大写作空间。

    I think there is lots of room for spy fiction that takes China seriously as a subject .

  2. 赫洛维兹承认,他这样做时不得不小心翼翼,以保存这部间谍小说的首位作者伊恩·弗莱明(IanFleming)所创造的007的个性和态度。弗莱明于1964年逝世。

    Horowitz admitted that while doing so he has had to work carefully to preserve 007 's characters and attitude as created by the spy novel 's first author Ian Fleming , who died in 1964 .

  3. 迈克尔-布隆伯格是彭博公司前任CEO。他是约翰-勒卡雷间谍小说的忠实读者。

    Michael Bloomberg is the former CEO of Bloomberg L.P. Bloomberg is a fan of the spy novels by John le Carre .

  4. 它是讲什么的?悉德尼:这是本间谍小说,真的很棒。

    Sydney : It 's a spy novel and it 's really good .

  5. 你在看间谍小说火车上的神秘女人..

    You read spy novels . I am a mysterious woman on a train ..

  6. 美国间谍小说发展概观

    The Origin and Development of American Espionage Fiction

  7. 在我们的幻想世界里,我们喜好多疑,爱看描写犯罪的惊险故事和间谍小说。

    In our fantasy life we court paranoia , lapping up8 crime thrillers and spy novels .

  8. 据说他从007间谍小说中获得了灵感,刺杀肯尼迪给卡斯特罗献礼。

    It is said he was inspired by the James Bond spy novels and killed Kennedy as a gift for Castro .

  9. 在随后的一场记者会上,外交部发言人表示媒体报道的情况完全虚假,并将其比作间谍小说中的情节。

    The ministry 's official spokesman said at a subsequent press conference that the report was totally false and compared it to something out of a spy novel .

  10. 即便是最天花乱坠的科幻小说、最荒唐无稽的恐怖小说和最错综复杂的间谍小说也都用这些元素作为粘合叙述的灰泥。

    Even the flimsiest of science fiction or the nastiest of horror stories or the most intricate of spy novels uses this as the mortar to bond together its narrative .

  11. 答:我读了勒卡雷的所有作品,为他把间谍小说用于严肃目的,把悬疑和极佳的角色导向写作融为一体而惊叹。

    A. I 've read every word of le Carr é and marveled at how he puts the spy novel to serious purpose , how he combines suspense and superb character-driven writing .

  12. 我不读犯罪小说、惊悚小说、间谍小说、与哲学有关的书(尤其是形而上学和伦理学)、自学类书籍以及那些可能是大团圆结尾或唠唠叨叨的书。

    I avoid crime novels and thrillers and spy books and books about philosophy ( especially metaphysics and ethics ) , self-help books or books that might have happy endings , or books that are long-winded .

  13. 有没有参阅什么著名的间谍惊悚小说?

    Any famous espionage thrillers that you consulted ?

  14. 对我来说,它看起来就像间谍惊悚小说以及史诗爱情故事。

    To me , it looks like the spy thriller and epic love story it is .

  15. 今天,俄罗斯不再能激发间谍惊悚小说作家或太空竞赛狂热者的想象力,但却由于其诱人的投资前景,频频出现在投资者的雷达上。

    Today , Russia no longer fuels the imagination of spy thriller writers or space race enthusiasts , but is popping up on investor radars due to the country 's attractive investment prospects .

  16. 苏联解体已经过去将近四分之一个世纪,如今新的阴谋中心显然是北京,但是经典间谍悬疑小说在这里扎根的速度还很慢。

    It has been almost a quarter century since the fall of the Soviet Union , but the settings for classic espionage and suspense novels have been slow to take root in the obvious new center of intrigue : Beijing .

  17. 我的作品既非技术型的,也不是医学型的、法律型的和间谍型的惊险小说。

    I don 't write techno-thrillers , medical-thrillers , legal thrillers or spy thrillers .