
jiàn dié huó dònɡ
  • espionage
  1. 有些商业活动是为间谍活动提供掩护。

    Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage .

  2. 官方已经逮捕了几个涉嫌从事间谍活动的人。

    The authorities have arrested several people suspected of espionage .

  3. 他以公务员的工作作为搞间谍活动的掩护。

    His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy .

  4. 东西方仍在互相进行间谍活动。

    East and West are still spying on one another

  5. 该国需要强大的情报机构来打击间谍活动和外国极端分子。

    The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists

  6. 那位美国高官说,政府资助的经济间谍活动日益增多。

    Government-sponsored economic spying is growing , the senior official said .

  7. 间谍活动的基要就是在对方浑然不觉时打破规则。

    The basis of spycraft is breaking the rules without being noticed .

  8. 英国议会情报与安全委员会(IntelligenceandSecurityCommittee)未能找到华为被用作网络间谍活动载体的证据,但表示英国政府未能采取足够措施管理由海外承包开发的系统中存在的潜在风险。

    The intelligence and security committee found no evidence that Huawei was being used as a vehicle for cyber espionage , but said British authorities were not doing enough to manage the potential risks from systems sourced from abroad .

  9. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,一个专家小组建议整改美国间谍活动。

    As NPR 's Ari Shapiro tells us a team of experts recommends reign in Americans spying activities .

  10. 受前美国国家安全局承包商雇员斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)泄密事件影响,美国自身积极开展的间谍活动在全球范围内受到了审视。

    The U.S. 's own aggressive espionage activities have come under increased global scrutiny because of leaks by National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden .

  11. 在海外访问期间,副总统cheney维护布什管理部门秘密国内间谍活动的做法,并且极力扩张总统的权威。

    Traveling overseas , Vice President Cheney defends the Bush administration 's use of secret domestic spying and efforts to expand presidential powers .

  12. 亚马逊(Amazon)正向企业用户提供在德国运行互联网服务及保存数据的选项,这是为了应对欧洲企业对美国网络间谍活动的担忧。

    Amazon is offering its corporate customers the option of running internet services and holding data in Germany as it addresses concerns from European businesses about the threat of online spying in the US .

  13. 我们意识到了油气行业面对的(网络间谍活动)威胁,联邦调查局女发言人珍妮希勒(JennyShearer)表示。她补充称,对于具体的调查行动,她不能予以证实或否认。

    We are aware of the threat to the oil and gas industry from cyber-espionage , said FBI spokeswoman Jenny Shearer , adding that she could not confirm or deny specific inquiries .

  14. 1971年,他要求与小埃德加·胡佛见面,声称他想成为一名FBI情报员,揭发娱乐圈的间谍活动。

    In 1971 , he requested a meeting with J. Edgar Hoover , claiming that he wanted to work as an FBI informant and rat out subversives in the entertainment industry .

  15. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,巴西总统因担忧美国的间谍活动,下个月将不会按照原定计划访问白宫。

    NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports Brazil 's president won 't be visiting the White House next month as scheduled over concerns about American spying practices .

  16. 北京昨日拘留了一家中国大型钢厂的一名高管。这项不断扩大的调查已导致中国有关部门对英澳矿业集团力拓(RioTinto)四名雇员提出涉嫌间谍活动的指控。

    Beijing yesterday detained an executive of a large Chinese steel mill in a widening probe that has already led to espionage allegations against four employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner .

  17. 去年,威瑞森通讯(Verizon)分析的1598件网络侵入案中,18%是为了从事网络间谍活动,而2013年的1367起事件中,网络间谍活动占22%。

    Last year , 18 percent of the 1,598 confirmed breaches analyzed by Verizon were used for online espionage , compared with 22 percent of 1,367 attacks in 2013 .

  18. 2012年中兴和规模更大的国内竞争对手华为(Huawei)被非正式地禁止在美国销售电信基础设施或投资于美国企业,原因是众议院常设特别情报委员会(HousePermanentSelectCommitteeonIntelligence)指控两家公司为中国政府从事间谍活动。

    In 2012 ZTE and Huawei , its larger domestic competitor , were informally blocked from selling telecoms infrastructure in the US and barred from investing in US companies after the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence accused both of spying on behalf of Chinese authorities .

  19. 自美国国家安全局(NSA)前合同工爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)爆料称美国某些科技公司配合NSA从事间谍活动后,在华经营的美国高科技公司受到打压。

    US tech companies have faced a crackdown in China following revelations by National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden that some US tech companies had co-operated with the NSA in spying .

  20. 他们是上海制造的名为MaryChing的鞋子的高档新款系列,这个女人说道,但这双鞋子让我想到了邦德女郎,在寒冷的西班牙图书馆或者狂风大作的意大利女修道院从事间谍活动。

    They were from an exclusive new line of Shanghai-produced footwear called Mary Ching , the woman said , but the shoes made me think of a Bond Girl going undercover in a chilly Spanish library or blustery Italian convent .

  21. 上周,中国警方称,他们拘捕了一对加拿大夫妇凯文•加勒特(KevinGarratt)和朱莉娅•加勒特(JuliaDawnGarratt),原因是这对夫妇涉嫌从事间谍活动,包括窃取国家机密。

    This past week , Chinese authorities said they detained a Canadian couple , Kevin Garratt and Julia Dawn Garratt , on suspicion of espionage activities including alleged theft of state military secrets .

  22. 自美国国家安全局(NSA)前合同工爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)爆料称美国科技公司在某些情况下配合NSA的间谍活动以来,美国科技公司在中国的经营环境有所恶化。

    The climate for US tech companies in China has declined after the revelations by National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden that US tech companies had in some cases co-operated with the NSA in spying .

  23. 美国当局指控10人为俄罗斯情报机构SVR从事长期的,极其秘密的间谍活动,并将它们逮捕。梅特索斯是美国指出的第11名嫌疑人。

    Metsos was the 11th suspect named after U.S. authorities announced the arrests of 10 people accused of carrying out long-term , deep-cover assignments in the United States for the Russian foreign intelligence service , the SVR .

  24. 中国钢铁业受到铁矿石现货价格大幅上涨的打击。目前各钢厂竞相争夺进口铁矿石,它们预期,一项涉及英澳矿商力拓(RioTinto)涉嫌从事间谍活动的调查,会导致进口限制。

    China 's steel industry has been hit with sharply higher spot prices for iron ore as mills scramble for imports ahead of expected import curbs linked to an inquiry involving spying charges against Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner .

  25. 就在惠普最新交易之前,美国高科技企业在中国面临重重质疑,即它们或与美国间谍活动有关联。在此之前,据报道,爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)的爆料曾显示美国国家安全局(NSA)对硬件设备出口的干预活动。

    The move comes after US technology companies have faced questions in China about potential links to US spying , after revelations by Edward Snowden purported to show the US National Security Agency tampering with hardware exports .

  26. 安全公司mcafee在11月29日发表的一份报告中称,据信,有100多个国家在利用互联网从事间谍活动。

    More than 100 countries are believed to be using the Internet for espionage , says McAfee , the information technology security company , in a report released on 29 Nov.

  27. 三名高管被指涉嫌工业间谍活动的雷诺(Renault)丑闻,可能会转变为一场外交争端。对于中国可能是被窃情报目的地的说法,中国予以了回击。

    The Renault scandal in which three senior executives have been accused of industrial espionage , threatened to turn into a diplomatic incident when China hit back at claims it could have been the destination for stolen information .

  28. ShaneBauer和JoshFattal分别被判处8年徒刑,非法入境判处三年,另外五年是因为被控告负责为美国政府从事间谍活动。

    Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal have each been sentenced to eight years in prison-three years for illegal entry into Iran and a further five years on the charge of spying for the US government .

  29. 秘密搜集一些敏感机密的消息;从事间谍活动。

    Secretly collect sensitive or classified information ; engage in espionage .

  30. 间谍活动战争期间有,和平时期也有。

    They do it in peacetime as well as during wars .