
  • 网络shot;Gunshot
  1. “砰!”第一声枪响了,打中了保罗。

    ' Crack ! ' — The first shot rang out , hitting Paolo .

  2. 突如其来的一声枪响划破了寂静。

    A sudden shot pierced the silence .

  3. 一声枪响,人们缩到墙后或桌子底下躲起来。

    A gun went off and people cowered behind walls and under tables .

  4. 枪响了,比顿再次受伤。

    The gun was fired and Beaton was wounded a second time

  5. 一匹未经训练的马听到枪响受了惊。

    An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire

  6. 发令枪响了,他们冲了出去。

    The starting gun blasted and they were off .

  7. 一只气球爆裂了,听着像是枪响。

    A balloon popped , sounding like a gunshot .

  8. 听到枪响,孩子们胆战心惊。

    The sound of gun shots struck terror into the children 's hearts .

  9. 吧吧两声枪响。

    Crack ! Crack ! Two shots rang out .

  10. 我们听到乓的一声枪响。

    We heard the bang of a gun .

  11. 听到乓乓两声枪响。

    I heard two shots of a gun .

  12. 等着发令枪响。

    Wait for the gun !

  13. 一名女子在Twitter上表示,从她家露台上可以看到事发那条滨海步行道,她称自己听到了枪响。

    On Twitter , a woman who said her terrace overlooked the promenade where the episode unfolded reported hearing gunfire .

  14. 一声枪响使巡逻队马上行动起来。

    A shot rang out and galvanized the patrol into action .

  15. 巫师听到的有可能是枪响。

    The sound the shaman heard may have been a gunshot .

  16. 这说明当枪响时他在现场。

    Which means he was there when the shot was fired .

  17. 听到枪响时,恐惧传遍整个人群。

    Fear ran through the crowd as a shot was heard .

  18. 不过,刚刚又从银行内传出一声枪响。

    However another shot was just heard from inside the bank .

  19. 一声枪响,鸟落下死了。

    There was a shot , and the bird fell dead .

  20. 至少车内有一声枪响。

    At least one shot was fired inside the car .

  21. 正当我要停下来的时候,我听见一声枪响。

    I am about to stop when I hear a gun shot .

  22. 突然一声枪响,然后沉寂了。

    There was a burst of gunfire and then silence .

  23. 那些鸟一听到枪响就四处飞散。

    The birds scattered at the sound of the gun .

  24. 我听到了枪响,但是我以为那是小孩在玩炮竹。

    I heard shots but I thought they were firecrackers .

  25. 我却连一声枪响没听到。

    And I 'm not hearing any of these shots .

  26. 听到枪响时,这个士兵正在检查他的装备。

    The soldier is checking his accoutrements when he hear the gun shoot .

  27. 听到枪响后抗议者便散开了。

    The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots .

  28. 突然一声枪响响彻夜空。

    A sudden shot rang out in the night .

  29. 我们听到谷仓里传来一声枪响

    we heard a shot coming from that barn .

  30. 枪响的时候你在哪里?

    Where were you when the gun went off ?