
  • spearman;Pikeman;Lancer
  1. 枪兵就是一个尚未完工的例子。

    The Marine is an example of a work-in-progress unit .

  2. 一小队瓦兰提斯枪兵看守者通向河流的大门。

    A squad of Volantene spearmen stood guard at the river gate .

  3. 苏格兰贵族组成的枪兵,盔甲精良,为精锐步兵部队。

    Well armoured Pikemen made up of Scottish nobles preferring to fight in the infantry .

  4. 虫族集中了小狗、刺蛇和小强对一队人族枪兵和夜鹰发动了猛烈进攻。

    A concentrated force of zerglings , hydralisks and roaches runs headlong into a group of marines and nighthawks .

  5. 今天有一些枪兵攻打了我们的基地,看着猛犸战斗我很开心,我也想成为一头猛犸!

    Well some Marines attacked our base today , I love watching the Ultralisks fight . I wanna be an Ultralisk !

  6. 刀片是偏离的,使枪兵可轻易的装载并发射,并且它插入敌人后不会松脱。

    The blade is offset , so that the musket can be loaded and fired easily , and it won 't come loose when thrust into an enemy 's guts .

  7. 这些在前线战斗中充当战争舞者支援部队的枪兵,非常精通于靠展示他们运用其多功能武器的精湛技艺来达到胁迫敌人的目的。

    The pikemen , usually found supporting wardancers on the front lines of combat , are adept at intimidating enemy forces by displaying their fierce proficiency with their versatile weapons .

  8. 比如,你可以指挥一些士兵(锋枪兵)到一个房子旁边,向房子那一面的坦克扔手榴弹。

    You can , for example , have some soldiers ( submachine gun ) sneak up to a house and then lob hand grenades across the house onto a tank .