
qiāng fǎ
  • marksmanship;art of using spear
枪法 [qiāng fǎ]
  • (1) [marksmanship]∶用枪射击的技艺

  • 他的枪法是致命的

  • (2) [art of using spear]∶使用长枪(古代武器)的技艺

枪法[qiāng fǎ]
  1. 他表现出惊人的枪法,给了敌人以沉重的打击。

    He showed wonderful marksmanship and hit the enemy hard .

  2. 还有,你的枪法很准。

    By the way , your marksmanship is quasi - .

  3. 这个战士枪法准。

    This soldier is a crack [ dead ] shot .

  4. 她的枪法那么好,真不简单。

    She 's marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy .

  5. 用基因枪法将bar基因导入杜氏盐藻及转基因藻株的检测

    Transfer of bar gene to Dunaliella salina by microprojectile delivery and detection of transgenic alga

  6. 用基因枪法成功地把抗除草剂基因bar导入了4个优良旱稻品种,获得了大量转基因抗性植株。

    The gene bar was transferred into 4 elite upland rice cultivars using particle bombardment and lots of plantlets with herbicide tolerance were obtained .

  7. 以基因枪法将Bt杀虫蛋白基因导入常规玉米自交系的研究

    Studies on Transferring Insecticidal Protein Gene from Bacillus Thuringiensis into Excellent Maize Inbred-line via Microprojectile Bombardment

  8. 基因枪法将LEAFY基因导入甘蔗的研究

    The Study on Transformation of LEAFY Gene into Sugarcane by Particle Bombardment

  9. 利用基因枪法将Bt基因导入早熟玉米优良自交系

    Transfer of Bt gene into early maturing maize elite inbred line 501 and C_ ( 111 ) by microprojectile bombardment

  10. 本研究以抗病基因GO和抗病毒基因PAP为目的基因,研究了农杆菌介导法和基因枪法转基因定向改良嘎拉苹果抗病性。

    The objective of the present study was to transfer the resistance gene GO and gene PAP to Gala apple by using particle gun and Agrobacterium-mediated methods .

  11. 果树基因转化方法主要包括农杆菌介导法、电激法、基因枪法、PEG转化法等。

    The methods include using Agrobacterium mediated transformation , electroporation , gene gun bombardment and polyethyleneglycol ( PEG ) mediated direct DNA transfer .

  12. 本试验利用基因枪法和花粉管通道法两种植物遗传转化技术,将叶片衰老抑制基因P(SAG12)-IPT导入有早衰现象的小麦品系9848,获得转基因植株。

    In this study , transgenic wheat plants of 9848 with P_ ( SAG12 ) - IPT gene were obtained by micro-projectile bombardment and pollen tube pathway .

  13. 作者通过根癌农杆菌(Agrobacteriumtumefaciens)Ti质粒介导和基因枪法,将含抗除草剂Bar基因的植物表达载体,导入小麦幼穗和幼胚愈伤组织。

    The plant expression vector carrying a herbicide resistance BAR gene and a marker GUS gene was transferred into wheat spikelets and immature embryo calli via Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid and microprojectile bombardment .

  14. 用基因枪法将小麦病程相关蛋白基因TaPR-1导入小麦的研究

    Transferring Wheat Pathogenesis-related Proteins 1 ( TaPR-1 ) Gene into Wheat via Micro-projectile Bombardment

  15. 用基因枪法将含有抗除草剂bar基因的植物表达载体导入优良品种小麦幼胚愈伤组织,并通过GUS瞬时表达对沉淀剂、轰击距离、金粉用量等轰击参数进行了优化。

    The plant expression vector carrying the herbicide resistance bar gene was introduced into wheat immature embryo calli using particle bombardment . Parameters of bombardment were optimized by GUS transient expression , such as precipitants , distance , and amount of gold powder .

  16. 用RTPCR方法分离了玉米矮花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因(MDMVCP),并且利用基因枪法将该基因导入玉米优良自交系18599红、18599白幼胚诱导的愈伤组织中。

    The MDMV ( Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus , MDMV ) CP ( Coat Protein , CP ) gene was cloned by RT_PCR method and introduced into the embryonic calli derived from immature embryos of elite inbred 18_599hong and 18_599bai via particle bombardment .

  17. 采用室内模拟盐、旱胁迫,结合田间实际测定的方法,对基因枪法获得的转BADH基因小麦多个株系的不同世代材料进行了耐盐、耐旱性鉴定。

    Assay for salt tolerance and drought resistance of transgenic wheat expressing betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase , obtained through particle gun method , were conducted under simulated salt / drought stress condition .

  18. 在云南2种生态条件下,对基因枪法获得的转溶菌酶基因水稻高代品系D2-1-2和受体品种中花9号的农艺性状、稻米蛋白质含量、氨基酸含量和11种矿质元素进行了对照分析。

    With trans-lysozyme gene rice line D2-1-2 and its restorer Zhonghua No. 9 as test materials , this paper studied their agronomic characters and grain qualities under two ecological conditions of Yunnan .

  19. 为验证小麦病程相关蛋白基因TaPR-1的功能,利用gus基因瞬间表达技术对基因枪法转化小麦幼胚的两个重要参数金粉用量和轰击距离进行了优化。

    To validate the function of the wheat pathogenesis-related proteins 1 gene ( TaPR-1 ), the transient expression technique of gus gene was used to optimize two bombardment parameters , the amount of gold powder and the bombard distance , in wheat gene transformation by microprojectile bombardment .

  20. 转化方法以叶盘法为主,辅助使用了基因枪法。

    Leaf-disc method and microprojectile bombardment were adopted for gene transformation .

  21. 目前常用的方法是基因枪法和农杆菌介导法。

    Particle bombardment and agrobacterium-mediated techniques are commonly used these days .

  22. 就看你的客人枪法准不准了。

    That will depend on your guest with his shooting rifle .

  23. 用基因枪法将抗除草剂基因导入小麦栽培品种的研究

    Studies on the Transfer of Herbicide-resistance Gene into Cultivated Wheat by Biolistics

  24. 学多了就会知道一些枪法

    Learned enough to realize that a few more shots ,

  25. 基因枪法向小麦导入几丁质酶基因的研究

    Studies on transferring chitinase gene into wheat via microprojectile bombardment

  26. 应用基因枪法获得抗大麦黄矮病毒转基因小麦

    Transgenic wheat resistant to BYDV were obtained by biolistics

  27. 草菇基因枪法遗传转化体系的建立

    The Transformation System for Volvariella volvacea by Particle Bombardment

  28. 所以接下来我就要说配合圆的枪法了。

    Therefore , I must say that with the next round of bombardment .

  29. 反正我也打不中,我枪法太烂了。

    I can 't hit anything with it anyway , I 'm rubbish .

  30. 基于壳聚糖纳米颗粒的基因枪法转化洋葱细胞研究

    Chitosan Nanoparticle as Gene Vehicle Mediated by Particle Bombardment in Onion Cell Transformation