
qiāng shǒu
  • marksman;gunner;gunman;substitute examinee


qiāng shou
  • one who sits for an examination in place of another person
枪手 [qiāng shǒu]
  • (1) [marksman;gunman]∶射击手

  • 神枪手

  • (2) [substitude examinee]∶冒名顶替他人考试的人

  • 忽然悟到:凡是考试,都可以请枪手,冒名顶替进场。--《官场现形记》

枪手[qiāng shǒu]
枪手[qiāng shou]
  1. 装备上这种步枪,爱国的神枪手们可以击中250码外的目标,是现代fbi狙击枪射程的三倍还多,是英国滑膛枪射程的两倍。

    Armed with this rifle , P atriot marksman can hit a target 250 yards away , more than three times the average distance of a modern FBI sniper shot , and twice the range of the British muskets .

  2. 这个枪手能从远处非常准确地射击。

    The marksman can shoot very accurately from a long distance .

  3. 他是个神枪手。

    He 's a crack shot .

  4. 那名枪手瞄准了德比利,伺机而动。

    The gunman had singled Debilly out and waited for him

  5. 他被一名独行枪手射杀。

    He was shot by a lone gunman .

  6. 埋伏的枪手开枪打死了司机。

    The gunmen , lying in ambush , opened fire , killing the driver .

  7. 尽管一只眼视力较弱,他仍被称为神枪手。

    He is said to be a crack shot , despite weak vision in one eye .

  8. 警察中的神枪手开了火。

    Police marksmen opened fire .

  9. 他是咱班里的神枪手,打起仗来真是百发百中。

    He was a magical shooter in our squad and his every shot did execution in battle .

  10. 枪手拔枪快。

    The gunman was fast on the draw .

  11. 因此,美国的大自然保护协会发起了一场激烈的野猪清除战役,甚至还用上了直升飞机和神枪手。

    So the Nature Conservancy launched a   fierce   war against the pigs , complete with helicopters and sharp shooters .

  12. 近来这位三十有余的演员确认将加入英国喜剧演员詹姆斯·科登的行列,出演3D版本电影《三个火枪手》。

    Recently it was confirmed that the33-year-old actor will be joining British comedian James Corden for the3D version of The Three Musketeers .

  13. 据NPR新闻的杰基·诺萨姆从渥太华带来的报道,警方表示这名枪手是独自作案的。

    As NPR 's Jackie Northam reports from Ottawa , police said the gunman acted alone .

  14. BBC新闻–当局说,警方枪杀黑人遭到抗议期间,5名达拉斯警员被枪手射杀,6名警员受伤。

    BBC News - Five Dallas police officers have been killed and six wounded by gunmen during protests against the shooting of black men by police , authorities say .

  15. 官方通讯社SANA周五的报道,称身份不明的枪手射杀了两名官方保全人员。

    The official news agency SANA reported Friday that unidentified gunmen had killed two security officers .

  16. NPR新闻记者詹妮弗·卢登报道13人丧生,其中包括前预备役军人的枪手,很明显他是一名分包商。

    NPR 's Jennifer Ludden reports 13 people were killed including the gunman , a former reservist , who was apparently working as a subcontractor .

  17. LisaMarieHusby侥幸逃脱,他被枪手追杀后藏身在一间小木屋中。

    Lisa Marie Husby was one of many who had a narrow escape , managing to hide in a cabin after being chased by the gunman .

  18. 拥挤的《黑骑士崛起》放映式上的一名目击者对CNN说,这名枪手当时穿着防弹背心和防暴头盔,而且一身都穿着黑衣,戴着护目镜。

    A witness at the packed screening of The Dark Knight Rises told CNN the gunman was wearing a bulletproof vest and a riot helmet and was completely covered in black with goggles .

  19. 苹果此次产品发布会因其与联邦调查局(FBI)之间令人瞩目的争执而蒙上了些许阴影,争执的焦点在于该公司应不应该被强制要求帮助调查人员破解圣贝纳迪诺(SanBernardino)枪手的iPhone。

    Apple 's product launch has been partly overshadowed by its high-profile fight with the FBI over whether the company should be forced to help investigators break into the San Bernardino shooter 's iPhone .

  20. 警方目前已确定枪手的身份为58岁的杰弗瑞约翰逊,他之前在女性衣物及饰品商店HazanImport工作,但去年已经被辞退。

    Police identified the shooter as 58-year-old Jeffrey Johnson , who was apparently laid off from his job as a designer of women 's accessories at Hazan Import last year .

  21. 相比之下,也在列车上参与制服枪手、也被授予勋章的62岁英国商人克里斯·诺曼(ChrisNorman)所穿的更保守的西服和领带,未被提及。

    By contrast , the more conventional suit and tie of Chris Norman , 62 , a British businessman who also challenged the gunman on the train , and who also received the French award , was not mentioned .

  22. 一名被怀疑为第10名枪手的人遭到逮捕,警察说他是一个21岁的巴基斯坦人,名叫AjmalAmirKasab。

    A man who is suspected to be the10th gunman was arrested ; the police say he is a21-year-old Pakistani , Ajmal Amir Kasab .

  23. 这个名叫AdamLanza的枪手,今年20岁,在周五的枪击事件中,拿着至少两种武器走进了康涅狄格州的小学,杀死了20名儿童和6名老师。

    The gunman , named as Adam Lanza , 20 , killed 20 small children and six teachers in the Friday shooting , after walking into a school in an idyllic Connecticut town wielding at least two sophisticated firearms .

  24. 瑞银交易员还直接与其他银行的对手方接触,他们有时会联手,fsa表示,在网上聊天室,一名瑞银交易员与他在另外两家机构的对手方被称为“三个火枪手”。

    UBS traders also reached out directly to their counterparts at other banks and they sometimes worked in concert a UBS trader and his counterparts at two other groups were referred to in electronic chats as " the three muscateers " the FSA said .

  25. 39岁的高斯林被选中饰演前中情局特工CourtGentry,他是一名枪手。39岁的埃文斯饰演Gentry的前同事LloydHansen,他被安排去追捕Gentry。

    Gosling , 39 , is tapped to star as an ex-CIA operative , Court Gentry , who has since become a gun-for-hire while Evans , also 39 , plays Gentry 's former colleague , Lloyd Hansen , who is handed the obvious assignment of pursuing Gentry .

  26. 出事的康泰旅行团,在马尼拉著名景点、旅行团必定一游的市中心黎刹公园,被独行枪手持火力强大的M16自动步枪登车挟持。

    The man , armed with a powerful M16 assault rifle , boarded the Hong Tai group 's bus outside Rizal Park , a famous tourist attraction that is a must for tour groups .

  27. 在Oberoi酒店,这所第二豪华的酒店受到了袭击,一个枪手把一名用餐者追到了楼梯井,并当即转身打死了站在他身后的一名老人。

    At the Oberoi Hotel , the second luxury hotel to be attacked , one gunman chased diners up a stairwell and at one point turned around and shot dead an elderly man standing behind him .

  28. 叙利亚库尔德反对派人士声称,其领导人MishaalTammo在本国北部的家中被蒙面枪手破门而入杀死。

    Kurdish opposition activists in Syria say one of their leaders , Mishaal Tammo , has been killed by masked gunmen who broke into his house in the north of the country .

  29. 这是一个合格枪手的标志!

    This is considered a mark of an experienced gun handler !

  30. 我凭着声音瞄准,我是神枪手。

    I aim by sound and I am an expert shot .