
qiāng táng
  • bore
枪膛 [qiāng táng]
  • [bore] 枪管中装送子弹的部分

枪膛[qiāng táng]
  1. 一种肩杠、长枪管并、刻有来复线的枪膛的武器。

    A shoulder weapon with a long barrel and a rifled bore .

  2. 枪膛堵住了。

    The gun chamber was stopped up .

  3. 我们一块擦枪,一名战士抱怨由于M-16的枪栓枪膛的特别凹形结构,擦起来十分困难。

    While we were working on the weapons , one soldier complained about the unusual notched shape of the M-16 's bolt and chamber , which makes it difficult to clean .

  4. 如你已完成射击,可退出弹匣及展示已退弹之空枪膛。

    If you finish , you may unload and show clear .

  5. 制式枪膛压测量方法研究

    Study of method for measuring the interior pressure of the rifle

  6. 男孩像出了枪膛的子弹一样很快消失了。

    The boy went off like a bullet from a gun .

  7. 我拉开枪膛,差一点儿笑出声来。

    When I pulled out its chamber , my laughter almost escaped .

  8. 子弹自枪膛中高速射出。

    The bullet is released from the gun at very high speed .

  9. 步枪的枪膛要经常有绒布擦拭。

    Rifles should be cleaned regularly by pulling a piece of flannelette through .

  10. 说不定有一粒在枪膛里。

    Maybe there was one in the chamber .

  11. 赛克斯小心地把子弹装进枪膛。

    Sikes loaded the pistol with great care .

  12. 比射出枪膛的子弹都快。

    Faster than a speeding buiiet .

  13. 当瞄准镜光轴与枪膛轴线不在同一铅垂面内时,对武器射击精度有影响。

    Improving the firing accuracy is the final aim in the structural optimization of machine guns .

  14. 他斗争了几个钟头,想摆脱这种幻觉,后来他就打开枪,结果面对着空枪膛。

    He fought it off for hours , then threw his rifle open and was confronted with emptiness .

  15. 这种机器能将每粒种子打进机器内室以进行撒播,正如他的枪械将子弹上进枪膛以进行发射。

    It popped each seed into a chamber for distribution just as his gun placed bullets into the breach for firing .

  16. 他于是又跟它斗争,而它又缠住他不放,直到为了摆脱它,他又打开枪膛打消自己的念头。

    Again he fought it , and still it persisted , till for very relief he opened his rifle to unconvince himself .

  17. 火器中的把空壳退出枪膛并把它传送给排出器的装置。

    A mechanism in a firearm that pulls an empty shell case out of the chamber and passes it to the ejector .

  18. 枪膛压力和弹丸初速度是衡量武器性能的重要指标,同时也是内弹道学所要研究的重要技术指标参数。

    There is no denying the fact that initial velocity and chamber pressure are important parameters to interior ballistics which greatly effect weapon performance .

  19. 从这片刻在门闩上立刻把移动聚集回来,吸取和逐放被花费的情形而且放在枪膛内新鲜的弹药筒。

    From this moment on the bolt group moves back at once , extracting and ejecting the spent case and chambering the fresh cartridge .

  20. 提出了一种可实现30mm~5.8mm小口径火炮炮膛(枪膛)表面自动检测的新方法;

    A new way to accomplish automatic detection in the inner surface of 30mm ~ 5.8mm small - bore artillery ( gun bore ) is provided .

  21. 轻轻一推,弹丸便会飞出枪膛,而隔壁房间里谁也不会猜到伯爵正在如打靶家听说的那样练过。

    A cap was sufficient to drive out the bullet , and from the adjoining room no one would have suspected that the count was , as sportsmen would say , keeping his hand in .