
  1. 布雷尔利请他的老板用这种神奇的合金钢来批量生产餐具,却因为生产成本高利润低遭到拒绝。

    Brearley begged his bosses to manufacture cutlery using the miraculous new alloy , but they nixed the idea as unprofitable .

  2. 布雷尔利出身贫困,12岁时就在位于英国谢尔菲德的福生钢厂做学徒工。

    Born into poverty , Brearley began apprenticing at the steelworks of Thomas Firth and Sons in Sheffield , England when he was 12 .

  3. 布雷尔利对此感到奇怪,翻看实验记录后发现,这种铬含量为12%的“不锈钢”,会在表面形成一层保护膜,避免在空气中被氧化腐蚀。

    Searching his notes , he found the precise formula for stainless or " rustless " steel - 12 percent chromium formed a protective layer on steel when exposed to oxygen .

  4. 尽管布雷尔利偶然发明不锈钢在先,但不锈钢的专利权却被一家德国工厂抢先注册,但是社会仍认为他是20世纪最重要金属的发明者。

    A German firm beat Brearley to the patent , but he was eventually recognized as the original - if accidental - inventor of the most important metal of the 20th century .