
  • 网络Bourry
布菜 [bù cài]
  • [distribute food among the guests] 把菜肴分给座上的客人

  1. 和James去英国布菜顿动两个星期学习,旅游,玩一玩。

    Philip , David , and James from Jinan went to Brighton , England for two weeks of traveling , studying , and fun !

  2. 布菜恩,王。什么时候送到?

    Brian Wang , when can I expect delivery ?

  3. 它向一侧倾斜,顶部的糖衣和巧克力现在已经全部沉淀到布菜盘的底部。

    It sagged to one side with icing and chocolate now settling at the bottom of the serving plate .

  4. 她是个46岁的母亲,在东英吉利大学获得过博士学位。在布菜尔的伊拉克卷宗中,关于她的内容比萨达姆的两个儿子还要多。

    She is a46-year-old mother with a PhD from the University of East Anglia , and she takes up more space in Tony Blair 's Iraq dossier than either of Saddam Hussein 's two sons .

  5. 我想要一个妻子,她会打算菜谱,采购必备食品,准备饭菜并微笑着布菜,接着我在学习时她会洗碗刷锅。

    I want a wife who will plan the menus , do the necessary grocery shopping , prepare the meals , serve them pleasantly , and then do the cleaning up while I do my studying .