
bù lái kè
  • Blake;William Blake;Jack Black
  1. 你能在地图上找到布莱克山吗?

    Can you find Black Hill on the map ?

  2. 布莱克在最后一个弯道处速度慢了下来。

    Black faded on the final bend .

  3. 他未能通过无线电和布莱克取得联系。

    He was unable to contact Blake by radio .

  4. 布莱克把手绢包在话筒上,以使自己的声音听起来模糊不清。

    Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice

  5. 布莱克先生是位绅士,举止得体。

    Mr Blake was a gent . He knew how to behave .

  6. 这会儿布莱克再锁房门已太晚了。

    It was too late now for Blake to lock his room door

  7. 布莱克先生直攻要害,问起了性方面的隐私问题。

    Mr Black went for the jugular , asking intimate sexual questions .

  8. 布莱克很熟练地跳上了船,他的重量使小船微微向下沉了沉。

    Blake jumped in expertly ; the boat dipped slightly under his weight

  9. 布莱克在13岁时随家人移民到了澳大利亚。

    Blake emigrated to Australia with his family at 13

  10. 布莱克看得出他已经惹怒了杰罗尔德,这也许并不是什么明智之举。

    Blake could see he had needled Jerrold , which might be unwise .

  11. 我替布莱克感到难过,这个可怜的家伙。

    I felt sorry for Blake , poor devil

  12. 在赫伯特·怀斯曼的风琴伴奏下,我们演唱了布莱克的《耶路撒冷》作为终曲。

    We ended with Blake 's Jerusalem , accompanied on the organ by Herbert Wiseman .

  13. 他的手指紧紧抓住布莱克的手腕。

    His fingers clawed at Blake 's wrist

  14. 布莱克对一个经过的侍者打了个响指,侍者赶紧朝他们走了过来。

    Blake clicked his fingers at a passing waiter , who hurried across to them .

  15. 布莱克神思恍惚地回到了自己的房间。

    Like a man in a trance , Blake found his way back to his rooms

  16. 我给环球剧院打电话告知了布莱克的死讯,然后在《泰晤士报》的私人广告栏登了讣告。

    I rang The Globe with news of Blake 's death , and put notices in the personal column of The Times

  17. 杰克:我只想给我的科学老师布莱克太太买件礼物。有什么建议吗?

    Jack : I just want to buy a gift for Mrs . Black , my science teacher . Any advice ?

  18. 索丕为自己每年逃亡布莱克韦尔岛尽力做出安排。

    Soapy had made his humble arrangements for his annual hegira to the Island .

  19. 布莱克先生由于巧妙的投资赚了不少钱。

    Mr. Black prospered from his wise investments .

  20. 这学期布莱克夫人,也就是彼得的姑姑,调到彼得的学校工作。

    This term Mrs Black , Peter 's aunt works2 in Peter 's school .

  21. 布莱克觉得自己不应该输给朋友。

    Then Blake appeared to decide that he was not to be outdone by his friend .

  22. 布莱克和阿特肯森开始大口喘息,而我则不敢出声,摒住呼吸。

    Excessive gasps18 left the mouths of Blake and Atkinson , whilst I myself remained silent and breathless .

  23. 我的朋友,你在布莱克希尔湾的本葆将军客店,我说。

    You 're at the Admiral Benbow inn , Black Hill Cove , my good man , I said .

  24. 琼斯太太的邻居——布莱克太太当时也在场,她听到琼斯先生的话,立刻告辞,跑回家去。

    Mrs. Jones 's neighbor , Mrs. Black , was there . When she heard Mr. Jones ' words , she quickly said good-bye and ran back to her house .

  25. 布莱克先生回来时,又热又累,他拖着脚步慢慢地走进屋子,看到妻子,他停住了脚步,生气地大声吼道:“你今天晚上要干什么去?

    When he arrived , he was hot and tired . He walked slowly into the house , saw his wife and stopped . Then he shouted angrily , " and what are you going to do this evening ? "

  26. 我的名字叫吉姆·霍金斯,我经历了寻宝的全过程,故事始于公元一千七百多年。那时我还是个孩子,我父亲在布莱克希尔湾开了一家名叫“本葆将军”的客店。

    My name is Jim Hawkins , and I was in the story right from the start , back in 17 - . I was only a boy then , and it all began at the time my father owned the Admiral Benbow inn4 , at Black Hill Cove5 .

  27. Black我想从布莱克先生那儿买辆旧车。

    I 'm going to buy an old car from Mr.

  28. P·布莱克夫人丢了一个袋子。

    Mrs.P Black missed a bag .

  29. 布莱克在《欢乐合唱团》中的首秀将会出现在第四季第五集TheRoleYouWereBorntoPlay,该集将于11月8日播出。

    First Glee episode , Season 4 , Episode 5 : The Role You Were Born to Play , airs on November 8 .

  30. 他把亚马逊形容为一家“物流公司”,把商品从A处运送至B处。“我们的工作,就是给我们的顾客一个让他们心悦诚服地选择布莱克韦尔书店的理由。”

    He describes Amazon as a " logistics business , " getting things from A to B. " Our job is to give our customers a compelling reason to use Blackwell 's. "