
  • 【人名】Breaux
  1. 追踪随访布鲁菌病患者PCR实验室诊断方法的建立

    Establishment of PCR assay for diagnosis of Brucellosis patients in following-up

  2. 山羊心电图布鲁菌病半套式PCR检测方法的建立

    Electrocardiographic Patterns of Goats Establishment of Rapid Test of Brucella by Nest-PCR

  3. 布鲁菌种属鉴定多重PCR方法的建立及初步应用

    Development and preliminary application of multi-PCR in differentiating Brucella spp

  4. 其中6例布鲁菌病患者于6年前作过同部位CT扫描。

    In which , 6 brucellar spondylitis were examined by CT in same position 6 years ago .

  5. 光滑型布鲁杆菌抗体竞争ELISA检测方法的建立

    Development of a competitive ELISA for detection of antibodies against smooth Brucella

  6. 羊布鲁菌双抗体夹心ELISA检测方法的建立及验证

    Development and Verification of Double Antibody Sandwich ELISA for B.melitensis

  7. 材料与方法:对经临床确诊,X线阳性的15例布鲁菌性脊椎炎和17例脊椎结核患者作CT扫描。

    Materials and Methods : 15 cases of brucellar spondylitis and 17 spinal tuberculosis with confirmed clinical and positive X ray were examined by CT .

  8. 领英的共同创始人艾伦•布鲁(AllenBlue)希望该网站能摆脱精英形象,不再只是为知识型员工打造的专属俱乐部。

    Allen Blue , co-founder of LinkedIn , wants the site to shed its elitist image as an exclusive club for knowledge workers .

  9. 结果DIGFA快速检测布鲁杆菌病具有很好的重现性和稳定性;

    Results DIGFA for rapidly detecting brucellosis showed good repeatability and reliability .

  10. 达洛伊西奥(NickD’Aloisio)意气风发地走进伦敦巴尔?布鲁(BarBoulud)餐厅,与人坚定地握着手,描绘他未来事业蓝图的时候,你应该会惊讶得合不拢嘴了吧。

    Thus it 's rather a shock when you first encounter Nick D'Aloisio striding into London 's Bar Boulud restaurant , firmly shaking hands and proceeding to outline his entrepreneurial vision .

  11. 运动学专家乔吉•布鲁威尔斯告诉BBC,生理期参与比赛这个话题是“绝对的禁忌”。

    The subject of competing while menstruating is " definitely a taboo , " Georgie Bruinvels , a sports scientist , tells the BBC .

  12. ovis及其它多种布鲁氏菌的分离培养基。实验犬布鲁杆菌诊断试剂的制备和应用

    Production and Application of Diagnostic Reagent for Diagnosis of Brucella spp . of Laboratory Dogs

  13. 尽管用布鲁的话来说,领英对于Facebook计划打造的职业人脉渠道FacebookatWork感到“职业恐慌”,但他认为,用户更喜欢把个人生活和工作分隔开来。

    While LinkedIn is , in Mr Blue 's words , " professionally paranoid " about Facebook 's plans to create a professional networking channel , called Facebook at Work , he believes users prefer to keep personal and work lives separate .

  14. 预测故事内容目前可在网站GitHub上阅读,都出自杰米·布鲁(JamieBrew)之手。布鲁此前是媒体Clickhole和TheOnion的作家。

    Both the chapter and the predictive text program - available on GitHub - is the work of Jamie Brew , a former writer for Clickhole and The Onion .

  15. 《Elle》杂志称,碧昂斯没有穿衣服是对2011年的谣言的回应,当时她正怀着现在已经5岁的女儿布鲁?艾薇。

    Elle magazine suggested Beyonce 's lack of clothing was a response to rumours from 2011 when she was pregnant with now five-year-old daughter Blue Ivy .

  16. 近年来,由于基因银行(GeneBank)和布鲁海文蛋白质数据库(PDB)发展得很快,为了分析这些海量数据,生物信息学应用而生,并得到了迅速发展。

    In recent years , because GeneBank and PDB have grown very rapidly , bioinformatics has been born to analyze these enormous data and developed very rapidly .

  17. 结论布鲁杆菌OMP28基因高度保守,具稳定的抗原特征。

    Conclusions OMP28 is highly homological and characterized by stable antigen .

  18. 在盖·里奇(GuyRitchie)的蒸汽朋克电影《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》里,小罗伯特·唐尼(RobertDowneyJr)版福尔摩斯浮华的领巾是该角色唯一显示福尔摩斯身份的装束,尽管这似乎更适合2008年的布鲁克林,而非维多利亚时代的伦敦。

    In Guy Ritchie 's steampunk-inspired Sherlock Holmes movies , Robert Downey Jr. " s flashy ascots are the only recognizably Holmesian aspect of his costumes , even if they seem more appropriate to circa 2008 Brooklyn than Victorian London .

  19. 恣意挥霍是嘻哈人士重要的消遣方式,Jay-Z更是发挥得淋漓尽致:据报道,他与同样身为歌手的妻子碧昂斯(Beyoncé)为女儿布鲁•艾薇(BlueIvy)的一岁生日豪掷20万美元。

    Wild feats of profligacy are a crucial hip-hop pastime , one that Jay-Z performs with é lan : he and his wife , the singer Beyonc é , reportedly lavished $ 200000 on their daughter Blue Ivy 's recent first birthday party .

  20. 结论DIGFA快速检测布鲁杆菌病快速、简便,测试过程1-2min内完成,试剂敏感、特异、稳定,非常适合布鲁杆菌病的诊断及流行病学调查。

    Conclusions DIGFA for detecting brucellosis is rapid and simple , it is completed in 1 - 2 min. The reagent is sensitive , specific and stable . It is very suitable for clinical diagnosis and sero-epidemiological surveys for brucellosis .

  21. 布鲁家的人神经一定不太正常。

    There must be a little crack in the Brooke family .

  22. 布鲁菌外膜蛋白OMP10表达及其抗原性的研究

    Expression and Antigenicity Analysis of the Brucella Outer Membrane Protein 10

  23. 布鲁和我,我们有很多事情要做。

    Me and baloo , we 've got things to do .

  24. 西安地区牛型布鲁杆菌病感染特征分析

    Analysis of Epidemic Features of Brucellosis of Cattle Type in Xi'an

  25. 布鲁菌外膜蛋白及毒力因子研究进展

    Progress on the Outer Membrane Protein and Virulence Factors of Brucella

  26. 布鲁,你不能收养毛哥力。

    Baloo , you can 't adopt Mowgli as your son .

  27. 你要勇敢点,就像布鲁那样。

    You 've got to be brave , like Baloo was .

  28. 我想布鲁说的不是野餐

    I don 't think Blue is talking about a picnic .

  29. 我了解你,布鲁,你是一个作家

    I know you , Blue , you 're a writer .

  30. 黑龙江省巴彦县布鲁杆菌病流行病学分析

    Epidemiologic study on brucellosis in Bayan County , Heilongjiang Province