
tán chànɡ
  • play and sing at the same time
弹唱 [tán chàng]
  • [sing and play at the same time] 弹奏唱歌

  1. 他从50年代早期开始表演吉他弹唱。

    He began performing in the early fifties , singing and playing guitar .

  2. 七弦琴的断线不再弹唱赞美你的诗歌。

    The broken strings of Vina sing no more your praise .

  3. 能即兴弹唱、出口成章。

    Capable of playing and singing impromptu and talking with adroit phrases .

  4. 我想到了诺拉·琼斯在钢琴上弹唱作曲

    I 'm thinking Norah Jones , singer-songwriter thing at a piano .

  5. 希望你给我弹唱一曲

    wishing you 'd played me one of your songs .

  6. 《巴赫初级钢琴曲集》的风格与弹唱训练

    Style and Performance Training of " Junior Bach Clavier "

  7. 钢琴弹唱结合教学法探索

    A Probe Into the Teaching Method to Combine Piano Playing and Singing

  8. 晚间的才艺表演在吉它的弹唱中拉开序幕。

    The talent show in the evening drew the curtain with guitar playing .

  9. 那是多克·沃森弹唱的《林荫》

    And it was Doc Watson singing and playing " Shady Grove . "

  10. 我一直在想你能不给我弹唱一曲?

    I was thinking , would you play me one of your songs ?

  11. 在一场恶战之后,弹弹唱唱是很好的放松。

    It is very relaxing and it calms me down after a tough game .

  12. 可是,她在郁郁寡欢的孤独中经常地、极为经常地重复弹唱着它;

    But it was repeated , often - very often , in the shadowy solitude ;

  13. 突然,她美丽的脸上露出忧伤,不再继续弹唱。

    Suddenly her pretty face looked sad , and she did not play or sing again .

  14. 嗯,我为其他几位咯咯成员弹唱了“伤疤歌”,他们都说喜欢。

    Well , I played " pick a scab " for the other gurgles and they loved it .

  15. 里约人吃饭时间较晚,他们通常一边吃饭一边办趴,巴萨诺瓦乐队在广场上弹唱。

    Cariocas eat late and they eat as they party , with a bossa nova band playing in the square .

  16. 悠扬的乐曲使我感动的流泪,美丽的姑娘正在月光之下尽情的弹唱。

    The beautiful music moved me to tears . The beautiful girl was devoted to playing music in the moonlight .

  17. 以琴歌、筝歌为表现形式的弹唱曲探微《巴赫初级钢琴曲集》的风格与弹唱训练

    Tan-Chang ( Playing-Singing ) Tune Represented As Qin-Songs and Zheng-Songs ; Style and Performance Training of " Junior Bach Clavier "

  18. 搭配著冲绳传统乐器三味线弹唱,夏川里美能将每个音符直指听者的心。

    Strumming an Okinawan three-string guitar , Rimi is somehow able to send every note straight to a listener 's heart .

  19. 参加人员:有一定乐器演奏演唱水平,能够弹唱的组合或个人。

    Participants : Should have a certain musical ability to play an instrument and sing either as a group or an individual .

  20. 池塘边突然响起了久违的琴音,不知是哪只不甘寂寞的青蛙,在弹唱情歌。

    Pond suddenly sounded a long absence , Qin Yin , I do not know what just to get in the frog Acoustic love songs .

  21. 林俊杰用钢琴弹唱了力宏的歌曲《你不在》而随后力宏弹奏着另一架钢琴加入演出。

    Lin sang and played Lee Hom 's song You 're Not Here on the piano and was later joined by Lee Hom on another piano .

  22. 例如,培养出来的师资弹唱能力不强,不能完全满足中小学音乐教育和大众音乐教育的需要。

    Trained teachers are of different quality , can not fully meet the needs of the primary and secondary music education and the public music education .

  23. 今天,炎暑来到我的窗前,轻嘘微语;群蜂在花树的宫廷中尽情弹唱。

    Today the summer has come at my window with its sighs and murmurs and the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove .

  24. 有两次,他应她要求为她弹唱吉他歌曲,他的声音中上,有点不大自在,说是她是他的第一听众。

    Twice , when she asked , he played the guitar and sang for her in a voice somewhere between fair and good ; a little uncomfortable , telling her she was his first audience .

  25. 我们很小的时候就学会歌词了,而且在父亲弹唱的时候,我们也跟着唱。

    I could never get over how he could play the songs so well after only hearing them a few times . I loved to sing , but I never learned how to play the mandolin .

  26. 弹唱音乐与纯器乐曲乐相比有自己的特点。比如,要注意面部表情、弹唱配合、情景交融等等。

    Ballad compare with pure instrument music which has its specialties . For example , should pay attention to the facial expressions , the match of playing and singing , the integration of feelings and moods .

  27. 他会弹唱这支歌,他离开这到处挖着巨大红土坑的地方时哼着这首歌词。

    A Love Song to Country Flavor ; He could play and sing that one , and he hummed the words to himself as he left behind the place with giant red holes in the earth .

  28. 可是,她在郁郁寡欢的孤独中经常地、极为经常地重复弹唱着它;当甜美的歌声在潸潸的泪水中寂然消逝时,乐键仍叮叮冬冬地震颤着断断续续的曲调声。

    But it was repeated , often - very often , in the shadowy solitude ; and broken murmurs of the strain still trembled on the keys , when the sweet voice was hushed in tears .

  29. 在给倒时差的法瑞尔吃了一剂超强的法式非处方兴奋剂之后,本高特和德霍曼-克里斯托准备弹唱《走运》的一个草稿,问他有没有兴趣参与创作。法瑞尔说:

    After giving the jet-lagged Pharrell a superstrong over-the-counter French stimulant , Bangalter and de Homem-Christo cued up a rough draft of ' Get Lucky ' and asked if he was interested in working on it . '

  30. 最近,一位男子在日本东京街头用吉他弹唱经典粤语歌曲《海阔天空》的视频在中国社交媒体平台上走红。

    A man singing the Cantonese classic " Hai Kuo Tian Kong " ( As Broad as the Sea and Sky ) while playing a guitar on the street in Tokyo has gone viral across China 's social media .