
  • 网络Elastic wave;damper;spider
  1. 通过一维粘弹波和弹性波的对比,可明显看出粘弹介质中波传播存在很大的衰减。

    According to1-D modeling , the wave in viscoelastic medium has distinct attenuation by comparing with the wave in elastic medium .

  2. 在无初始应力存在并略去热、磁耦合效应时,所得结果变成经典的粘弹波结果。

    The results obtained are in complete agreement with the corresponding classical visco-elastic problems when the initial stress , thermal and magnetic couplings are absent .

  3. 本文应用有限元法研究了几种不规则地形及典型地质构造对粘弹波传播的影响。

    In this paper we have simulated the propagation of seismic waves in a viscoelastic medium and calculated the effect of irregular surface topography by using finite element method .

  4. 铁磁构件在交变磁场的作用下,磁畴壁的不连续运动在其表面释放一种磁弹波&巴克毫森噪讯。

    When a ferromagnetic material is magnetized by an alternating magnetic field , the abrupt irreversible motion of magnetic domain walls inside the material will induce Magnetic Barkhausen Noise ( MBN ) .

  5. 传统的声波模型、弹性波模型、弹塑波模型可视为塑性波模型的特殊情况。

    Conventional acoustic wave model , elastic wave model and elastoplastic wave model can be considered as the special cases of plastic wave model .

  6. 用动态光弹研究波传播问题相当直观,显示出动态光弹在地球物理等领域中的应用前景。

    In studying the process of wave propagation , the use of dynamic photoelasticity is rather audio-visual . It could be expected that the application of the dynamic photoelasticity will have a good prospects in the fields such as geophysics and the rest .

  7. 弹载毫米波聚束SAR对地面目标成像研究

    Image Reconstruction of a Ground Target by Using Missile-Borne Millimeter Wave Spotlight SAR

  8. 目标三维转动对弹载毫米波SAR成像分析

    Analysis of 3-D Rotation of Targets on the Image Quality of Missile - borne MMW SAR

  9. 基于查找表的方式进行FIR滤波器设计,并采用现场可编程门阵列的方法硬件实现FIR滤波器,并将其应用于弹载毫米波精确探测系统的信号处理装置中。

    Studies the design of a FIR electric filter based on Look Up Table ( LUT ), implements FIR electric filter based on FPGA , and applies to signal processing device of missile-borne millimeter wave precision detection system .

  10. 用于探测识别机场跑道的弹载毫米波敏感器研究

    A millimeter microwave sensor used for detecting and identifying airdrome runways

  11. 弹塑性波的研究现状与趋势

    The present situation and the tendency of the research on elastoplastic waves

  12. 一种弹载毫米波引信天线的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of a Missile - borne Millimeter Wave Fuze Antenna

  13. 一维弹塑性波在土-结构体系中传播的有限元分析

    Analysis of one-dimensional elasto-plastic wave propagation in soil-structure system by finite element method

  14. 准各向异性粘弹介质地震波的数字仿真

    The numerical modeling of seismic wave in the transversely isotropic and viscoelastic media

  15. 弹载毫米波脉冲多普勒雷达制导信息处理研究

    Study on Missle-borne MMW PD Radar Guidance Information Processing

  16. 弹塑性波计算中的光滑粒子法

    Computations of Elastic-plastic Waves by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

  17. 本文用有限元方法分析了一维弹塑性波在土-结构体系中的传播问题。

    In the paper the problem of one-dimensional elasto-plastic wave propagation is studied by FEM .

  18. 爆炸地震波经过冲击波、弹塑性波和弹性压缩波的发展过程。

    The explosive seismic wave is developed from shock wave to plastic-elastic wave and into elastic wave .

  19. 然后,讨论了各向异性弹塑性波的传播性质,证明了各向异性弹塑性静力学也存在应力增量势函数;

    It is proved that there exist the potential functions of stress increment for anisotropic elastoplastic statics .

  20. 弹箭冲击波超压值测试系统的抗干扰设计

    Antijamming Design of A System for Measurement of Shock Wave Overpressure Generated when Missile or Rocket is Launched

  21. 本文以弹载毫米波主被动复合探测器的主动通道为对象,研究了其视频信号的模拟的理论和方法。

    This paper detailed studies the theory and method of stimulating the video frequency signal of MMW active detector on bomb .

  22. 采用一维弹脆性平面波理论,运用累积损伤破坏准则对因爆炸或冲击引起的层裂问题进行分析。

    According to one-dimensional elastic-brittle plane wave theory and the cumulating damage failure criteria , spalling process under explosion or impact loading is investigated .

  23. 从弹载毫米波辐射计的目标信号数学模型出发,对目标信号进行了仿真计算。

    Based on the mathematical model of target signal of millimeter wave radiometer on bomb , the digital simulation is made of the target signal .

  24. 采用人工预制裂纹方法,分析高速冲压条件下45号钢柱体内置裂纹扩展的动态响应行为,用弹塑性波理论很好地解释了钢体裂纹扩展过程。

    The dynamic respond behavior of internal crack spread for steel 45 at high impact speed was analysed by artificially manufacturing internal crack and the crack spread mechanism can be explained by the elastic plastic wave theory .

  25. 该方法不仅解决了弹载毫米波辐射计的系统检测和靶场试验测试问题,为型号研制、试验及生产等环节提供了有效地检测手段,也为目标识别研究提供了良好的条件。

    This method not only solve the problem of measuring the millimeter-wave detector system on projectile and testing on shooting range , but also bring forth a effective measuring way , and supply a good conditions for target identifying .

  26. 本文从理论上分析了主被动轮流工作体制下弹载毫米波探测系统的目标识别方案,然后对之进行了一定程度上的工程实现,为整个系统设计提供了有力的保障。

    The paper analysis the target recognition scheme of on bomb MMW detecting system , which works at active / passive two systems performing in turn , and then realize them in some degree , all those can provide powerful guarantee for design the whole MMW detecting system .

  27. 本文采用伪谱法推导了常Q粘弹介质中地震波场的运动方程和波动方程,并进行了地震波场数值正演模拟,模拟结果达到了其它模拟方法同样的效果。

    The paper deduced movement and wave equation of seismic wave field in constant Q viscoelastic media using the method of Pseudo-spectral , and carried on forward modeling , the modeling result is the same with the one of other modeling ways .

  28. 弹塑性平面波传播中弹塑性边界的间断性质

    On discontinuous properties of elastic-plastic boundary in elastic-plastic plane wave propagation

  29. 观察到不同冲击强度下冲击波的弹塑性双波结构和超越。

    The elastic-plastic and overtaking shocks are observed at different shock strengths .

  30. 二维粘弹介质中完全波场正演模拟

    Forward modeling of full wave field in 2-D viscoelastic medium