
tán bō
  • pluck;play ;twang
弹拨 [tán bō]
  • [pluck] 用手指或拨子弹琴弦

  • 三弦属弹拨乐器

  1. 瓦斯卡弹拨着自己的吉他。

    Vaska strummed away on his guitar .

  2. 结论:循膀胱经弹拨法治疗CFS能有效地改善临床症状、体征。

    Conclusion : Plucking bladder meridian manipulation can effectively improve the symptoms and syndromes of CFS patients .

  3. 熏洗弹拨练功三联法对兔膝OA软骨细胞凋亡影响的实验研究

    Effects of Triple Methods ( Fumigation and Washing , Rebound and Tease Manipulation and Exercises for Rehabilitation ) on Cartilage Cell Apoptosis in Knee Joint Osteoarthritis in Rabbits

  4. 方法:对132例L3横突综合征患者运用推拿手法(主要为指揉法、点按法、弹拨法、斜搬法、牵抖法)治疗。

    Methods : 132 cases of L3 TPS were treated by massage manipulation ( chiefly by finger - rubbing manipulation , point - pressing manipulation , flicking - moving manipulation , oblique - moving manipulation and pulling - shaking manipulation ) .

  5. 在背部反复弹拨两侧骶棘肌3~5遍;

    With repeated poking channels manipulation in bilateral sacrospinalis for 3-5 times ;

  6. 冬不拉哈萨克族弹拨乐器。

    Dongbula is a plucked stringed instrument of the Kazak ethnic group .

  7. 于弹拨一两秒后,乐器的音符会明显地降调。

    Notes go noticeably flat a second or two after being plucked .

  8. 电子音乐中中国民族弹拨乐器的音色个性

    Sound Features of Electronic Music in the China 's National Plucked String Instruments

  9. 她轻轻地弹拨竖琴的弦。

    She touched the strings of the harp .

  10. 琵琶,作为中国传统弹拨乐器,有着悠久的历史。

    Pipa , as Chinese traditional plucked string instrument , has a long history .

  11. 古筝是中国传统弹拨乐器之一。

    Guzheng is a traditional Chinese musical instrument .

  12. 阮是一种具有两千多年历史的中国弹拨类乐器,起源于秦汉。

    Sound Power Level Measurement of Ruan , a Chinese Traditional Plucked Stringed Instrument ;

  13. (指提琴类的乐器)用手指弹拨的。

    ( of instruments in the violin family ) to be plucked with the finger .

  14. 中国的乐队传统上包括拉弦乐器,木管乐器,弹拨乐器及打击乐器。

    Chinese orchestras traditionally consist of bowed strings , woodwinds , plucked strings and percussion .

  15. 弹拨手法治疗运动员梨状肌综合症的临床体会

    Massage Therapy Treatment for Athletes Piriformis Syndrome

  16. 表演时,用哈萨克族的弹拨乐器“冬不拉”伴奏。

    Dombra ( a plucked string instrument ) is often used for accompaniment during the performance .

  17. 艺人们弹拨着缠着丝制弦的琉特琴,歌唱着他们主人从未感受过的爱情。

    Minstrels strummed on silk-stringed lutes and sang of a love their master had never felt .

  18. 弦诗乐是用弹拨乐器演奏乐谱的总称。

    Tone poems are a general name for poems set to music and played on plucked instruments .

  19. 手法结合跟骨夹复位弹拨固定治疗跟骨骨折

    Treatment of fracture of calcaneus with reduction of manipulation and calcaneus clamp and fixation of external fixator

  20. 筝,又称为古筝,是中国最古老的弹拨乐器之一。

    Guzheng , also called Chinese zither , is one of the oldest Chinese musical plucking instruments .

  21. 针灸与弹拨手法治疗臀上皮神经损伤85例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Acupuncture and Acupoint Poking Treatment for 85 Cases with Damage of Superior Clunial Nerves

  22. 柳琴,作为中国民族器乐中一个新起的弹拨乐器,止以骄人的姿态迅速发展着,并受到世人的广泛关注。

    Liu Qin as a newly developed Chinese national stringed musical instrument is developing rapidly and given a world-wide attention .

  23. 古筝作为我国古老的民族弹拨乐器,有着两三千年的历史。

    As a kind of traditional Chinese pizzicato musical instrument , Zheng has about two or three thousand years long history .

  24. 那班淘气鬼最爱胡乱画墙壁、弹拨钢琴等捣蛋行为。

    The rascals like to act up by doodling on walls , strumming on the piano , and other such goings-on .

  25. 中国弓弦乐器的产生,一般认为比吹奏乐器、打击乐器、弹拨乐器要晚。

    It is believed that the bowe-stringed instrument appeared much later than that of musical instrument , percussion instrument , string instrument .

  26. 弹拨乐器的现状与未来发展的构想本文研究了采摘后的油茶果实内物质的转化和积累规律。

    The present paper studies a law of matter conversion and accumulation in the plucked fruit of oil tea camellia ( Camellia oleifera ) .

  27. 平刺滞针弹拨法治疗肩背腰部肌筋膜炎102例疗效观察

    Observations on the efficacy of horizontal needling with sticking of needle and flicking for treating 102 patients with scapular , dorsal and lumbar myofascitis

  28. 我梦见,她坐在我的床头,纤纤素手轻柔地抚弄我的头发,那爱抚像是在弹拨美妙的乐曲。

    I DREAMT that she sat by my head , tenderly ruffling my hair with her fingers , playing the melody of her touch .

  29. 是以蒙古族乐器“托部秀尔”(弹拨乐器)伴奏,以表现马为主、又可自由发挥的舞蹈形式。

    Accompanied by " tambourine "( a kind of plucked musical instrument ), the dance mainly depicts the horse movement and can be expanded freely .

  30. 它虽然是由西方交响乐团伴奏的,独奏乐器却是一种传统的中国古代弹拨乐器,有点像曼陀林。

    Though accompanied by a western symphony orchestra , the solo instrument is a traditional ancient Chinese plucked string instrument , somewhat like the mandolin .