
  • 网络springtail;collembola;collembolan
  1. 稻田蜘蛛对弹尾虫的功能反应及选择作用

    On the functional response and preference of two Paddyfield spiders to a springtail

  2. 它在斜坡上四处搜索靠风飞行的猎物比如弹尾虫。

    it scours the slopes for wind-borne prey such as springtails .

  3. 吉林中、西部平原区土壤弹尾虫群落结构的比较

    Community structure of soil collembolas in the middle and west plains of Jilin province

  4. 标志性的球根形的腹部,纤细的颈部,还有心形的头部,都表明它是圆跳虫科的弹尾虫家族的一员。

    The characteristic bulbous abdomen , narrow neck and heart-shaped head show this to be a member of the Sminthuridae family of springtails .

  5. 因此,不能片面强调弹尾虫等中性昆虫对控制害虫的促进作用,在作物生长的不同时期,它们所起的作用不同。

    Consequently , we should not put undue emphasis on neutral insects ' promotion of insect pests control , their function will be different in different growing stages of crops .