
  • 网络spring safety valve;spring-loaded safety valve;Direct spring loaded safety valve;spring-loaded pressure relief valve
  1. 核电站用弹簧式安全阀的颤震现象及解决方案

    Chatter and the solution of the direct spring loaded safety valve used for nuclear power plant

  2. 氧化铝生产过程中弹簧式安全阀的维护及故障排除

    Maintenance and Fault Clearance of Spring-loaded Safety Valve In Aluminum Oxide Production Process

  3. 气控碟形弹簧式安全阀的研制

    Research and manufacture of pneumatic control disc spring safety valve

  4. 弹簧式安全阀在线整定技术分析与探讨

    On-line set pressure technical analysis and discussion of spring type safety valve

  5. 弹簧式安全阀阀球开启高度对排量的影响

    Effect of Globe Opening Clearance of Spring Relief Valve on Discharge Capacity

  6. 浅谈弹簧式安全阀的选用和调试

    The selection and regulation of spring safety valve

  7. 弹簧式安全阀整定的经验总结

    Setting of Spring safety Valves

  8. 通过利用弹簧式安全阀诸压力之间的相互关系,进行该类型安全阀现场整定的方法。

    Amethod based on the interrelationship among the pressures in a safety valve is given for determining the pressure settings .

  9. 叙述了SH-1型弹簧式安全阀在线检测仪的工作原理、系统组成、测试的性能曲线、主要应用场合和特点,以及现场应用的实例。

    The operating principle , system components , testing performance curve , main application field and example of site applicationof inline detecter for SH-1 spring type relief are described .

  10. 针对弹簧式安全阀高压工作时开闭可靠性差,而销钉、膜片式安全阀不耐疲劳状况,设计出密封圈式一次动作安全阀。

    In order to solving the problems of the poor stability of spring relief valve working under high pressure and the poor fatigue resistance of pin and membrane relief valve , an one-off gasket like relief valve is designed .

  11. 根据改进FMECA分析结果以及故障树与随机Petri网之间的转换关系,将弹簧全启式安全阀的故障树转换成相应的随机Petri网,通过结合相关的失效数据进行定量的可靠性分析。

    Considering the result of improved FMECA and the conversion relationship between the fault tree and stochastic petri nets , the paper takes a reliability analysis to the spring full-open safety valve and gets some reliability date in the last .

  12. 对改善弹簧直接作用式安全阀密封特性的探讨

    Study on Improving Seal Character of Spring Reacting Safety Valves

  13. 分析了一般弹簧直接作用式安全阀非正常泄漏的原因,提出了克服其非正常泄漏的方法。

    The reason for abnormal leakage of general spring direct acting safety valve is analyzed and the method for overcome this abnormal leakage is proposed .

  14. 对弹簧全启式安全阀的各种失效模式进行分析,针对各个故障产生的原因及影响提出了相应的改进措施。

    The causes which result the failure modes of the spring full-open safety valve is analysised , and the paper gives the corresponding improvements to each failure mode .

  15. 所研制的具有外置平衡机构的弹簧直接作用式安全阀克服了上述缺点,并可保持一般弹簧直接作用式安全阀的优点。

    The new design of such safety valve with outer balance mechanism is developed which can not only overcome the above defect but also keep the good performance of general spring direct acting safety valves .