
  • 网络Low Pressure Boiler
  1. 4号低压锅炉仪表控制系统更新改造的设计

    Modification Design for the Instrument Control System of No.4 Low Pressure Boiler

  2. 对执行低压锅炉水质标准之我见

    My Opinion on Performing the Water Quality Standards for Low Pressure Boiler

  3. 小型低压锅炉化学清洗的改进

    The improvement of chemical method for cleaning small size low-pressure boilers

  4. 低压锅炉蒸汽冷凝水缓蚀处理与经济效益

    Low-pressure Boiler Condensation Return Water Anti-corrosion Treatment and Economical Efficient

  5. 低压锅炉水处理运行的现状分析

    Analysis of the Water Treatment Operations of Low Pressure Boilers

  6. GB/T16811-1997低压锅炉水处理设施运行效果与监测

    Running result and the monitoring and testing of low-pressure boilers water-treatment equipment

  7. 低压锅炉的化学清洗方法及步骤

    General method and steps of chemical cleaning for low-pressure boiler

  8. 中低压锅炉汽包水位简易自控

    Simple Automatic Control of the Drum Water Level in Medium and Low-Pressure Boilers

  9. 氯离子监测在低压锅炉安全运行中的应用

    The Application of Cl ~ - Monitoring in Safe Operation of Lower-Pressure Boiler

  10. 低压锅炉炉水碱度超标的原因及防止措施

    Causes and prevention for the exceeded boiler water alkali in low pressure boilers

  11. 低压锅炉锅筒腐蚀与预防措施

    Corrosion of low pressure boiler cylinder and preventive measures

  12. 腐植酸钠在低压锅炉水中阻垢缓蚀作用的研究

    Action of sodium humate on low pressure boiler feedwater

  13. 低压锅炉炉内加药水处理新工艺

    New Chemical Water Treatment Process Inside Low Pressure Boiler

  14. 低压锅炉投药中的几个理论问题

    Several theoretical problems for dispensing for low-pressure boiler

  15. 低压锅炉用水离子交换处理流程

    Ion Exchange Technological Process of Low-pressure Burner Water

  16. 低压锅炉安装质量保证体系的有关问题分析

    An analysis of the issues relating to the quality control system in low-pressure boiler installation

  17. 低压锅炉的化学清洗工艺

    Chemical Cleaning of Low Pressure Boiler

  18. 对低压锅炉改造的探讨

    On modification of lowpressure boiler

  19. 中低压锅炉及换热器用不锈钢焊接钢管的发及技术攻关

    Welded Stainless Steel Pipes / tubes for Low - medium Pressure Boiler and Heat-exchanger Product Developing and Technology Researching

  20. 低压锅炉局部腐蚀与防范措施加热炉炉管局部腐蚀及防治

    Local corrosion of the low pressure boiler and its prevention The Local Corrosion of Furnace Tube of Heater and Its Countermeasures

  21. 低压锅炉的进水一般是江河水、地下水等硬水,进水的处理常用离子交换法。

    The water of the low-pressure boiler used is hard water , for example , groundwater and river water , water treatment often uses ion exchange technique .

  22. 详细介绍了一例低压锅炉化学清除水垢的全过程,同时对锅炉的化学清洗提出了几点建议。

    The whole process of chemical cleaning scale in a low pressure boiler was particularly introduced , and several suggestions on chemical cleaning to boiler were given .

  23. 为保证低压锅炉安全、经济有效地运行,根据我国的实际情况需经常分析检测给水硬度、锅水碱度及氯离子等项目。

    In order to assure that the low pressure boiler safety and economy are effectively moved , the daily checkout project includes feedwater hardness , boiler water alkalinity and chlorine ion .

  24. 简述了我国工业锅炉制造业现状、锅炉钢管生产现状以及焊接钢管用于制造中低压锅炉现状。

    It is explained that the manufacturing actuality of China industrial boilers , the production actuality of steel pipe for boilers and manufacture middle and lower pressure boilers actuality of welded pipe for boilers .

  25. 本文主要对中低压锅炉及换热器用不锈钢焊接钢管的生产工艺进行了研究,并着重对其中的四个工艺难关进行了技术攻关。

    We mainly carry researches on producing process of welded stainless steel pipes / tubes for low - medium pressure boiler and heat - exchanger , and especially tackle key problem to four technical difficulties thereof .

  26. 本文针对执行低压锅炉水质标准中所遇到的问题进行了分析探讨,提出了相应的解决办法,并对修订标准谈了作者的观点。

    The paper discusses and analyses the problems arising in implementing the water quality standards for low - pressure boiler , presents some methods for solving the problems and puts forward the author 's views on revising the standards .

  27. 文章分析了中、低压锅炉及压力容器上弹簧安全阀的常见故障及其产生原因,并针对这些原因提出了相应的解决措施。

    The main reasons of common fault being produced within spring safety valve used on medium-pressure or low-pressure boiler and pressure vessel are analyzed in the paper , The treatment measures are put forward corresponding in accordance with these reasons , too .

  28. 在对焦化重油和石油重油的性质进行对比分析的基础上,以大于和等于1:9的比例混合后分别用作低压锅炉和高炉喷吹燃料,均获得良好结果。

    On the basis of comparing the qualities of coking heavy oil with that of petroleum heavy oil , a mix with ratio of 1:9 ore more , is used as fuel for low pressure boilers and BF injection . Satisfactory results have been obtained .

  29. 作者对我国目前低压锅炉及中央空调冷水机组给水系统使用钠离子交换器的现状以及盐对人体造成的危害做了较详细论述,同时呼吁我国尽早禁止钠离子交换器的使用。

    The author describes present situation of using sodium-ion exchangers for the watering systems of lowpressure boilers and cooling water air-conditioning units in China and the harm of salt to human being , and appeals for prohibition of using sodium-ion exchangers as soon as possible in China .

  30. 结果表明,NF和RO分别在0.75MPa和1.0Mpa压力下,回收率20%时处理效果最好。一级NF和一级RO可满足中低压热水锅炉补给水的水质要求;

    Results showed that one-pass NF and RO technology can meet the feed water criteria of middle and low pressure hot water boiler ;