
  • 网络Small Boiler
  1. 小型锅炉水煤浆燃后电除尘的试验研究

    Experiment on Electrostatic Precipitator for a Small Boiler Fueled by Coal-Water Slurry

  2. 不锈钢小型锅炉烟筒破裂原因分析

    Stainless Steel Small Boiler Chimney Break Reason Analyse

  3. 国外中小型锅炉一般采用燃油或燃气方式,对中小型CFB燃煤工业锅炉研究很少。

    Foreign small and medium sized boilers generally use oil or gas as fuel , so there is little research of the coal-fired industrial boiler .

  4. 小型锅炉管壁温度测试方法

    A Method for Measuring Tube Wall Temperatures of Low Capacity Boilers

  5. 工业小型锅炉中钙垢的形成及控制研究

    The Formation and Control of Calcium Scale in Small Industrial boiler

  6. 中小型锅炉房噪声控制技术及其应用

    The Noise-Control Technique and Its Application about Small and Middle-Sized Boiler Room

  7. 洁净燃煤中小型锅炉新技术及节能环境效益分析

    Advanced technology for medium-and small scale clean coal fired boiler and analy

  8. 中小型锅炉的化学清洗与节能

    Chemical cleaning of middle or small boilers and energy conservation

  9. 食品行业小型锅炉控制系统的技术改造

    Technology remodeling of control system of small type boiler in foods industry

  10. 中小型锅炉石灰脱硫的试验研究

    Test and Research of Limestone Desulphurization of Small and Medium Sized Boilers

  11. 浓淡型煤粉燃烧器在小型锅炉上的应用

    Application of Dense - thin Phase Pulverized Coal Burner in Small Sized Boilers

  12. 中小型锅炉一次风在线监测的实现

    Realization of Primary Air On-line Monitoring System for Medium and Small Sized Boilers

  13. 小型锅炉烟气喷雾分离法脱硫的试验研究

    A pilot study of desulfurization of flue gas from small boilers by spraying-separation

  14. 浅谈不锈钢小型锅炉的T型接头

    T-connector for Small - sized Stainless Steel Boiler

  15. 小型锅炉的碱化

    Alkali cleaning of the small - sized boilers

  16. 中小型锅炉湿式除尘器污水净化循环利用探讨

    A Probe of Sewage Treatment and Cyclic Utilization of Wet Dust-remove Equipment of Medium Boiler

  17. 中小型锅炉锅垢的物相分析及溶解特性的研究

    Study on Phase Analysis and Solubility of Scales Produced in Medium and Small Sized Boilers

  18. 小型锅炉烟气脱硫除尘工艺的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Technology on Flue Gas Desulphurization and Dust Removal for Small Size Boiler

  19. 中小型锅炉烟气汽流喷雾干燥法脱硫的研究

    Research on Desulfurization of flue gas from medium and small boilers by steam jet atomization drying

  20. 本文叙述了小型锅炉烟气脱硫中遇到的一些问题。

    Some problems encountered in the sulfur dioxide removal from flue gases of small-scale boilers are discussed here .

  21. 一种适用于中小型锅炉加药系统智能控制器的研究

    The Study of the Intelligent Control of Chemical Feeding System Suiting for the Medium and Small Sized Boiler

  22. 近几年随着人们生活水平的提高,小型锅炉以及用热设备迅速增加,但是由于设备效率低,工艺落后,能源浪费十分严重。

    With the development of people 's life , compact boiler units and thermo equipments are being widely used .

  23. 介绍了当前应用于中小型锅炉湿法除尘废水循环回用治理的各项技术。

    Various existing methods to treat the dust trench wastewater of boilers with medium and small capacity for recycle using are presented technically .

  24. 介绍了一种与现在多级离心泵完全不同的小型锅炉(10t/h以下)给水泵。

    A improved design of lower boiler feed pump (≤ 10t / h ), which is different remarkably from multi-stage centrifugal pump is presented .

  25. 解决好中、小型锅炉水煤浆燃烧技术,是发展水煤浆产品的关键。

    How to solve the combustion technology using in medium or mini type boiler is the key to develop the product of coal_water slurry .

  26. 不规范的市场与产业簇群的形成和发展&以陕西武功、渭南中小型锅炉企业群为例

    Formation and development of non-standardized market and industrial cluster & Take small and middle-sized boiler enterprise group of Wugong and Weinan as an example

  27. 本文所讲的层燃式锅炉,主要是以链条炉排作为其燃烧装置的中小型锅炉。

    The layer burning industrial boilers discussed in this paper are mainly small and middle boilers which use chain grate as their burning device .

  28. 可用于船舶、石油、化工、印染工业和别墅、旅馆、高楼生活用水及小型锅炉给水使用。

    For oil , chemicals , ships , printing and dyeing industry and villas , hotels , tall buildings and small boiler feed water using .

  29. 为提高中小型锅炉的供热效果与管理水平,设计了一套锅炉供热温度检测与报警系统。

    The paper introduces a set of system designed for boiler heat supply temperature detection and alarm in order to enhance middle-small boiler heat supply effect and management standard .

  30. 对小型锅炉分散供暖和大型锅炉集中供热进行了对比,大型锅炉集中供热节能效益和社会效益显著。

    The comparison between small boiler decentralized heat-supply and large boiler centralized heat-supply is made . The energy saving benefit and social effect of large boiler centralized heat-supply are remarkable .