
  • Hourly speed;【电工】speed at one hour rating
  1. 方法:1.离体猪肝实验:将离体猪肝置于37℃生理盐水中,以PTC针穿刺后,通过延长管以微量注射泵12ml/小时速度注入不同浓度、不同剂量盐酸。

    Methods : 1 . Test of pig livers : 1.1 Put the liver into 37 ℃ NS , then we injected difference dosage of HCL to liver by a extension tube to a syringe filled with difference density HCL .

  2. 现在鸵鸟们就在ReadingFightinPhils棒球队俱乐部外场上以最高40英里每小时的速度奔跑。

    Ostriches are roaming the Reading Fightin Phils outfield with a top speed of 40 miles per hour .

  3. 针对SPRLS算法在误差较小时收敛速度慢的问题,利用误差梯度信息对自扰动项进行修正,从而提出了一种适合智能天线的改进型SPRLS算法。

    In order to overcome the drawback of SPRLS algorithm that have slow convergence rate when error is small , we use the information of error grads to modify the self-perturbing term and present a new modified SPRLS algorithm which is applicable to smart antenna .

  4. 汽车每小时把速度降低五公里。

    The car dropped its speed by five kilometres an hour .

  5. 你想让巴里以八百英里每小时的速度撞击某物?

    You want Barry to hit something at 800 miles an hour ?

  6. 一直用28英里每小时的速度开下去?

    at a steady 28 miles per hour ?

  7. 骨鱼可以长时间保持40英里每小时的速度游动。

    They can maintain flight speed of up to 40 miles per hour for long durations .

  8. 它能够携带超过一百六十公里每小时的速度在空气中的两个人。

    It can carry two people at speeds over one hundred sixty kilometers an hour in the air .

  9. 接着它们被切割机以70英里/小时的速度被切成细条。

    They 're then fired through a cutter at up to 70 miles an hour into thin sticks .

  10. 一颗炮弹每小时的速度是六百法里,可是光的速度每秒钟是七万法里。

    A cannon-ball only travels six hundred leagues an hour ; light travels seventy thousand leagues a second .

  11. 当然,以40公里每小时的速度撞上地面,谁的骨头也受不了。

    Of course , slamming into the pavement at40 miles per hour can be expected to break anyone 's bones .

  12. 同步的动力能使得稻飞虱以九英里每小时的速度前进,令人印象深刻。

    The synchronized forces propel the nymph straight through the air at up to nine miles an hour - impressive .

  13. 温度高、湿度小时染色速度快,但分布不均匀,多呈斑形;

    It dyes fast , but is not even , appears stain in the condition of high temperature and low humidity .

  14. 在跳下来的途中,他打破了声音障碍,一度以833.9英里每小时的速度降落。

    On his way down , he broke the sound barrier , at one point travelling at 833.9 miles an hour .

  15. 然而,我认为以80至90英里每小时的速度移动的风暴将使得海浪几天之内都朝这个方向移动。

    Yet I think this is 80-mile-or 90-mile-per-hour storm . The waves are gonna be coming in this way for days .

  16. 艾迪伯纳德:智利海啸转移的速度和喷气式飞机相当,在辽阔的海洋以500英里每小时的速度疾驰。

    Eddie Bernard : It was going about the speed of a jet , about 500 mph in the open ocean .

  17. 佛罗伦斯·查德威克最终成为第一个游过卡达琳纳海峡的女子,并且以快两个小时的速度打破了男子游过该海峡的记录,这让男子记录黯然失色。

    Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel , eclipsing the men 's record by two hours !

  18. 而作为主要影响因子的日照时数则以每年3.6小时的速度增加;

    While the sunshine duration which is considered as main impact factor , is increasing with the speed of 3.6 h / a ;

  19. 每天总共会有155组列车以平均300公里/小时的速度行驶在这条铁路上。

    A total of 155 pairs of trains will run on the line every day at an average speed of 300 km per hour .

  20. 警察:女士,安全气囊以200英里每小时的速度展开,你儿子太小了,不该坐在副驾驶座。

    Policeman : Ma'am , an deploys at 200 miles an hour . Your son 's too small to sit in the front seat .

  21. 而小汽车以120千米/每小时的速度行驶,行驶同样的距离则需要1分钟。

    It takes a car about 1 minute , driving at the speed of 120 kilometers per hour , to travel the same distance .

  22. 测试的重点是测试它的隔热板,就是让猎户座以20000英里每小时的速度猛烈撞击地球大气层。

    The key point of the test is to get Orion moving at about 20,000 mph before it slams into Earth 's atmosphere to test its heat shield .

  23. 在采样频率为12样/小时的速度下,浓缩倍数可达50倍。样品(自来水)回收率为90~110%;

    An enrichment factor of 50 was achieved at a sampling frequency of 12 samples / hour with recoveries of 90 & 110 % for the tap water sample .

  24. 正如有些研究所示,由于远远低于追捕猎物的45英里/小时的速度,这个令人生畏的庞然大物可能根本不会跑。

    Far from chasing its prey at speeds of up to45 mph , as some studies have suggested , the fearsome creatures may not have been able to run at all .

  25. 我是说,就是会有些害怕待在以七百米每小时的速度在高空飞行的飞行器里的那种感觉。

    It 's not that bad though , I mean , it is pretty scary to be in this big machine flying through the air at seven hundred miles per hour .

  26. 到目前为止,维珍公司的测试舱已经达到387公里/小时的速度,但该公司预测它将以1000公里/小时的最高速度发送货物。

    So far Virgin Hyperloop One 's test capsule has reached speeds of 387 kmph , but the company predicts it will send cargo at a top speed of 1000 kmph .

  27. 它们能以35英里每小时的速度,只用一个月游完1000英里的迁徙距离。

    And travel they do , with a regular cruising speed of around 35 miles per hour , they cover migration ranges of more than a thousand miles in only a month .

  28. 在非洲,人们甚至会举办骑鸵鸟比赛。鸵鸟可以以60英里/小时的速度跑上半个小时,这是一段非常长的距离了。

    In Africa , humans even hop on their backs and use them in races , as they can maintain a 60 mph speed for half an hour and cover many miles of ground .

  29. 进针后,拔出针芯,确认无出血后,通过延长管与装有18%盐酸的注射器连接,后者置于微量注射泵上,以12ml/小时的速度注药。

    After the insertion , the needle was connected by means of an extension tube to a syringe filled with 18 % HCL , adjust the speed to 12ml / hour through a micro-dosage injection pump .

  30. 比如说,现在世界上速度最快的人类是牙买加飞人博尔特,记录显示,他在110米栏中曾经达到44.72千米/小时的速度。

    For instance , one of the fastest men alive , Usain Bolt , was noted for having reached the speed of 44.72 kilometers per hour ( 27.79 mph ) in a 100-meter ( 330 ft ) dash .