
  1. 多灰分低热值煤的能源综合利用

    Comprehensive utilize of low calorific value coal with high ash content

  2. 燃用福建无烟煤并掺烧低热值煤矸石循环流化床锅炉的设计研究

    The Design and Study About Circulating Fluidized Boiler Which Used FuJian Anthracite Mixed Low Heat Value Gangue

  3. 往复炉排能适应低热值煤的燃烧,但是炉排片经常烧损。

    The reciprocating-grade is generally adapted in burning lower-grade coals , but its grade bars are frequently damaged by burning .

  4. 本文对往复炉排配蒸汽二次风燃低热值煤的试验情况作了详细介绍。

    This article gives a detailed description about the tests of burning low calorific value coals on a reciprocating-grate stoker with steam jet .

  5. 这其中就包括中煤平朔、华润电力低热值煤项目,这两个项目曾因空气污染遭环保部否决。

    Two of them , proposed by China Coal Pingshuo Group and China Resources Power Holdings , were previously shot down by the ministry due to concerns about air pollution .

  6. 煤矿配套矸石热电厂的综合经济效益和环境保护效益十分显著,但这应该体现在真正燃烧低热值煤矸石的意义之上。

    Low heating value Economic and environmental benefit of auxiliary gangue fired power plant of coal mine is distinct , but the benefit should be attained by the utilization of low heating value gangue .

  7. 结合我国低热值煤应用的实际,研究了煤矸石-石灰-水预处理工艺及预处理浆体脱水和脱水相的再水化。

    In consideration of better application of coal of low heat value in China , the pretreatment process of coal gangue , the dehydration of pretreated pastes and the rehydration of dehydrated phases were studied .

  8. 分析了改烧中低热值煤制燃料气,对燃气轮机通流匹配、一级静叶金属温度以及高温叶片平均寿命的影响。

    Impacts on the throughflow matching , surface metal temperature of the first grade static blade , and also the average working lifetime of the high-temperature blade when the gas turbine is used for coal fuel gas is applied are analyzed .

  9. 采用技术经济方法对煤矸石热电厂利用煤矸石、低热值煤发电及灰渣的综合利用项目进行了探讨,并作出了能耗、水源、环境污染和经济效益评价。

    Gangue thermal power plant utilizing gangue and low calorific coal to generate power and comprehensive utilization of ash and slag are discussed adopting technical and economic method , and energy consumption , water source , environment pollution and economic benefit are evaluated .

  10. 锅炉燃用低热值水煤浆遇到的问题及解决办法加强燃煤管理降低进厂煤与入炉煤热值差

    The problems and solutions of boilers burning low calorific coal water mixture Discussion on strengthening steam coal management and reducing calorific value differentials between factory-incoming coal and furnace-incoming coal