
  • 网络bomb
  1. 氧弹分解ICP-AES法测定煤中砷的应用研究

    Method for the Determination of Arsenic in Coal by ICP-AES with Oxygen Bomb Pre-treatment

  2. 基于氧弹燃烧法原理,利用Matlab可视化编程技术,开发了通用氧弹量热数据处理系统。

    According to the theory of combustion in the oxygen bomb , a universal system was developed for oxygen bomb burning heat by using Matlab language .

  3. 结合环境友好润滑油产品的开发工作,用加压差热扫描示量法(PDSC)研究了菜籽油、双酯、多元醇酯等几种基础油的氧化稳定性,并与旋转氧弹的结果进行了比较;

    The oxidative stability of several base oils of biodegradable lubricants , such as rapeseed oil and three kinds of synthetic esters was evaluated using pressure differential scanning calorimetry ( PDSC ) and the results was compared with that of rotory bomb oxidation .

  4. 氧弹燃烧-离子色谱法测定高分子聚合物的卤素离子

    Determination of halides in macromolecule polymer by oxygen bomb combustion-ion chromatography

  5. 氧弹法测煤中的氯

    The Method of Oxygen Steel Bomb to Determine Chlorine in Coal

  6. 牛顿冷却定律在恒温式氧弹仪冷却校正中的应用

    Application of Newton Cooling Theory in Cooling Emendation of Invariable-Temperatureed Calorimeter

  7. 氧弹燃烧灰化法测定聚丙烯中铁的含量

    Determination of the Iron Content in Polypropylene by Oxygen Bomb Burning Incineration

  8. 用氧弹量热计测定钠与水的反应热

    Determination of the Reaction Heat for Natrium and H_2O in Oxygen Bomb

  9. 用氧弹直接测定糖厂废醪液的发热量。

    Oxygen bomb calorimeter was used to determine calorific value of vinasse .

  10. 用氧弹量热计测定碳酸钙的分解焓

    Determination of the decompound enthalpy of calcium carbonate with oxygen bomb calorimeter

  11. 泥炭和煤中碳和硫的氧弹法连续测定

    Consecutive Determination of Carbon and Sulphur in Peat and Coal

  12. 氧弹燃烧-氢化物发生-原子吸收法测定硫磺中砷

    Determination of trace arsenic in sulphur by HG-AAS after oxygen bomb combustion

  13. 氧弹法测定的硫含量海水生化需氧量测定仪

    Sulfur by bomb method biochemical oxygen demand meter for seawater

  14. 氧弹燃烧-ICP-OES用于柴油标准物质中硫含量的定值

    Determination of Sulfur in Diesel Oil Certified Reference Materials by Oxygen-bomb-combustion ICP-OES

  15. 一种实用的氧弹式热量计测量控制仪的研制

    Development of Practical Measuring-Controlling Equipment of Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter

  16. 高压氧弹内热力学极限状态

    Limit Thermodynamic State in the High Pressur Oxygen Bomb

  17. 燃烧氧弹法测定水泥熟料的理论热耗

    Determination of theoretical heat consumption for cement clinker by oxygen combustion bomb method

  18. 氧弹灰化法快速测定有机物中的硫含量

    Quick Determination of Sulphur Content in Organic Substances by Oxygen Bomb Ashing Method

  19. 国内外氧弹热量计发展现状及建议

    Development Status and Some Suggestions about Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter at Home and Abroad

  20. 恒温式氧弹仪的改进及过氧条件下煤着火性质的研究

    Improve on Invariable Temperature Calorimeter and Study on Coal Ignition with Excessive Oxygen

  21. 氧弹燃烧-电位滴定法测定煤中氯

    Determination of Chlorine in Coal by Combustion Bomb-Potentiometric Titration

  22. 氧弹式热量计测定燃烧焓实验操作条件的改进

    Oxygen-Bomb Calorimeter Enthalpy of combustion experiments improved operating conditions

  23. 氧弹燃烧灰化法测定有机物中磷

    Application of the Oxygen Bomb Ashing to the determination of phosphorus in organic substances

  24. 氧弹燃烧量热法考察添加剂对煤燃烧热值的影响

    Influence of Additive on Caloric Value of Coal

  25. 对于恒温式测热仪来说,一个重要的步骤就是要进行冷却校正,确定氧弹仪的冷却常数和综合常数。

    Ascertaining cooling emendation constants is one important step to performance of a calorimeter .

  26. 恒温式全自动氧弹热量计测热性能检验

    Performance Test of Full - Automatic Calorimeter

  27. 采用烧蚀管试验以及氧弹法对比测试了烧蚀性和燃烧完全性。

    The ablation and burning completeness were tested by erosion tube and oxygen bomb method .

  28. 氧弹热量计热容量测量结果的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty about Indication Error of Measurment on the Heat Capacity of Bomb Calorimeter

  29. 氧弹量热仪测定物质燃烧热值的误差分析燃烧燃料排气测定器

    The error analysis in determination of combustion heat by oxygen bomb combustion fuel gas apparatus

  30. 氧弹分解-双硫腙-四氯化碳褪色光度法测定食品中的碘

    Photometric determination of microamounts iodide in food by oxygen bomb decomposition and oxidation-decoloration of dithizone-CCl_4