
  • 网络hydrogen oxide;HPPO;vhp;VHPS
  1. 研究指出,NaHSO3增强光合速率与减小氧化氢酶、硝酸还原酶活性密切相关,为NaHSO3是光呼吸抑制剂的论点提供佐证。

    And that NaH - SO_3 raise photosynthetic rate is related to the decrease activity of catalase and nitrate reductase , for NaHSO_3 argument of inhibitor of photorespiration offer testimony .

  2. 将其浸入过徉氧化氢及水的溶液中。

    Immerse it in a solution of peroxide and water .

  3. 倒入氧化氢和一些水。

    Fill the bottom of a cup with some hydrogen peroxide and some water .

  4. 镉单独处理、农药单独处理以及镉和农药复合处理能提高氧化氢酶的活性。

    Cadmium alone , chlorpyrifos alone , and combined treatment of cadmium and chlorpyrifos increased the activity of catalase . 2 .

  5. 氧化氢氧化钴中二价钴含量的测定氢氧化钴纳米棒的室温固相化学合成及其表征

    Determination of cobalt ⅱ content in cobalt oxyhydroxide Synthesis and Characterization of Co ( OH ) _2 Nanorods by Solid-state Chemical Reaction at Room Temperature

  6. 方法采用高压液相色谱分析法测定一氧化氢血浆代谢产物亚硝酸根(NO2-)和硝酸根(NO3-)浓度,间接反应体内NO水平;

    Methods Plasma nitrite ( NO 2 - ) and nitrate ( NO 3 - ) levels were measured as an index for endogenous NO using high performance liquid chromatography with an anion exchange column .

  7. 确定了催化氧化氢的钯、镍的最佳电镀工艺和最佳氧化电势范围,分析了钯、镍镀层对氢氧化的催化活性,解释了这两种金属的催化机理。

    The optimum plating processes and the proper oxidation potential range on the coatings of palladium and nickel were determined . The catalytic activity of palladium and nickel on hydrogen oxidation was compared . Finally , the catalytic mechanism of the both coatings was explained sketchily .

  8. 焙烧温度对Au/Fe2O3选择性氧化富氢气体中CO催化性能的影响

    Effect of calcination temperature on CO selective oxidation in H_2-rich gas over Au / Fe_2O_3 catalyst

  9. 通过采用SEM、X射线衍射、化学元素分析、物理分析等技术,系统地研究了稀土镧对氧化钼氢还原的影响。

    The effects of rare earth element La during hydrogenolysis were studied by using SEM , X-ray diffraction and chemical and physical analysis .

  10. 研究了碱金属助剂对Pt/γAl2O3催化剂选择性氧化富氢气氛中CO性能的影响。

    The effects of alkali metal promoters on the catalytic performance of Pt / γ - Al_2O_3 for preferential oxidation ( PROX ) of CO in hydrogen-rich stream were studied .

  11. 已有报道表明CPO可有效地催化氧化去氢、卤化、环氧化等反应,在有机合成、药物中间体的生产等许多领域均有着广阔的应用前景。

    It was reported that CPO has been widely used for catalytic reactions such as dehydrogenase catalyzed oxidation , halogenation , epoxidation . CPO has broad application prospects in some area , such as organic synthesis and the production of drug intermediates .

  12. 消除锡青铜中锡汗缺陷的氧化去氢法初探

    Oxidation Methods of Eliminating the Defect of Stannic Sweat in Bronze

  13. 氧化钨氢还原过程中的物相转变

    The phase transformation of the hydrogen reduction process of tungsten oxides

  14. 氧化钨氢还原过程形貌变化

    The morphology evolution of products during hydrogen reducing tungsten oxide

  15. 稀土镧、钇对蓝色氧化钨氢还原的影响

    Effect of La and Y on Hydrogenolysis of Blue W O xide

  16. 氧化钼氢还原动力学研究

    Study on Kinetics of Hydrogen Reduction of Molybdenum Oxides

  17. 不同氧化钨氢还原制取超细钨粉

    Ultrafine tungsten powder produced from different phase tungsten oxides by hydrogen reduction techniques

  18. 稀土镧对氧化钼氢还原的影响

    Effect of La on hydrogenolysis of Mo oxide

  19. 一氧化碳中选择氧化除氢催化剂的研究

    Selective oxidation of hydrogen contained in carbon monoxide

  20. 三氧化铀氢还原动力学

    The hydrogen reduction kinetics of uranium trioxide

  21. 催化部分氧化法制氢的水碳比控制与探讨

    Control and Discussion on Water-Carbon Ratio

  22. 紫色氧化钨氢还原制取微晶硬质合金用超细钨粉的研究

    A Study on Ultrafine Tungsten Powder Produced for the Ultrafine Hard Metals From Violet Tungsten Oxide by Hydrogen Reduction Techniques

  23. 云母、闪石类矿物脱羟过程中Fe~(2+)的氧化和氢同位素分馏性质的探讨

    Studies of hydrogen isotopic fractionation and oxidation of fe ~ ( + 2 ) during dehydroxylation of micas and amphiboles

  24. 实验结果表明:γ-氧化钨氢还原过程是制取超细钨粉的关键环节。

    The result shows that the process of γ - tungsten oxide deoxidization is the key to produce ultra-fine W powder .

  25. 用共沉淀、浸渍和固相反应3种方法制备了不同钴铬原子比的复合氧化物催化剂,考察了它们的催化氧化四氢萘的性能。

    Complex oxide catalysts with various cobalt vs. chromium atomic ratios were separately prepared by coprecipitation , impregnation and solid reaction methods .

  26. 介绍了过氧化物酶可以催化的四种反应类型:氧化去氢反应、氧化卤化反应、双氧水歧化反应、氧传递反应。

    Four reaction types could be initiated by the peroxidase catalyzed are introduced , such as oxidative dehydrogenation , oxidative halogenation , H 2 O 2 dismutation and oxygen transfer reaction .

  27. 在他的课题中他敦促人们在请愿书上签名要求严格控制或全面禁止一种叫“一氧化二氢”的化学物。有大量好的理由,因为;

    In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical " dihydrogen monoxide . " And for plenty of good reasons , since .

  28. 催化H2O2氧化2,3,4,9-四氢-9-羟基-1,10-蒽醌荧光猝灭法测定痕量砷

    Determination of Trace Arsenic by Fluorescence Quenching Method Based on Catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidizing 2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-9-hydroxy-1,10-anthraquinone

  29. 概括地介绍了近期发表的关于金负载催化剂成功地用于催化CO氧化,乙炔氢氯化,丁烯醛选择加氢,水煤气转换和氮氧化物还原等反应的例子。

    The recent literature concerning oxidation of CO , hydrochlorination of ethyne , selective hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde , water-gas shift reaction and reduction of nitrogen oxides on supported gold catalysts is briefly reviewed in this article .

  30. 该平行催化氢波被用于测定碘酸根离子氧化原子态氢的表现反应速率常数及提高PAP的分析灵敏度。

    The parallel catalytic hydrogen wave was used to obtain the apparent rate constant of the oxidation reaction of atomic hydrogen by iodate ion . Further more , it can improve the analytic sensitivity of PAP .