
  1. 欧洲航天局(ESA)的负责人约翰-迪特里希·韦尔纳已经公布了国际“月球村”的想法,这个计划将联合全世界航天水平先进的国家的力量。

    Head of the European Space Agency , Johann-Dietrich Woerner has revealed ideas for an international ' Moon Village ' that combines the capabilities of space-faring nations around the world .

  2. 努力跟踪世界航天控制先进技术

    Making Great Effects to Track Advanced Technology in Aerospace Control System

  3. 2008年世界航天运载器发展回顾

    Review of the World Launch Vehicles Development in 2008

  4. 二十一世纪将是世界航天活动蓬勃发展的新世纪。

    The 21st century will witness vigorous development of space activities across the world .

  5. 冷战后,世界航天市场竞争格局发生了巨大的变化,国外航天公司兼并重组活动风起云涌。

    After Cold War , the competition structure of the world space market took place the enormous varieties .

  6. 总结了2005年世界航天运输系统研制与进展情况;

    The paper reviews the development and launches of launch vehicles and progress of space vehicles in the world ;

  7. 上述事实均表明中国航天技术已跻身于世界航天先进行列。

    The aforementioned facts all demonstrate that the space technology of China has already ranked among the world 's top level .

  8. 世界航天活动在90年代已经进入商业开发和发展国际合作的新时期。

    In 1990s , space activites in the world began to enter into a new stage of commercial development and international cooperation .

  9. 空间站代表着当今世界航天技术最复杂、最先进、整合程度最高的水平,具有重要的、其他航天器不可替代的作用。

    Representing the most complicated , advanced and integrated level of astronautical technology , Space Station has more important applications than other spacecrafts .

  10. 开发月球资源,建立月球基地已成为世界航天活动的必然趋势和竞争热点。

    Thus , exploring the moon and establishing the moon base has become the inevitable trend of the world space activities and hot competition .

  11. 随着世界航天遥感技术的迅速发展,新的遥感数据源为油气勘探应用研究提供了更多的研究方法和手段。

    Satellite remote sensing technology is developing rapidly worldwide . New sources of the remote sensing data and digital image analysis techniques can be applied to the field of oil and gas exploration .

  12. 进入21世纪以后,世界航天事业继续飞速发展,但其带来的副产品&空间碎片问题也愈发严重,对在轨航天器及航天员造成巨大的威胁。

    The world space industry continue to rapid development since entering the 21st century , but its byproducts - " space debris " problem has become more serious , which threats on-orbit spacecraft and astronaut .

  13. 载人航天技术已经成为世界航天的发展热点,而航天器自主交会对接是载人航天工程中的一项极其关键的技术。

    Manned space flight technology has been the research focus in the world aerospace field , and spacecraft autonomous Rendezvous and Docking ( RVD ) plays a key role in the manned space flight technology .

  14. 世界航天技术发展迅速,全球已有五千多个卫星、飞船、航天飞机、空间站等飞行器进入宇宙空间,进行了越来越多的在轨科学实验。

    With the fast development of space technology , there are more than five thousand flight vehicles in the cosmic space nowadays such as satellites , space shuttles and space stations , in which more and more experiments are carried .

  15. 分析了军事航天力量在未来高技术战争中的地位、作用,以及世界航天大国天军建设的现状,提出了我军建设航天力量的基本思路。

    Based on analysis of the important role of space force in future high technology war , and study on status of space force developing of the main space countries in the world , the main idea to build the space force of our country is presented .

  16. 我国航天要走向世界,航天测控与数据系统体制就要与CCSDS标准接轨。

    If Chinese aerospace techniques want to keep up with the world , the standard of data system must accord with the CCSDS .

  17. Hall推进器具有高效率、高比冲以及高可靠性等优点,自从1970年成功研制以来,已经广泛用于各种实际飞行任务中,成为世界各航天大国电推进装置研究中的热点。

    Due to its high efficiency , high specific impulse , and reliability , Hall thruster has been widely applied in orbit missions and space explorations . It intrigues the world wide interests in the electric propulsion field since it had been successfully developed in 1970 .

  18. 2006年世界航空航天市场展望

    Outlook of Global Aerospace Market in 2006

  19. 世界林业航天遥感进展

    The Recent Development of Space Remote Sensing in Forestry in the World and Its Inspiration

  20. 高超声速滑翔式飞行器具有飞行速度快、突防能力强、打击精度高等特点,已经成为世界航空航天领域的研究热点。

    Hypersonic-Glide Vehicle ( HGV ) has been a hot topic in the aerospace area because of its high speed , good break-defense capability , and well-known attack performance .

  21. 目前世界主要航天国家都已经开展了各自的月球探测计划,我国继成功实现载人航天后,也已经启动了月球探测计划&嫦娥工程。

    Currently many developed countries have begun their own lunar exploration program , following the successful manned spaceflight , China has also launched lunar exploration program-theChang ' e Program .

  22. 高超音速飞行器是二十一世纪世界航空航天领域发展的重点,是继隐身技术之后军事领域内最重要的进展。

    It is very important to develop the hypersonic vehicle in aeronautic and astronautic in 21st century . The hypersonic vehicle is the most important progress following with stealth technology in military domain .

  23. 空间机器人将在人类未来空间活动中发挥重要作用,对空间机器人的研究已经成为世界各国航天技术的研究热点。

    Space robot will play an important role in the future human space activity . The research on space robot has become a research hotspot of aerospace technology in countries of the world .

  24. 高超声速飞行器的开发,是21世纪世界航空航天事业发展的一个主要方向,将给世界军事带来重大变革,形成空天对抗新的焦点。

    Hypersonic craft is a major direction of the 21st century world aerospace development , which will bring significant changes to the world military , and form the new focus of air and space confrontation .

  25. 随着航天技术的发展,深空探测作为一个国家综合国力和科学技术发展水平的重要标志,引起了世界各个航天大国的极大关注。

    With the fast development of space science and technology , deep-space probing , which is regarded as an important mark of nation comprehensive science technique level , have re-focused by each country in 21st century .

  26. 近年来,世界的航天事业尤其是我国的航天事业的发展蒸蒸日上,同时桁架结构在航天工程中应用也越来越广泛。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the aerospace industry in everywhere of the word , especially in China , the truss structure is applied in the aerospace industry more and more widely , too .

  27. 高超声速飞行器是21世纪世界航空航天事业发展的一个主要方向,对国际战略格局、军事力量对比、科学技术和经济社会发展以及综合国力提升等产生重大和深远的影响。

    The development of hypersonic vehicle is a main direction in aeronautics and astronautics in 21 century . It provides impetus to the development of international strategic structure , military force contrast , science and technology , economy and society .

  28. 当今世界主要航天国家致力于在继续完善人造卫星系统种类和提高系统功能的基础上,发展小型卫星,建立新型的网络化综合性航天体系,并建立天基综合信息网。

    Nowadays , on the basis of improving types and functions of satellite systems , the main space countries are dedicated to developing small satellites and establishing new integrated aerial systems and space-based integrated information network , in order to improve aerial efficiency .

  29. 高超声速滑翔式飞行器是世界航空航天事业发展的一个主要方向,国外已经掀起了将其作为远程快速精确打击武器系统平台的研究热潮。

    Hypersonic-Glide Vehicle ( HGV ) has been a major direction in the development of aerospace industry all over the world . There has been a research boom overseas to make HGV a kind of long-range , fast and precise strike weapons system platforms .

  30. 高超声速飞行器是二十一世纪世界航空航天事业发展的一个主要方向,在未来的军事、政治和经济中将发挥重要的战略作用,因此对于飞行器飞行轨迹的优化显得尤其重要。

    In the 21st centuries , Hypersonic Vehicle is a main direction in the development of the aerospace industry and plays an increasingly important role in the military , political and economic fields . Therefore , it has more significance to optimize its skip flying trajectory .