
  • 网络SEGi University;SEGi University College
  1. 时代的发展对大学教学提出了新的要求,教学改革成了2l世纪大学所面临的重要课题。

    The development of the times sets a higher demand on college teaching , so the reform in teaching is an important subject of colleges in the 21 th century .

  2. 介绍语篇分析开始,解释了Hoey的语篇分析理论,并将这一理论应用于教学实践中,分析了《21世纪大学英语》教材中的一篇范文。

    Starting from the introduction of discourse , this paper tries to explain Hoey 's theory of discourse analysis and applies it in the practice of the teaching of a text in 21st Century College English .

  3. 新世纪大学道德教育新理念研究

    Establishing New Ideas on College Ethical Education in the New Century

  4. 成人高职21世纪大学英语教学探讨

    On College English Teaching in Twenty-first Century for High Vocational Adults

  5. 浅议21世纪大学英语课堂教学新模式

    A Brief Discussion on New Teaching Mode of 21st College English

  6. 21世纪大学图书馆远程教育的发展趋势

    Development Trends of Long-distance Education of University Library in 21st Century

  7. 21世纪大学校园生态文化建设的思考

    Considerations on the Construction of College Campus ECO-culture in 21st Century

  8. 新世纪大学校园文化发展的五个趋势

    Five Developing Tendencies of college Campus Culture in the New Century

  9. 21世纪大学英语网络课程开发和应用研究

    Development and Application of Web Course for 21st Century College English

  10. 21世纪大学英语教学模式改革及实践意义

    A Study on the 21st Century 's College English Teaching Pattern

  11. 21世纪大学英语读写教程教学模式的探索

    A Probe into the Eclectic Teaching Model in Teaching Reading Course

  12. 试论新世纪大学图书馆变革的趋势

    On Tendency of Library Reform in College in the New Century

  13. 新世纪大学教师的职责与任务

    The Responsibilities and Tasks of College Teachers in New Century

  14. 21世纪大学武术教师的素质结构

    Quality Constructure of University 's Wushu Teachers In 21 Century

  15. 认知视野中的《21世纪大学英语》的编写特色

    The Characteristics of The 21st Century College English in a Cognitive Perspective

  16. 对新世纪大学校园规划与设计的认识

    The recognition of campus planning and design in New Century

  17. 教育变革中的21世纪大学图书馆

    University Libraries in the 21st Century in the Education Reform

  18. 浅析《21世纪大学实用英语》教材中的修辞手法

    On Rhetorical Methods in 21st Century Practical College English Textbooks

  19. 新世纪大学图书馆建筑的发展方向

    The Tendency of College Library Architecture in the New Century

  20. 新世纪大学德育环境的互动发展研究

    Research on Interaction Development of College Moral Education Environment in New Century

  21. 论新世纪大学精神重塑的文化基础

    On the Cultural Basis for Rebuilding University Spirits in the New Century

  22. 21世纪大学经营的课题&人类经营

    University Management in the 21st Century & Managing Humanity

  23. 21世纪大学图书馆的文献资源共享趋势

    The Developing Trend of Resources Sharing of Academic Libraries in the 21st Century

  24. 21世纪大学英语网络课堂课件的开发

    On the 21 st Century College English Online Class

  25. 21世纪大学体育的使命

    The Mission of University Sports in the 21st Century

  26. 新世纪大学职能理念的探讨

    On Function Ideas of Universities in the New Century

  27. 浅谈《21世纪大学英语》的写作教学

    On teaching writing by using 21st Century College English

  28. 新世纪大学后继续教育课程建设的战略选择

    Strategic Choice of the Course Construction of Education-post graduation in the New Century

  29. 面向21世纪大学英语教学如何走向素质教育

    How Quality-Orientated Education Will Be Put Into College English Teaching in the 21st Century

  30. 21世纪大学图书馆的社会化发展

    Socialization of Academic Libraries in the 21st Century