
  • 网络FIFA;world soccer
  1. 周日,世界足球管理机构国际足联(FIFA)前副主席杰克•沃纳(JackWarner)引用洋葱网(TheOnion)的一篇文章,就腐败指控为自己辩护。他似乎并不知道那是一篇讽刺文章。

    Jack Warner , a former vice president of world soccer 's governing body , FIFA , defended himself against corruption charges on Sunday by citing an article from The Onion , apparently unaware that it was satire .

  2. 他要把中国队搬到世界足球的版图上去。

    Putting China on the map of world soccer .

  3. 世界足球管理机构,即国际足联开始对主席塞普•布拉特(SeppBlatter)进行道德审查程序。这是由于竞选足联主席的对手哈曼(MohamedBinHammam)的煽动。

    The governing body of world football , Fifa , has opened ethics proceedings against its president Sepp Blatter at the instigation of his rival for the Fifa leadership Mohamed Bin Hammam .

  4. 想要赢得世界足球赛赌注是很难的。

    It is hard to win in the world football pool .

  5. 计算结果基于“世界足球等级分”。

    Calculation is based on " World Football Elo Rating " .

  6. 阐述了世界足球发展一体化的趋势;

    And it elaborates the trend of the world football .

  7. 世界足球社会功能的体现更为突出。

    The social function of the world football is outstanding .

  8. 这是一个世界足球都为之羡慕的模式。

    It 's a model that is the envy of world football .

  9. 世界足球领域的巨头们需要认识到问题孰轻孰重。

    The barons of world football need to recognise what is at stake .

  10. 欧洲的足球水平,尤其是防守水平代表着世界足球发展的潮流与方向。

    European soccer level , especial defence level represents the development tendency of world soccer .

  11. 此前,齐达内已在1998年度和2000年度当选世界足球先生,共有142名世界各地的国家教练参与投票。

    Zidane , who also won in1998 and2000 , led a poll of142 national coaches .

  12. 英格兰雄狮一定会站在世界足球之巅。

    The Albion male lion will certainly stand on the peak of football of the world .

  13. 梅西还曾五次获得世界足球先生金球奖的殊荣。

    He has won the Ballon d'Or award for the world 's best player five times .

  14. 世界足球运动发展潮流朝着高强度、高对抗、高速度方面发展。

    World football development trend toward high strength , high against , the high speed development .

  15. 重视强化体能训练已成为当今世界足球运动的共识。

    Paying great attention to fitness training has become the common understanding in the world soccer .

  16. 世界足球-迈向胜利之路

    World Advance Soccer Road to Win

  17. 第18届世界足球锦标赛前场任意球攻守战术分析

    Analysis on the Offensive and Defensive Tactics of Front Region Free Kick in 18th World Soccer Cup

  18. 这位英格兰和曼联的后卫是世界足球的元老。

    England , according to the Manchester United defender , are the nearly men of world football .

  19. 作为职业球员,卡卡的成功随后达到顶峰,他荣膺2006-2007赛季世界足球先生。

    His success as a football player culminated when people selected him2006-2007 World Player of the Year .

  20. 世界足球诸强对比赛节奏十分重视,他们既善于掌握节奏,也会运用节奏。

    World strong teams think highly of the rhythm in football match and put it to use .

  21. 当选2009年世界足球先生的梅西在三个进球中都发挥了重大作用。

    Messi , the world player of the year , who played a key role in three goals .

  22. 世界足球运动管理机构国际足联的一个代表团于本周一开始对英格兰进行为期四天的申办评估。

    A delegation from world football body FIFA arrives on Monday for a four-day visit to assess England 's bid .

  23. 他在影像日记中透露了自己在世界足球先生评选中屈居罗纳尔迪尼奥之后的感受。

    He has already revealed how he felt after finishing behind Ronaldinho in the world player of the year awards .

  24. 切赫同时也是被提名为年度世界足球先生的五名切尔西队员中的一员。

    Cech is also among five Chelsea stars on the shortlist for this year 's FIFA World Player of the year .

  25. 在过去的3年里,这位前欧洲足球先生和世界足球先生什么都没做。

    For the past three years , the former European and World Footballer of the Year has spent his days ' doing nothing .

  26. “他是世界足球的领导者,也应该是反种族主义的先锋,”他对天空新闻说。

    " He is the leader of world football , he has to be a leader in anti-racism ," he told Sky News .

  27. 2008年2月,三届世界足球先生、世界杯史上进球最多球员的罗纳尔多遭受了膝伤困扰,彻底告别整个赛季。

    In February 2008 , the three-time World Player of the Year and all-time leading World Cup scorer suffered a season-ending knee injury .

  28. 依据世界足球运动的发展趋势,认为提高中国足球的运动水平应从青少年抓起。

    According to developing trend of world football , the author thinks that players should be paid special attention to from their childhood .

  29. 认为当今技战术发展的趋势、潮流与动向表明世界足球历史将进入一个新的发展阶段。

    It was held that the tendency of technical and tactical development showed that football of the world will go into a new stage .

  30. 罗也是马上就要评选的法国杂志《法国足球》的世界足球先生和金球奖的夺标大热门。

    C.Ronaldo is also a strong contender to win the FIFA award and the European Golden Ball organized by the French magazine France Football .