
  • 网络WTF;The World Taekwondo Federation;World Taekwondo Federation,WTF
  1. 跆拳道的另一国际性组织是世界跆拳道联合会,简称wtf,是在1973年成立的。

    Another organization , the World Taekwondo Federation ( WTF ) , was created in 1973 .

  2. 1973年,韩国政府认可世界跆拳道联合会(WTF)作为跆拳道运动的合法管理机构,同年举行了首届世界跆拳道锦标赛。

    In1973 , the Korean government recognised the World Taekwondo Federation ( WTF ) as the legitimate governing body of the ort , and the first World Champio hi were held in that year .