
kōng shǒu
  • empty-handed;bare-handed;without a model
空手 [kōng shǒu]
  • (1) [bare-handed]∶徒手,赤手

  • 空手搏熊罴猛兽

  • (2) [empty-handed]∶空着两手;一无所获

  • 他在外边混了几年,但空手而归

  • (3) [without a model]∶指没有参照范本或图样(多用于刺绣、绘画等)

  • 空手扎的花儿

空手[kōng shǒu]
  1. 他的仆人空手而归,对皇上解释说:“殿下,我找不到一百年的鸡蛋,但我可以给你找到一个五十年的鸡蛋。”

    Returning empty-handed , the servant explained , " No hundred-year-old eggs , Master , but I can get you a fifty-year-old egg . "

  2. 比如说,美国游泳运动员菲尔普斯和蜜茜•富兰克林(MissyFranklin)有可能帮助美国获得十几枚金牌,但是万一他们得了流感,结果就是空手而归。

    Two American swimmers , Phelps and Missy Franklin , could help the U.S. win a dozen gold medals , or they could get the flu and leave empty-handed .

  3. 你去看你岳母,可不能空手去。

    You can 't go to see your mother-in-law without taking a gift .

  4. 问问那些四处找寻埃尔多拉多或者失落的Z城却空手而返的探险家,你就知道了。

    Just ask any of the doomed explorers who set off to find El Dorado or the Lost City of Z.

  5. 自行车选手卡文迪什(MarkCavendish)已经空手而归。

    Cyclist Mark Cavendish has come up empty .

  6. Lynette第一次到那里去,她决定不空手而回

    It was Lynette 's first time there , and she was determined not to go home alone .

  7. VF的目标是使零售商的货架上始终有合适的式样和尺码,不让顾客空手而归。

    VF target is make dealer of there are always fit style and dimensionses on the shelf , don 't let customer with bare hands but return .

  8. 毕竟马基奥尼当年曾从通用汽车(GM)的里克•瓦格纳手中生生榨出20亿美元,几乎是空手套白狼地收购了克莱斯勒20%的股权,而且之后一直使菲亚特保持着生机。

    Marchionne is the one , after all , who squeezed General Motors ' Rick Wagoner out of $ 2 billion , acquired 20 % of Chrysler for nothing in 2009 , and has kept Fiat alive against all odds .

  9. 巴巴多斯出生的RB歌手蕾哈娜空手而归,而加拿大流行歌手贾斯汀•比伯获得了与斯威夫特对应的男性大奖&最佳世界舞台奖、以及又一次斩获的最佳流行音乐奖和最佳男歌手。

    Barbados-born RB singer Rihanna went empty handed , while Canadian pop star Justin Bieber matched Swift for the boys and earned Best World Stage , along with repeat wins for Best Pop and Best Male .

  10. 在很大程度上,多亏了这几个小家伙,使得这些劫匪从Doane的家里空手而归。

    The men left Doane 's home empty handed , in large part , thanks to these little ones .

  11. 空手而归的艺人们当中,有不少是初次入围格莱美的新面孔,其中包括流行歌手与唱作人梅根·特莱诺(MeghanTrainor)和霍奇尔,他的真名是安德鲁·霍奇尔-伯恩(AndrewHozier-Byrne)

    Among those who went home empty-handed were a cohort of fresh faces up for their first Grammys . Those included the pop singer and songwriter Meghan Trainor and Hozier , whose real name is Andrew Hozier-Byrne .

  12. 很多人上去找,结果都空手而归。

    Many people have searched , all have returned empty handed .

  13. 我大老远来可不想空手而归。

    I didn 't come this far to leave empty handed .

  14. 我不想让你空手而归

    Well , I just didn 't want you leaving empty-handed .

  15. 又过了半晌,伙计却是空手回来。

    In a little while , the salesman came back empty-handed .

  16. 空手而归的话,代价就太大了。

    Too much has been lost to leave here with nothing .

  17. 高手融资:空手是怎样套白狼的?

    Financing by master-hand : How to get everything with nothing ?

  18. 园户竟打了他,叫他空手回去。

    But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed .

  19. 我们还以为接不到您,空手回家呢。

    We thought we 'd have to go home without you .

  20. 就这样混蛋!你不想空手而归!

    That 's right punk ass ! You don 't want none !

  21. 我想我们是要空手而归了。

    I 'm beginning to think we 're gonna go home empty-handed .

  22. 我不能做的,是空手回去。

    What I can 't do is go back empty-handed .

  23. 你空手而来,也将空手而去。

    You came empty handed and you will go the same way .

  24. 警察命令那个男人空手出来。

    The police ordered the men to come out barehanded .

  25. 不要空手到上主面前去。

    Thou shalt not appear empty in the sight of the Lord .

  26. 西尔弗跑了,他说,但不是空手走的,

    Silver has gone , he told us , but not empty-handed .

  27. 若你聪明的话,就会空手而返。

    If you are wise , you will leave empty-handed .

  28. 好吧,但我们怎么可以空手去弄一辆呢?

    Okay , but how do we get our hands on one ?

  29. 我不能空手去,那样我的公路就没了。

    I can 't go empty-handed . I 'd lose my road .

  30. 空手诱不来老鹰。

    An empty hand is no lure for a hawk .