
kōng yùn
  • air transport;airlift;air freight;airfreight;fly;ferry
空运 [kōng yùn]
  • [air transport;airfreight;airlift] 用飞机或其他航空器运输

空运[kōng yùn]
  1. 试论GATS框架下新一轮空运服务谈判及我国的对策

    The Multilateral Negotiations on Air Transport Services under GATS and Chinese Countermeasures

  2. 国际股票市场与中国空运企业股票海外上市

    International Stock Market and Getting in of China 's Air Transport

  3. 两名伤亡人员已空运到安全地区。

    Two casualties were airlifted to safety .

  4. 资金是空运安全争论中的实质问题。

    Money lies at the heart of the debate over airline safety .

  5. 救济物资正从比萨的一个仓库空运过来。

    The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa .

  6. 货物可通过平寄或空运发送。

    Goods may be sent by surface mail or airmail .

  7. 如果局势变得危急,德国当局将考虑实施空运。

    The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation becomes critical

  8. 英国随时准备把医护人员空运到该国。

    Britain was poised to fly medical staff to the country at short notice

  9. 加西亚总统已经下令空运食品、药物和毛毯。

    President Garcia has ordered an airlift of food , medicines and blankets .

  10. 周四可能会将妇女和儿童空运出去。

    It may be possible to fly the women and children out on Thursday

  11. 福冈与国内其他城市之间有非常便捷的空运和铁路运输系统。

    Fukuoka has excellent air and rail connections to the rest of the country .

  12. 空运在10级大风中进行。

    The airlift was conducted in force ten winds

  13. 美国正在为运送1,200名美国公民的大规模空运做准备。

    The United States is making preparations for a large-scale airlift of 1,200 American citizens

  14. 军队空运转移了为躲避洪水而爬到房顶的群众。

    The army lifted people off rooftops where they had climbed to escape the flooding

  15. 这些直升机是为将士兵和装备快速空运到战场上而设计的。

    The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield .

  16. 伤者被空运送往普雷斯特维克的医院。

    The injured were airlifted to hospital in Prestwick

  17. 其他国家的人,例如巴基斯坦人,正由本国政府空运出境。

    Other nationalities , such as Pakistanis , were being airlifted out by their governments

  18. 他将原型空运到西雷纳姆,向一批高级军官作演示。

    He flew the prototype to West Raynham to demonstrate it to a group of senior officers

  19. 立即组织空运救助遭受水灾的难民。

    An airlift was organized immediately for the relief of the flood victims .

  20. 许多食品包装袋被空运到另一个半球。

    Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth .

  21. 与此同时,我们加紧进行空运。

    In the meantime we pressed on with the airlift .

  22. 这些福橘是刚刚从福州空运过来的。

    These tangerine are transported here by air from Fuzhou .

  23. 在红十字会的保护下,正在空运进医药用品。

    Medical supplies are flied in under the aegis of the red cross .

  24. C邮务人员:你想要寄海运还是空运?

    Clerk : > Do you want to send it by sea or air ?

  25. 基于SVM的航空兵空运转场载机架次预测研究

    Research of Aerial Soldier Air Transportation Field Loader Forecast Based on SVM

  26. 年,UPS开始了美国与六个欧洲国家之间的国际空运服务。

    In1985 UPS started international air service between the United States and six European countries .

  27. UPS快递中心〃是配备了职员的零售运输服务点,在那里您可以获得处理任何国内或国际空运和陆运UPS文件或包裹货件的帮助。

    UPS Express Centres are staffed retail shipping outlets where you can get help with any domestic or international air and ground UPS document or package shipment .

  28. CNC机床操作人员用加工任务指示器指示机床的运动部件和刀具,在完成加工过程空运转及试切的同时自动生成数控码。

    The CNC machine tool operator controls the moveable parts of machine tools and cutting tools , and the indicator will automatically generate NC codes at the same time of finishing the idle motion and test cutting .

  29. 然后在空运转和实际工作条件下,拾取振动信号,分别建立DDS模型。

    Then , under both idling and actual working conditions , signals of vibration in time domain have been picked up , through which DDS model can be established by computer programme .

  30. 受2002年生物恐怖袭击的影响,任何进口食物到美国的进口商在其进口食品通过陆运,空运或海运到达美国前都需要通知FDA。

    Under the Bioterrorism Act of2002 , anyone importing food into the United States is required to notify the FDA of the shipment before it arrives by land , air or sea .