
  • 网络Spatial imagination;spatial ability
  1. 插图有助于空间想象能力低的读者理解重要概念以及整合有关信息。

    ( c ) pictures can help the readers with low spatial ability to comprehend important concepts and integrate related information .

  2. 通过其交互式呈现的3D对象技术,培养学习者的空间想象能力;

    Raising the ability of space imagination with 3D object technology that presents interactively ;

  3. 传统绘图方式如CAD需要很强的机械工程方面的知识,而且平面图的绘制和阅读还需要很强的空间想象能力。

    Traditional drawing methods , such as CAD , need a strong knowledge of mechanical engineering , and diagram drawing and reading also need a strong space imagination .

  4. 培养空间想象能力的教法探索

    Exploration of the Teaching Methodology in Fostering Students ' Spatial Imaginative Ability

  5. 工程制图教学中如何培养学生空间想象能力

    Development of students ' power of space imagination in Engineering Drawing Teaching

  6. 立足知识点发展空间想象能力

    Developing Three-dimension Imaginative Ability on the Basis of Knowledge Point

  7. 充分利用多媒体技术培养学生空间想象能力&对工程制图多媒体教学的几点探讨

    Fully using multi-media technique to cultivate students ' imagination

  8. 略论计算机辅助中学生数学空间想象能力培养

    How to Cultivate the Mathematical Imagination Ability of Middle School Students with Assistance of Multimedia Computer

  9. 中学生地理空间想象能力现状分析与培养策略研究

    Research on Training Strategy and Current Status Analysis of High School Students ' Geography Spatial Imagination

  10. 传统的数学能力结构把数学的基本能力分为计算能力、空间想象能力和抽象思维能力。

    The traditional classification of basic mathematical abilities is calculating ability , space imaginative power and abstract thought .

  11. 用投影变换来帮助学习者培养空间想象能力是学习中必用的手段和方法。

    It is necessary to learn the method of using projection transformation to train people the ability of spatial imagination .

  12. 然后,以问卷调查和访谈的方式对中职学生空间想象能力和立体几何的教学现状进行了分析。

    The current teaching status of both imagination ability and solid geometry are analyzed through questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers .

  13. 即空间想象能力和问题表征能力强的学生可以很好的理解描述异面直线性质的关键,而这种发展反过来又可以提高问题表征能力。

    The students with high spacial imaginative ability and characterization ability will better understand the concept which will in turn increase characterization ability .

  14. 研究结果表明:1.学生的空间想象能力与物质结构知识的学习显著相关。

    The results of the study showed : 1 . Students ' space imagine ability and learning material structure knowledge is significant relevant .

  15. 利用立体模型来帮助学生培养空间想象能力是工程图学教学中常用的手段和方法。

    It is a common means to help students to cultivate the spatial imagining ability in engineering graphics teaching by using spatial model .

  16. 立体几何是中学阶段的重要课程,在培养学生的空间想象能力、抽象思维能力等方面具有重要意义。

    Solid geometry is important in middle school , it has significant function to cultivate students ' spatial imagination ability and abstract thinking ability .

  17. 数学学业能力包括运算能力、逻辑思维能力、空间想象能力,在中小学基础教育中占有重要地位。

    Mathematical academic ability includes computing power , logical thinking and spatial imagination . It plays an important role in basic education of primary and secondary .

  18. 第二章介绍几何学简史和对空间想象能力和几何教学研究的现状进行了综述。

    In the second chapter , it tells the brief history of geometry and summarizes the current situation of space imagination ability and the study on geometry teaching .

  19. 本文从作图的基本规则、基本作图方法等方面介绍了作图教学的方法,对学生学习立体几何和教师培养学生的空间想象能力提供参考。

    This paper introduces the teaching methods of charting based on basical rules and methods of charting , which can give some reference to training students ' charting capability .

  20. 立体几何是中等职业学校(简称:中职)数学的经典内容,学生的空间想象能力的培养一直是立体几何教学的核心内容,也是决定教学成败与否的关键。

    Solid geometry is a classic curriculum in Mathematics . The education of spatial imagination ability is a key to the system of Mathematics curriculum in Secondary Vocational School .

  21. 提出了如何根据投影特点,做出类似或实形(长)投影,加快识图和作图过程,提高其空间想象能力。

    This text related how to make the similar or solid projection according to the projection characteristics , and how to educate the space to think the elephant ability .

  22. 是在数学学习的过程中,培养学生的空间想象能力和逻辑思维能力以及研究问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。

    ( Two ): In the math 's studying course bringing up student envision ability and logic thinking ability and researching ability and analyzing ability and settling problem of ability .

  23. 介绍了作者在工程图学课程教学中为培养提高学生空间想象能力而采取的一些有效的方式方法。

    Accordingly , this paper describes some effective means and ways adopted by the authors to foster and improve students ' spatial imaginative ability in the teaching practice of project drawings .

  24. 通过对学生运算能力、逻辑思维能力、空间想象能力的培养,来提高学生综合能力,以适应当前教育改革的需要。

    By developing students ' calculating ability , logic thinking ability , space imagination , the auther improves students ' comprehensive ability so as to meet the need of education reform .

  25. 帮助学生加深对机械制图课内容的深入理解,培养空间想象能力和空间思维能力,是实现自主学习的有效途径。

    Helps the student to deepen to the mechanical drawing class content thorough understanding , raises the spatial imagination ability and the space power of thought that realizes the independent study efficient path .

  26. 培养提高学生的空间想象能力是培养学生绘制与识读工程图样能力的需要,也是培养学生创新能力的一条重要途径。

    Fostering and improving students ' spatial imaginative ability is the requirement of developing students ' drawing and reading project drawings , which is also an important way to develop students ' innovation ability .

  27. 引导女生学会观察,培养女生的空间想象能力、逻辑思维、发散思维和创造能力。第五,加强男生数学阅读能力。

    Guide girls to learn to observe and cultivate students ' ability of space imagination , logical thinking , divergent thinking and creativity . Fifth , strengthen the boy students ' reading ability in mathematics .

  28. 研究证实,通过实物与模型教学,识图与画图训练等教学措施能有效提高课堂教学效果,达到培养学生空间想象能力的目的。

    Research proves , through the visual and teaching model , knowledge chart and drawing training teaching measures could effectively improve the effect of classroom teaching and cultivating students ' ability to think the purpose of space .

  29. 几何的重要性在于它的教育价值,几何有助于发展演绎推理,培养与发展学生的逻辑思维能力和空间想象能力,以及培养良好的思维习惯。

    The importance of geometry lies in its education value , geometry contribute to the development of deductive reasoning , train and develop students ' logical thinking and spatial imagination ability , as well as to develop good thinking habits .

  30. 中职数学教学的目的是培养中职学生的基本运算能力、基本计算工具使用能力、数形结合能力,发展学生的空间想象能力、指导学生掌握并应用在他们未来实际工作中所需要的数学知识。

    Mathematics teaching in secondary vocational schools aims to develop students ' basic computing abilities , number and shape abilities as well , cultivate students ' spatial imagination abilities , and guide students to grasp the needed mathematics in their coming practical career .