
  1. 实现了一种基于图形处理器的单步光线投射算法,并在此基础上提出了一种基于空间跳跃技术的光线投射算法,以实现加速。

    A single-pass ray-casting algorithm is developed based on GPU ( graphics processing unit ), and on the basis of this algorithm an accelerated algorithm is proposed based on space leaping technique .

  2. 经过遮挡查询和空间跳跃技术的加速,该方法取得了较快的绘制速度。(4)针对目前传输函数设置的种种不便,提出一种基于体直方图的传输函数自动生成算法。

    With occlusion query and space skipping technology , a higher rendering speed is realized . ( 4 ) An auto-generation algorithm of transfer function based on volume histogram is given aiming at the inconveniences of existing transfer function .