
  • 网络LUMO;empty orbitals;HUMO;low-lying empty orbital;LUMD
  1. 研究表明,在初次循环过程中,BS具有较低的最低空轨道能量,优先于溶剂在石墨电极上还原分解,并形成固体电解质相界面膜(SEI膜)。

    The results indicate that BS has lower LUMO energy than the solvents and is reduced prior to solvent compositions of the electrolyte on graphite electrode , forming a stable solid electrolyte interface ( SEI ) film during the first cycle .

  2. 结果表明:P原子净电荷QP、电荷密度、分子的最低空轨道能ELUMO与缓蚀率有较好的相关性。

    The results showed that the rate of corrosion inhibitors had the better relativity with electric charge of P 、 charge density 、( E_ ( LUMO )) of the molecular .

  3. 复合后部分聚苯胺红外吸收峰发生移动,这是由于聚苯胺内氮原子孤对电子和苯醌结构中的π电子向Sn原子空轨道转移造成的。

    It was confirmed that transfer of lone pair electron on N atom and л electron on benzene ring and quinone ring to Sn 's 5d empty orbit lead to the shift of absorption peak of PANI ;

  4. Ce-O键之间以共价性为主。CeO2中4f空轨道的存在,使电子储存容易。

    It is mainly covalent bond between Ce and O. 4f empty track of existence in CeO2 makes it easy to store electron .

  5. 当H原子和形成π键的原子相连时,π成键轨道和π反键轨道与H原子的2p空轨道相互作用,组成新的分子轨道,这样的结构称为π→p共轭体系。

    The reciprocity between the orbits of π bond and π anti bond and the empty 2p orbit of the atom H build new molecular orbits when atom H connects the π bond atom . Such as structure called π→ p conjugate system .

  6. 标准的UEF拦截机,飓风是一个装备有对空轨道枪的灵活,机动的战斗机。

    The standard UEF Interceptor , the Cyclone is a fast , maneuverable craft that sports linked Anti-Air Railguns as its armament .

  7. 应用次最低空轨道能研究硝基芳烃的生物活性

    The Study on Biological Activities of Nitroaromatic Compound Using Quantum Chemistry Descriptor of Next Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital

  8. 在空轨道区和混合价区,振荡的周期是磁通量子Φ0。

    More specifically , the period is of the flux quantum Φ 0 in the empty-orbital and mixed-valence regimes .

  9. 这使得轨道系统不稳定,外一层轨道的电子会迅速跃迁到内层空轨道上,填补空穴。

    This makes the system of orbitals unstable and an electron from an orbital further out rapidly fills the hole .

  10. 脱卤反应的速率决定于电子转移的难易,与最低的碳卤反键σ空轨道的能级高度相关。

    The rates of dehalogenation arc found to be dependent on the ease of electron transfer and the energy level of antibonding MO of C-X bond .

  11. 因此,建立一个对轨道动力学准确仿真,并能进行地面测控分析的系统是很有必要的。本文首先研究了深空轨道动力学仿真模型的建立。

    Therefore , designing a system which can be simulated for orbit dynamics and analyzed for ground telemetry is very necessary . Firstly , the space orbit dynamics model is explored .

  12. 本文结合实际课题,对轨道动力学理论、深空轨道动力学仿真以及测控仿真进行了详细研究。

    The orbit dynamics theory , deep space orbit dynamics simulation and TT & C ( Tracking Telemetry and Command ) simulation are detailedly researched combined with actual project in this paper .

  13. 普适变量法在深空探测器轨道设计中的应用

    Application of Universal Variables to Designing Deep-Space Probe Orbit

  14. 对欧空局轨道碎片模型的评价

    A review of orbital debris modeling in Europe

  15. 贵金属中的铂由于具有未充满的空d轨道而具有优良的催化活性、稳定性及长使用寿命。

    The atomic configuration of the platinum has excellent catalytic activity , stability and long service life because of the not been filled empty d orbit .

  16. 计算结果表明,太阳帆光学性能的退化对总推力、特征加速度和光压数的演化不可忽视,高精度深空探测轨道的设计要考虑空间环境因素。

    The results suggest that the optical degradation of solar sails can not be neglected in studying the evolution of total propulsion , characteristic acceleration and lightness number . The role of space environment must be included in high-precision trajectory design of deep-space missions .

  17. 但和硼里面有个空的p轨道不同,我们实际上有一个电子,在碳里p轨道里也有电子。

    But unlike the case with boron where we had an empty p orbital , we 're actually going to have an electron in the p orbital of carbon as well .

  18. 以欧空局重复轨道的ERS-1/2数据为例,论述了星载SAR干涉测量生成DEM过程中的关键技术及其实现。

    Two key technologies on resolving DEM generation with space-borne SAR interferometry are described , taking ERS - 1 / 2 data for example .

  19. 由于锡原子具有空的d轨道,所以可以接受来自N、S、O等原子的孤电子对而形成化合物。

    Owing to its vacant d atom orbit , the center tin atom is able to accept single electron pair form such donor atoms as oxygen , nitrogen or sulfur to form new compounds .

  20. 在此基础上,针对深空导航的轨道确定过程中可能存在的初始估计信息误差较大、状态及量测误差不服从高斯分布等问题,将UPF(unscentedparticlefilter)引入到导航方案中。

    On this basis , the Unscented Particle Filter ( UPF ) is introduced to the navigation scheme to overcome the shortcomings of large initial estimation errors and non-Gaussian distribution of the state or measurement errors that may exist in the determination of the deep space orbit .

  21. 充分利用这些相流的特性,可用来指导深空探测器的轨道设计,得到能量消耗更少的探测器飞行轨道。

    These properties can be utilized to obtain spacecraft trajectories that have less fuel consumption in the mission design process .

  22. 针对小推力深空探测四维轨道优化设计,给出了一种组合优化算法,采用该算法基于二体模型进行了深空探测四维轨道全局优化。

    The4D flight trajectory of a space probe is globally optimized by a combinatorial algorithm of trajectory optimization based on a two-body model of low-thrust space exploration .

  23. 提出一种探测器地月空问转移轨道分层次搜索算法,该方法快捷有效,可为探测器轨道设计,特别是深空探测器轨道设计提供参考。

    The step by step searching method which is used to obtain the accurate cislunar transfer trajectory is provided . The method is fast and effective , which can provide references to the trajectory design for the probe , especially for the deep-space probe .

  24. 要按计划将深空探测器送入预定轨道,完成探测任务,首先要建立准确的深空探测轨道动力学数学模型并对该模型进行仿真。

    In order to send a deep space detector to preconcerted orbit and complete exploration task , an exact mathematical model of deep space exploration orbit dynamics must be built firstly and be simulated later .